Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School


Governance Committee Meeting

November 28, 2023 Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Committee Members Present

Azizah Yasin (remote), EJ Lafleur (remote), LATRINA DENSON (remote), Shino Pichette (remote), Vanessa Ford (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Brent Nielsen (remote), David Potter (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

LATRINA DENSON called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Nov 28, 2023 at 7:06 PM.


Read Mission Statement

Azizah read the mission statement. 


Approve June 20th Governance Meeting Minutes

We'll approve the Oct minutes at the next meeting. The June 20 minutes were already approved. 

II. Governance


Discussion: Review last month's priorities the 2023-2024 discussion

Any additional thoughts from the discussion we started last time, regarding Governance Committee priorities from the year? 


Recruitment being a big focus! 

-- Let's continue with the idea of trying to get folks to come to PVPA to see what they would be working to support while being on the board. 

-- The dance showcase was amazing a couple weeks ago and was a great way to get people to PVPA in the way we think will be useful. 

-- There's a play and an art pop up coming soon. Maybe we could try to piggy back on the momentum of what's already happening to do something board recruitment related. Maybe we could table at an event? But space is TIGHT. Might be hard to fit a whole table. Maybe we could do a sign and small fliers on a table that is already there for concessions? 

----- Brent notes that it is common that there are fliers with information out. 

-- Maybe we do a small reception prior to a performance? 

-- (It's important for trustees to show up to performances as much as possible, to be engaged in the school.) 

-- It can be helpful to set a date for new trustee interest and evaluate people at the same time. Maybe we set a date and then set a new date immediately. Don't want to push the date too much because we are in need of new members. 

-- The art pop up might be a good time for this because people are coming and going throughout. December 21 (Thursday) is the art pop up. 


What info would we want on a flier: 

PVPA Board of Trustees is looking for new members! 

Are you interested in contributing to the something.... catching people's interest! 

Include the areas of expertise in: 

The PVPA board guides the mission of the school. (or say something like that)

If you know anyone who has expertise or interest, please help spread the word! 

QR code - to the PVPA Website

---- Vanessa volunteered to draft a flier


Note: Thom Vreeland can update the website, but also maybe the board can update boardontrack which will show from the PVPA website. 


TLDR: The Board will try to attend the Art Pop Up on Dec 21 to recruit new members. Vanessa is taking charge of a flier. 


Brent notes: There is a part of the SAP that discusses the board being more present at events. So this would work well into the SAP. 


Discussion regarding By-Law Update

Should we include HOS and CFO in the ByLaws even though DESE strongly discouraged us from included them as members of the board. 


- Shino asked Brent if he would be willing to share his thoughts. He shared that he thinks it would be important to mention the HOS and CFO in the bylaws somewhere. Their participation isn't necessarily written anywhere. It should be mentioned that the school leader is expected to attend, because what if the school leader just decided not to... we should have something to clearly communicate the expectation. 


- In the past we have always explicitly invited our ex officio members to executive session, they didn't assume involvement without the invitation. 


- If we articulate somewhere that only voting members are invited into executive session - would this address the concern? 


- Does "member" assume participation in executive session? There is some concern about teachers and students then with that term. They could be "representatives", not members. Make their role plain and simple to understand, clear. It's not a downgrade from "membership", it is just a clarification of expectations for their role. We will still get their input as representatives. 


- We want to be sure there is an assumption that the head of school and CFO are always present. Seems like Ex Officio. 


Shino notes that these changes can be made in the next version of the bylaws before formal approval. DESE is already working on feedback from the last draft we gave. But Shino will email DESE about these ideas in the meantime. 


Review of new policies presented by Head of School

Brent will start bringing new policies next month. 


Strategic Action Plan Committee Work

III. Other Business


Select December Meeting Date and Time

Dec 18 at 7pm. 


For next meeting: 

- we need a mock up of the flier. 

- ideas of people to invite to the art pop up to recruit to the board. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

EJ Lafleur made a motion to adjourn.
Vanessa Ford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Azizah Yasin
EJ Lafleur
Shino Pichette
Vanessa Ford
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shino Pichette