Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School


Governance Committee October 2023 Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM


REMOTE: Zoom link -

Committee Members Present

Azizah Yasin (remote), EJ Lafleur (remote), LATRINA DENSON (remote), Shino Pichette (remote), Vanessa Ford (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

Azizah Yasin

Committee Members who left before the meeting adjourned

Shino Pichette

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

LATRINA DENSON called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Oct 24, 2023 at 7:10 PM.


Read Mission Statement

Latrina read the mission statement. 


Approve June 20th Governance Meeting Minutes

EJ Lafleur made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Governance Committee Meeting on 06-20-23.
Vanessa Ford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Shino Pichette
Vanessa Ford
Azizah Yasin
EJ Lafleur

II. Governance


Discussion: Priorities For The 2023-2024

Discussed ByLaw Updates first. 


Maybe we should: 

- Work on developing guidelines about how trustees engage in meetings / discussion. Like community guidelines about how we conduct our work. This could be something our committee drafts and brings to the board for feedback. 

- Focus on board recruitment!!!! We need to ensure we have enough members and options for officers in the future. We're also below our mandated minimum. 

---- How do we recruit? Friday Newsletter, local newspapers, word of mouth, 

---- Azizah wonders if we should have a recruiting reception of some kind. It would be just mixing and mingling, that could help bring people in and give them a sense of who we are. EJ notes that maybe rather than calling it a "recruitment" thing, it could be called something with a bit less pressure, maybe "networking" or something else. We could coordinate it with another fun activity. Azizah mentioned it might be a good idea to do a tour of the school. There are some people who volunteer really for the kids, and showing the space can really excite people. Aim for 25-50 people to attend. Maybe the Friends of PVPA could coordinate with us too. 

---- Shino will also send out the 1-pager for recruitment to the committee members. 

---- Do we try to recruit alumni? It might be worth focusing on some of that recruitment. Maybe handwritten letters to folks for anyone we don't know personally. Frank and Martin and Gary might be great resources. Who are the people that came to the anniversary? Those might be helpful folks to reach out to. 

Shino Pichette left at 7:40 PM.


ByLaw Updates Discussion

Shino gave update. ByLaws have been sent to DESE for provisional approval. She had sent the version to the full board so everyone could review it - no one had specific comments. 

Azizah Yasin arrived at 7:14 PM.


Review of new policies presented by Head of School



Strategic Action Plan Committee Work

Goal 1: Prioritize PVPA’s mission in every aspect of the school community.
Objective 1.1: Maintain a Director of Arts and a Director of Academics as key leadership

Objective 2.1: Clearly define leadership positions, roles, and responsibilities in a
solidified organizational and leadership structure and share this openly with the greater
PVPA community.


Goal 2: Improve transparency and increase the use of inclusive, collaborative decision-making.
Objective 2.1: Clearly define leadership positions, roles, and responsibilities in a
solidified organizational and leadership structure and share this openly with the greater
PVPA community.


Strategic Action Plan that we would like to work on as a governance

GOAL 4: Improve overall effectiveness of the Board, through consistent communication,
community engagement, and increased Board accountability for promoting, protecting, and
ensuring PVPA’s mission of academic excellence.


It is recommended that we create a timeline and or excel sheet based on the tenure of the board prior to elections.


Revitalize the DEI Committee in collaboration with the Brent, faculty, staff, students. We will research out to see how do we bring committees which no longer exist back.



III. Other Business


Confirm Monthly Meeting Time

The committee will meet the 4th  Tuesday of each month. Except December, which we will decide at the Nov. Meeting. 

The next meeting will be November 28th.





IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Moved to adjourned by Vanessa Ford 

Second by Azizah Yasin.

Meeting is adjourned at 8:10pm

Vanessa Ford made a motion to Moved that meeting is adjourned.
Azizah Yasin seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Shino Pichette
EJ Lafleur
Vanessa Ford
Azizah Yasin
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,