Intergenerational Schools


October School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Near West Intergenerational School

3805 Terrett Ave.

Cleveland, Ohio 44113

The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens that strive for academic excellence. 

Directors Present

B. Norton, C. Wald, D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, R. Bunton (remote), R. Nicolay, S. Lake, S. Miller

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Guests Present

A. Cascio, Arlene Watson (remote), B. King, C. Dewerth, C. Farmer, K. Parish, S. Alonso, Seamus O'Hara

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

*Please Note* School board member, R. Bunton was not able to vote this meeting due to her joining the meeting remotely. 


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Miller called a meeting of the board of directors of Intergenerational Schools to order on Wednesday Oct 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM.


Mission Moment

Near West Principal, A. Maimone, gave a impactful presentation about what makes NWIS special from the eyes of a past NWIS student and their parent. The alumni student and parent submitted a letter to share their positive experience and how it helped the student on her path to high school and now college. 


Elevator Speech & Social Media Posts

B. King went over the talking points that the board can use when speaking about the school with others. She encouraged board members to take the points and make the speech their own, as they serve as ambassadors in the community. She let the boards know that IGS will be looking into making the talking points into handheld cards, for board members to easily keep on hand.

II. Fundraising Report/Dashboard


Appeal Results

M. Granson went over the last appeal, and the obstacles that occurred when planning. She stated it was delayed due to the LIS-TIS merger and they originally wanted it to go in the spring or early summer. She let the board know about the cost vs revenue for the delayed appeal. The data showed that the spring appeal returns were less than expected, but there is a plan in place to ensure the next one succeeds. 


End of Year Annual Appeal Plan

M. Granson stated the 2024 End of Year appeal will go out November 12th, and it is about the holistic teachings of the IG's. She let the board know that it will feature the return of TIS alumni and their contributions as staff members for the school. 

III. Finance


Approval of August and September Financials

C. Farmer went over the network school finance statement and discussed what IGS is doing in order to cut costs, in an effort to get closer to the board approved budget. 

R. Nicolay made a motion to approve the August and September financials.
L. Carpenter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the Five-Year Forecast for Submission to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce

L. Carpenter made a motion to approve the five-year forecast for submission to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
R. Nicolay seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the Annual Budget for Submission to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce

C. Wald made a motion to approve the annual budget for submission to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
J. Lopez-Inman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Long Term Projections Gap Analysis

B. King presented a PowerPoint regarding the long gap analysis for each school along with potential best and worst case scenario outcomes. She let the board know that CMSD will not honor levy dollars this year due to the IGS grandfathered times status lapsing. They are now requiring the school to apply as if it’s a new school in Cleveland. She reviewed the financials for each school, as if there was no fundraising done all year.  B. Nicolay expressed concern with the worst-case scenario happening, and he’d like the finance committee to continue to give the board updates. L. Carpenter let the board know that this will be a discussion they will have multiple times throughout the year. 

B. King presented the status of enrollment with both schools being below budget and continuing to try to enroll. The biggest issue was that there are only specific grade level spots open and almost every family that has inquired has siblings in grades that are full. The schools are receiving inquiries for next year, but having trouble filling current open spaces. C. Wald suggested we use current enthusiastic parents to help spread the word about IGS and its mission. B. King stated T. Wilson, the IGS Enrollment Specialist, will come talk to the board members in February to let the board know any way they can help with enrollment efforts. 

Facilities were discussed. B. King said that NWIS is currently renegotiating the CMSD lease. The rent is affordable, but the required custodian is expensive. This is a CMSD requirement and the building shares a boiler with the school building across the parking lot. C. Dewerth has a meeting with CMSD on November 21st, to further discuss. 

IV. Consent Agenda


Consent Agenda-Approval of August 28, 2024 Minutes

L. Carpenter made a motion to approve the minutes from August 28, 2024 August School Board Meeting on 08-28-24.
B. Norton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

B. King explained the policy updates due to recent legislation. The Board will also be reviewing a policy on religious celebrations and decorations. The Educational Advisory Council will craft a policy and will solicit Board feedback before bringing a draft to the Boards for a vote. 

D. Clark asked why NWIS is doing DEI training and TIS is not. B. King stated that Principal Maimone is bringing in the Diversity Center to conduct these trainings to their mostly white staff. At TIS, Principal Ahmad has experience teaching DEI courses through Teach for America and is incorporating those elements into his regular PD meetings and communications. 

B. King let the board know that a new student started at TIS and her IEP requires door to door bussing.  She let the board know the law regarding having bussing in place and the costs associated.

B. Nicolay requested clarification on the busing plan for former LIS students to TIS, and asked how long the school plans on busing them. B. King let him know the expense of the private bus services being used now due to major issues with the CMSD-provided busing, and why we are carrying out our commitment to the LIS students this year with this solution. C. Dewerth, let the board know there have been no complaints since we have switched the LIS bus to private. 

J. Lopez-Inman stated that the TIS Resolution needed to be adjusted because the amount was incorrect. She let the board know she will be crossing it out and initialing next to the correct amount before signing the Resolution. 

J. Lopez-Inman made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
D. Clark seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Contracts and MOUs

Approved in the consent agenda.


New & Annual Policy Renewal

Approved in the consent agenda.


Personnel Actions

Approved in the consent agenda.


Ratification of TIS-East Board Members

Approved in the consent agenda.


Approval of Annual Report

Approved in the consent agenda.


Change Board Meeting Dates

Approved in the consent agenda.

V. Executive Committee


Introduction to the Merger Opportunity between TIS-East & Near West

B. King discussed the merger opportunity between TIS-East and Near West, and why the discussion became relevant through the Finance Advisory Council. She discussed that if the board decides to merge TIS-East into Near West, that it would allow all students to get high quality dollars, but only for the two remaining years. (This is paid per student) She also mentioned that would mean moving to only one sponsor (CMSD), and we would be one legal entity with two campuses and would share an IRN. She stated the main reason this has not been pursued in the past was not being able to disaggregate each school's report card as a merged entity. She mentioned, that in addition to her own and other leadership staff's statements, she reviewed this with each school during staff meetings, and allowed them to voice their opinions, many of which are included in their packet, along with a cover Memo from Mangen and Associations. The staff are unanimous that this is not the right time to pursue this option. 


B. Nicolay stated he wants to hear more from Doug Mangen, himself, so that the board can ask more detailed financial questions. He suggested perhaps the Finance Advisory Council meeting would be a good meeting for this to go in greater detail.  

VI. Public Comment


Public Comment

B. King opened the floor for public comment regarding the merger situation, however no public comments were made during this time.

VII. Sponsor Reports


ESCLEW Sponsor Report

J. Lewis stated that ESCLEW finalized 11.6 and it was sent to their sponsored schools. She stated she will go over it with A. Ahmad in November, and that there are currently no changes in the board goals. She reminded the board members that they can keep sending her their events they attend for TIS, and their Sunshine law certificates. J. Lewis then mentioned that she observed 2 classrooms on her last visit, and saw the use of responsive classroom and good environments for students.  


VIII. Governance Advisory Council


Advisory Council Priorities including FIGS

B. Nicolay let the board know where the IG's are currently with board recruitment. He stated that he’s reaching out to 2 people after the start of the new year for the school board. B. Nicolay discussed that there are 3 members currently being interviewed for the FIGS board. He stated that the governance council is looking to set a more specific processes to review board expectations, and plan to have the chair follow up with each board member before their end of the year evaluation.  

IX. Education Advisory Council


Sponsor Education

B. King reviewed what the Sponsors are evaluating academically and what they are looking for regarding financials, governance, and compliance. She then gave a brief overview of the report card.


State Test Comparisons

B. King presented each school’s state report card scores in comparison with their surrounding schools.


Fall NWEA Scores

B. King showed the board each schools fall NWEA scores, and the growth percentile of each school’s main subjects. She let the board know each principal also wrote what these scores mean for where they feel their school is currently, and how they intend to progress in the future.  


Enrollment Dashboard

B. King went over the enrollment dashboard for the school boards, and explained all information presented.

X. Executive Sessions


Executive Session

R. Nicolay made a motion to enter into executive session at 7:56 pm.
S. Miller seconded the motion.

The Board conducted a Roll Call vote.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Norton
C. Wald
L. Carpenter
D. Clark
J. Lopez-Inman
R. Nicolay
R. Bunton
S. Lake
S. Miller

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Miller

B. Nicolay made the motion to adjourn, with D. Clark seconding it.