Pharos Academy Charter School


BLCS July 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 20, 2017 at 6:30 PM


1005 Intervale Avenue (4th Floor)

Trustees Present

E. DeGonzalez, H. Mehreteab (remote), N. Jones, R. Granado, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

B. Thompson, J. Lopez-Molina

Guests Present

A. Duggins, M. Dorsey, T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Granado called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Jul 20, 2017 at 6:47 PM.


Approve Minutes

R. Granado made a motion to approve minutes from the BLCS June 2017 Board Meeting on 06-15-17 BLCS June 2017 Board Meeting on 06-15-17.
N. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

no public comments

III. Board Governance


Board Governance

Evelyn attended Harvard Business Review meeting - met principals from other schools.  Recommendations/insight were on point.         - Recommended Chief Talent Officer in the budget - professional development for the teachers
-  Setting a time limit for when person in place 
- Review when we have a full board 
- Commit to reading report and have discussion on agenda next meeting

Populating Academic Committee
- Board member or two; two principals, RVP
- That group would design an executive dashboard around academics - designing metrics/dashboards for the reports 
- Being a similar construct - where academic meeting
- Evelyn/Alix/Nikali/Travis - reports, then committee, meeting, then timeline Thursday

Robb attended CPA graduation

Metrics on school culture/restorative justice - in the board packet is a document; need some direction about suspension and expulsions with clarity parents/legally/etc 
- list of behaviors (level 1-5) what is our tolerance
- decision on pre-board discussion Aug 3rd, 3:30pm re: restorative justice 

IV. Principal's Report


BLCS K-8 Principal's Report

Reduced chronic absenteeism by 20 students; 95% overall 
97% promotion rate; 11 students retained


BLCS 9-12 Principal's Report

Science and special ed recruitment
Enrollment looking good 
Looking to track chronic absenteeism 
Academic Data: June # of students failing more than two courses came down; improvement in 9th grade, but higher rate of failure 
Student promotion and retention: 22% retained, prior to Summer School, this time last year 23% studnets, came down to 9% by Fall. End at about 10% of students retained. 
Most concerning: 9th grade.  Only 3 students from Senior year didn't graduate. Two senior students that were retained from prior year did graduate this year. 

Discussion of how to get ahead of issues moving forward.
1) Better teachers
2) 4 Math teachers + 3 people to support 

V. Finance


Finance Report

Variance in payroll taxes/electricty bill lower.
Audit/Site visit September.

Motion to approve. Unanimous vote. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Jones

VII. Exec session topic: Discussion of Regional leadership changes


Board Entered Exec Session

Travis Brown and Alix Duggins invited to executive session. Enter executive session 8:22 PM. Exit executive session 8:36pm. 

Enter executive session, Travis Brown invited. 8:37 PM. Exit executive session 9:15 PM.