Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School


Governance Committee Meeting

December 18 Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Azizah Yasin (remote), EJ Lafleur (remote), LATRINA DENSON (remote), Shino Pichette (remote), Vanessa Ford (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

LATRINA DENSON called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School to order on Monday Dec 18, 2023 at 7:07 PM.


Read Mission Statement

Latrina read the mission statement. 


Approve November Governance Meeting Minutes

EJ Lafleur made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 11-28-23.
Azizah Yasin seconded the motion.

No discussion.

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
EJ Lafleur
Azizah Yasin
Vanessa Ford
Shino Pichette

II. Governance


Additional updates regarding By-Laws

Shino emailed DESE and requested a meeting in the new year. We shouldn't expect any info before the new year. 


Review of new policies presented by Head of School

N/A. Brent didn't have any to bring.


Finalize Plans for Recruitment on December 21st

More information should be requested of Martin. Latrina will get details about the agenda of the event. 


It's not going to be a very formal event. There won't even be a time when everyone makes announcements. Mostly people will just be walking around in the auditorium. Latrina and Vanessa would like to make an announcement to the group, just briefly. [Brent confirmed, when he joined, that there will be some time to make announcements.]


Name tags are a great idea, so people know who we are. 


Latrina shared Vanessa's flier. 


Brent joined the meeting at 7:17pm. 


We love the flier! The energy is great! The number of students represented is great. We recommend bringing the picture up a bit so we see more students and less of the background. Less info is great, as you have it. Wonderful job, Vanessa!!! 


Where does the link go? To the PVPA website Trustees Page. There is not enough information on the website. We need to put a link there where people who are interested can let us know. 

--- "We seek new trustees with experience in the performance and visual arts, diversity, equity and inclusion, finance, law, education, board engagement, HR and labor relations, IT, community engagement, restorative practices and social justice, and more. If you are interested in joining the board, please complete this form and we will be in touch with you."


Can we add something to the website about what the board does? 

-- "The Board of Trustees serves the role of a School Board." or 

-- "The PVPA Board of Trustees is the governing body of PVPA, implementing and supporting the school's mission and vision." 

Brief is good. 


We also want this to be a call to serve, in all the ways that are available - through the Friends of PVPA, and being committee members. Let's be super aware of that when recruiting. 


When can most people arrive to the event on Thursday? 6:30pm. 


We need to update Board on Track so that the DOCUMENTS section is no longer outdated. 


Some meetings are still out of compliance with Open Meeting Law. We need to be sure not to edit agendas prior to meetings, after the deadline. 


Vanessa will send the flier to Brent, who will ensure that the fliers are printed before the event. Thanks Brent! Likely only to print 75 for now. 

Have we ever thought about having profiles of our trustees on the website? We could format it like the staff directory. That could help people understand who we are as a board, with head shots and such. A super brief profile. 


Maybe we could do a google form. How would we help people do headshots? We can be pretty lax about it. Latrina can prep that form for next board meeting, after the holidays. 

III. Other Business


Select January 2024 Meeting Date and Time

Tuesday, Jan 23 at 7pm.


Tuesday, Feb 27 at 7pm. 


Tuesday, March 26 at 7pm.


Circle back to April.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Shino Pichette made a motion to adjourn.
Vanessa Ford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
EJ Lafleur
Shino Pichette
Vanessa Ford
Azizah Yasin
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shino Pichette