Pharos Academy Charter School


BLCS September 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 21, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Bronx lighthouse Charter School

Trustees Present

B. Thompson (remote), E. DeGonzalez, J. Lopez-Molina, N. Jones, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

H. Mehreteab, R. Granado

Guests Present

A. Duggins, Dr. Barry, J. Finney, L. Harris, M. Dorsey, M. Rousseau, T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Sep 21, 2017 at 6:41 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to approve minutes BLCS August 2017 Board Meeting: August 17, 2017 on 08-17-17.
E. DeGonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

no comments

III. Board Governance


Board Governance

Virtual meeting executive commitee: 
Reviewed a few things: meeting of boardshares in Tampa (Evelyn and Javier attending) 
Academic Committee Meeting: 
1) Create executive dashboard, help making decisions around academics 
    - Comparison to last year; comparison to other schools in network
        - State tests - can compare to Metro 
         - not a lot of mid year 
    - Pieces of data - graduation rate
   - Long term metrics vs. short term metrics

Alix commented on individualized data or metrics that are helpful to her but hard to digest at a higher level 

Dr. Barry commented on a few LHA data points that may be helpful. What are the data elements 
NWA fall, winter, spring (writ score) test results (can measure growth)
Interim assessments - what teachers are getting 60% or above in certain areas, arrange for those teachers to go to those classrooms (only for 3-8)
How much each school is progressing 
Bottom quartile to 3rd or higher quartile 
Short term - neutral to subject, skills for 9-12
Alix discussed end of quarter
High schools compared to other LHA and other NYC 
Pass/Fail rate
Internal benchmarks to be decided by Alix

School Culture committee 
- confusion with attire 
- creating committees that seniors wanted 

1) Long term data   
2) Short term metrics (including skill sets)

IV. Principal's Report


BLCS K-8 Principal's Report

August test scores: 
City ELA 41%, state Math was 40%, ELA 35%, Math 30% (moved from 17% to 35%, closing in on city average)
At or above city average, for 5 year renewal (or 3 year renewal).  We will always beat district schools, but want 5 year renewal. 
Offer chess, fencing, art K-8, music (bringing arts back, but break classes up)

Playworks - recess for social/emotional learning


BLCS 9-12 Principal's Report

Promotion rate decreased slightly.  Regents Test results for bio and english looked good. 

A lot more involvement in clubs (math clubs!) Culture is changing for the positive, mascot chosen!


V. Facility


Facility Updates


VI. Finance


Finance Report

Free lunch, so 30K saved. 

Everything else looking good.

Mary Beth on the line: addressing refinance of the note. 

Robb goal is to come to present options to board next meeting. 

VII. Executive Director Comments/Report


LHA Executive Director Report

School start up:
Good job by Alix, made some tough decisions

Goals: no absolute percentages 
7 key categories that all principals will set goals (like learning goals)

Strides with getting all teachers on board. 

Need for data for director's report. (Comparison to other network schools)

VIII. Chief of Staff Report


LHA Chief of Staff, Lynise Harris

2 candidates through 6 step, made an offer, and was turned down. 

Looking to the next candidate. 

Discuss about talent management - key points from Harvard review
1) Starting early 
2) Pipeline with college partnerships (help with special education training for example; internships)
3) Talent mgmt systems - nimble and effective (demographic, employee lifecycle, feel like a place you want to work, etc)

IX. School Operations


Board on Track

maintenance items:
- continue to RSVP via boardontrack (click yes/no)
- board on track profile/skills assessment (only Javier has done so far)
- check lighthouse email regularly


Board Terms

Vote to extend terms for Vilma, Javier, Hagos. 

E. DeGonzalez made a motion to vote on extending board terms for VIlma, Javier, and Hagos.
N. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Charter Renewal

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Lopez-Molina