Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School


Governance Committee Meeting


Date and Time

Tuesday January 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM


Committee Members Present

EJ Lafleur (remote), LATRINA DENSON (remote), Shino Pichette (remote), Vanessa Ford (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Azizah Yasin

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

LATRINA DENSON called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Jan 23, 2024 at 7:12 PM.


Approve Minutes

Will do next time. Slight mistake on the minutes that were added to the agenda. Next meeting we will approve minutes from Oct, Dec, Jan. 

II. Governance


DESE Feedback on PVPA revised bylaws (12.2023)

Maybe a couple people should go through everything in detail. 


  • DESE shared that no current set of bylaws contains a glossary. It would be appropriate to define any unusual terms within the bylaws where the term is introduced.
    • We as the gov committee think this is fine. 
  • They recommend doing a big overhaul to remove redundancies from our bylaws and evaluate the organization of the document. They said that they recommended this type of review in 2017 and the board chose not to do it at that time. 
    • Gov Committee thinks doing this revamp is a good idea at this time. 
    • We should have a lawyer be involved. Is Wheatly the right person? 

We reviewed this section from DESE:


There are several redundancies and an unclear organization of ideas across sections 2.2 and 2.3. Thebylaws would greatly benefit from cleaning up these sections for clarity. E.g., statements in both 2.2 and 2.3 about role as employer of head of school, non-discrimination statement in 2.3 rather than a separate provision, redundancies in 2.3 with state ethics/conflict of interest provisions. Section 2.3 also merges individual obligations as special state employees with the responsibilities of the board as a state public body. It would benefit from separating the individual obligations from the collective board obligations.

- We struggled with clarity. 

- Maybe a better idea to have a few of us dig through all this and return to the gov committee with details. Latrina, Shino, and hopefully Azizah will review this. We want Azizah's legal experience! 


What are the priorities in the changes? 



Feedback/ Debrief on December Recruitment Events and Actions for Follow-up

Recruitment Convo went first on the agenda. 


It went well. People know who the board is. It would be good to reach more people. We were able to connect with friends of family too, which was helpful. It was pitched to some parents of seniors, who at first thought it wouldn't make sense to do after their kids graduate. But then they seemed to maybe consider it after talking to us - about how it could be super rewarding to be involved with the board even after their kids graduate. Vanessa's flyers were on point. It was also great to see all the work and positivity that the students bring (at the visual art showcase). Helpful to show people who we are. It was a draw that there was food offered at the event. 


If we were to do something similar in the future, what are some things we could improve on? 

- It might be helpful to have some kind of give away. Maybe WE provide food, or some kind of swag give away, or some kind of raffle. If there's a raffle, then we would get their email and follow up with them. To get into the raffle, they would fill out a little thing with their info. 


Other outreach efforts?

- Maybe we should also be doing an announcement. Maybe in the local papers? The Friday Bulletin is not read so much anymore, but it couldn't hurt. Shino will follow up. 

- Maybe an announcement on PVPA's social media. Do we want to create a Trustees social media presence? Maybe rather than our own social media, could we contribute somehow to the PVPA account? They already have an audience, so we could be adding to that. Maybe we share Vanessa's flyer on social media. Increasing our presence there could help people know about us next time we recruit in person. Maybe a board member can be an administrator of the PVPA Account. We should check with Brent about this. Vanessa will follow up with Brent about this. 


We have one new member signed up on the interest form. Shino and Latrina will do follow up together (Shino will initiate). 


Updates on board membership approval

The only issue that came up last time was a resume for one of the students. She is working on it - her first resume! 

Couple updates about what we should tackle in future meetings:


We should start thinking about the summer retreat. We definitely want to plan in advance to ensure there is a date that works for everyone. We should start with the date!! Maybe aim for July. There will be new members in the summer. There will be likely at least three current members who will be done with their terms in June, so won't be at the retreat. 


We should also start the next ad hoc committee for the strategic action committee. Last time it took 2 years to do the ground work for generating a plan, so we'll need to start that soon. 

-- Last time the committee was David Potter, Shino Pichette and Loris Bjorkman-Joslyn. And there were multiple large community forums. 


Maybe the summer retreat can focus on the Strategic Action Plan. 


The Governance Committee should ensure that the board is monitoring the SAP. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

EJ Lafleur made a motion to adjourn.
LATRINA DENSON seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
EJ Lafleur
Azizah Yasin
Vanessa Ford
Shino Pichette
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shino Pichette