Intergenerational Schools


December Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM


The Intergenerational School 

11327 Shaker Blvd 200E

Cleveland, Ohio 44104

The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens as they strive for academic excellence. 

Directors Present

B. Norton, C. Wald, D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay, S. Lake, S. Miller

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Guests Present

A. Cascio, B. King, C. Dewerth, C. Farmer, C. Hillard, K. Parish, S. Alonso

I. Board Resolutions


Board Resolutions for Schools

The board resolutions were signed by governance secretary, Joanna Lopez-Inman.

II. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Miller called a meeting of the board of directors of Intergenerational Schools to order on Wednesday Dec 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM.


Mission Moment

B. King honored L. Carpenter for her dedicated service in her previous role, being Chair of the board. She was presented with a small gift. L. Carpenter has agreed to stay on the board, and will continue to contribute as Chair of the Finance Advisory Council and in other roles moving forward. 

Current Board Chair, S. Miller, let the board know about a special moment that occurred during the NWIS community meeting. The students were unable to perform their winter music program the night before, due to a power outage from a snow storm. During the all school community meeting, the students and music teacher did a mini version of the performance. The music teacher played a well-known Taylor Swift song on the violin, while the older students played the bass track of the song. During their violin performance, the whole student body started to quietly (and respectfully) sing along with the words to the song. S. Miller stated this type of community experience is something that affects everyone positively and they can take that into their daily lives.

A. Ahmad, principal of The Intergenerational School, let the board know that during TIS's last PD day the teachers were asked what their dreams are for the school.  95% of the teachers talked about their dreams for the school relating back to their individual development goals. He stated that TIS has been engaging in all-staff PD every week, since the start of the school year.  A. Ahmad expressed that the TIS team is continually trying to improve their practice and they all share collective goals for student growth and to move the TIS report card up.  

B. King gave a shout-out to Chance due to his hard work ethic, and his administrative and communication skills in difficult and complicated facilities situations around leases, CAM, etc. 


B. King also gave a shout-out to partners, Gino and Cassandra Hinton, as they have helped the IG's in any way they could when it was really needed. They especially came to the rescue when we needed busing for students with special needs, as they have helped provide transportation at a moment's notice. 

III. Fundraising and Marketing Dashboard


Annual Fund--End of Year Appeal

K. Rudloff and M. Granson went over funds raised so far this fiscal year and via the End of the Year Appeal. She let the school board know that we will do a spring appeal and plans to get a greater response. Erin Figer commented on the email open rate being strong compared to average. See Development & Marketing Dashboard 


Major Gifts





IV. Mining for New Supporters


Ways to Grow the Board

M. Granson let the school board know that she and B. Nicolay are working on different ways to find new potential board members. 


Some board members discussed going through an agency, such as BVU, to find connected and passionate potential new board members. 

V. Intergenerational Cleveland Governance


New Board Nominations

B. Roy and E. Figer introduced themselves to the board and explained why they are interested in the IG's.  

R. Nicolay made a motion to to approve Erin Figer and Bikram Roy joining the IGCle/FIGS board as At-Large members.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. 25th Anniversary Celebration


Overview of Anniversary Celebration Planning

The School Board was handed the Intergenerational Schools: 25th Anniversary Strategies handout, and went over the sheet. The board reviewed the information the FIGS board members came up with at previous meetings. 

VII. Sponsor Reports


CMSD/ESCLEW Sponsor Report

ESCLEW: In October, TIS, received their annual performance report and the admin were emailed regarding the contract renewal. TIS was approved for a 4 year contract beginning July 1, 2025. The next steps will include a new contract agreement to be approved by both parties' Boards before June 30, 2025. 


The special education compliance auditor came out and did a 2 part review of all files. The compliance rate was 41%, and the verification of fidelity was 48%, which is a decrease from 67%. J. Lewis stated that ESCLEW recommends the school add the position of Special Education Compliance Coordinator. She also encouraged TIS staff to attend ESCLEW's free PD sessions on SpEd whenever possible.  

CMSD: M. Rado stated that they will be doing contract updates for NWIS, during an upcoming annual meeting, with at least 1 board member required in attendance. The updates will need to be Board approved before June 30. The annual report for NWIS is going to be sent to the Board, and the school has fulfilled all requirements for the year. M. Rado mentioned that CMSD had educators come to visit NWIS, to look over 9 areas of education, and provided feedback to the principal. Their evaluation focused on structured learning environments, preparation, learning times, and behavior expectations. He noted the lower scores (still relatively high) were on assessment strategies and higher order thinking. M. Rado let the board know that NWIS had their special education compliance auditor visit, and there aren't any major concerns regarding their files currently.

VIII. Public Comment


Public Comment

S. Miller opened the floor to public comment, there weren't any comments made during the session. 

IX. Consent Agenda


Approval of October 23, 2024 Minutes

J. Lopez-Inman made a motion to approve all current Consent Agenda items including the minutes from October School Board Meeting on 10-23-24.
R. Nicolay seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Contracts and MOUs

This is approved in the consent agenda.


Personnel Actions

This is approved in the consent agenda.


TIS ONLY-ESCLEW Contract Modification

This is approved in the consent agenda.


Reading Improvement Plans

This is approved in the consent agenda.


Annual Approval of Treasurer's Bond

This is approved in the consent agenda.

X. Investigation into TIS/NWIS Merger


Board Discussion and vote on continuing to direct staff time and resources toward investigation of a TIS/NWIS merger.

R. Nicolay made a motion to continue the discussion on whether or not to direct staff time and resources toward the investigation of a potential TIS/NWIS merger.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.

B. Norton said  main concern is the already stretched time and resources of staff to dedicate to this project. He stated that NWIS has a lot of momentum, and TIS has a new leadership team. He thinks it is soon to agree to something like this due to staff already being stretched very thin. 


R. Bunton agreed and thinks we should possibly revisit it next year in an effort to allow the TIS staff to make some progress as a new team and know that the Board supports them. This will allow the teachers to get settled since the Intergenerational Schools, just went through a merger with TIS and LIS. 


D. Clark asked if we are finished with the LIS merger, and Brooke King said no. Ms. Clark stated that her opinion is that we should finish one merger before thinking about another one. D. Clark asked if IGS has seen any impact on the actual results of merging TIS and LIS yet. B. King stated that those results would be available at the end of the year, but that so far the TIS-LIS merger has cost IGS around $800,000. 


B. Nicolay asked if this conversation can be had earlier than December if we choose to wait until next year. B. King said it makes sense to wait until Fall to reconvene about this so they can have some data to look at. B. Nicolay stated that this merger would not be as much of a heavy lift for the IGS staff, since it is a merger of the school's IRN's but keeping the two campuses in tact. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
R. Nicolay made a motion to pick up the discussion, next year in October, with some clear criteria for decision-making, regarding directing staff time and resources toward the investigation of a TIS/NWIS merger.
L. Carpenter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Governance Advisory Council


Governance Advisory Council Updates

B. Nicolay talked about the two new additions to the FIGS board . He stated that he plans to reach out to two more people at the start of the new year, to see if they are interested in joining either board currently. B. Nicolay stated the meeting this month will be focused on succession planning, and B. King will be sending a short and long term proposal to the next governance committee and board meeting. 


S. Miller is continuing to follow up on the CEO evaluation process, she asked for feedback from the Board members, and she plans to meet with B. King in January to discuss further. 

XII. Finance


Approval of October Financials

R. Nicolay made a motion to approve the October financials.
B. Norton seconded the motion.

C. Farmer said both schools are higher in revenue than anticipated. However, the budget will be affected since both schools are looking into fixing up some internal and external facilities issues. C. Farmer stated that the Mangen team currently does not have any concerns regarding either schools financial health at this time. Please see full report.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XIII. Executive Sessions


Executive Session

R. Nicolay made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss and consider the purchase of property.
D. Clark seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was completed.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Miller
L. Carpenter
B. Norton
S. Lake
C. Wald
D. Clark
R. Bunton
J. Lopez-Inman
R. Nicolay

XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Miller