Intergenerational Schools


Regular April School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Near West Intergenerational School

3805 Terrett Ave.

Cleveland, Oh 44113

The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens that strive for academic excellence. 

Directors Present

D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, L. Trotter, M. Olson, R. Nicolay, S. Miller

Directors Absent

R. Bunton

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Guests Present

B. King, D. Mangen (remote), K. Lytle, K. Newsome, K. Parish, Kristin Miracle, Robin Bartley, S. Alonso, S. Whitlock, Seamus O'Hara, Tameisha Wilson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Carpenter called a meeting of the board of directors of Intergenerational Schools to order on Wednesday Apr 24, 2024 at 6:05 PM.

II. FIGS Report


Updates from Friends of Intergenerational Schools Board

S. Whitlock discussed current development goals and projects. Inbloom is putting together a strategy to increase major gifts and are working with potential prospects. S. Whitlock then discussed InBloom's current marketing strategy and expressed the importance of the board showing support by "liking and sharing" the IGS social media posts and following the pages. She discussed that there will be a few more appeals, grant applications, and invitations to each school's graduation that will be sent out.  Inbloom is currently working on one page of information for all 3 schools, which will be used as additional marketing for tours and prospective donors. K. Lytle discussed all recent gifts we have received this month, and how this impacts IGS engagement. He then presented a year to year comparison showing how much we have received in donations, and why they may or may not be matching up to previous years. He discussed the plan to move forward and to improve the amount we bring in. The numbers presented today included any grants and competitive state money. A discussion took place around ideal minimal model reserves and what the actual gap is between expenses and revenues each year. The Board requested that the Finance Advisory Council be charged with identifying that gap and report back at the next meeting. 

III. Sponsor Reports


Sponsor Reports

J. Lewis reminded that IGS needs to make sure all necessary people have completed their Sunshine Law training. She is going to start collecting data from test results once TIS finishes testing in May, she will also be taking data from report cards. Everything was compliant during the last site visit besides Erin’s law, which she will follow up on. 

M. Rado stated that CMSD sent their most recent newsletter out. He mentioned the previously shared contract modifications and these will be approved in June. Spring site visits will be using focus groups and will be using surveys to gather the data. These surveys are due May 1st, and they will look and compare all the results and will give report at the June board meeting. Mayor’s Chief of Education asked to visit all schools of the district, and he is currently planning on May 15th at NWIS, and May 28th at LIS. 

IV. Consent Agenda


Consent Agenda-Approval of February 21, 2024 Minutes

D. Clark made a motion to approve the minutes from February School Board Meeting on 02-21-24.
L. Trotter seconded the motion.

Lee Trotter seconded for TIS, Mark Olson seconded for LIS, NW.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Special Meeting Minutes-April 3, 2024

D. Clark made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 04-03-24.
L. Trotter seconded the motion.

Lee Trotter seconded the motion for TIS, Mark Olson seconded for LIS and NW.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Contracts and MOUs

Approved in the consent agenda.


Annual Renewal and Approval of Policies

Approved in the consent agenda.


Comprehensive Plan

Approved in the consent agenda.


Personnel Actions

Approved in the consent agenda.

B King discussed the Personnel actions and went over the termination and resignation portions. All policies are renewed and there was nothing newly added since they were last approved. 


S. Miller wanted further clarification on comprehensive plans and if they are a requirement. B. King explained the current rules and requirements regarding comprehensive plans. S. Miller also asked what TES is and B. King explained it’s an agency that provides educational services like PT, OT, psychological testing for Special Education, etc.  B. King also clarified that the current TES contract, is a 2 year contract. 

B. Nicolay asked why the proposed amount for salaries in FY25 are significantly more than FY 24 at LIS. B. King stated that the discrepancy is due mainly to unfilled roles this year that we intend to fill in FY 25 (Actual 2024 vs projected 2025). 



Child Abuse and Sexual Violence Prevention Curriculum (Erin's Law)

Approved in the consent agenda.


Revisions to Teacher Compensation Guidelines

Approved in the consent agenda.

V. Finance


Approval of February and March Financials

J. Lopez-Inman made a motion to approval of February and March financials.
D. Clark seconded the motion.

D. Mangen presented the financial report for March and discussed what funds IGS have used and what funds are still available. D. Mangen expressed the importance of enrollment and retaining high quality dollars in order to use some of the reserves but not deplete them over the next few years. D. Mangen then presented the fiscal health benchmarks for all 3 schools, and compared their ratios to one another. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY25 Preliminary Budget

M. Olson made a motion to approve FY25 preliminary budget.
S. Miller seconded the motion.

B. King presented the 5 year forecast budget to the board with updated numbers due to salary adjustments, filling vacant positions, and other additional items. The updated version does not have High Quality funds, does not have levy for TIS, and has more conservative enrollment numbers but IGS still plans to strive for enrollment stretch goal numbers. Doug Mangen talked about our strategic and carefully planned use of some reserves to invest in quality, which will hopefully lead to receiving High Quality funding in the future. Mark Olson asked what it would take to maintain all reserves, and suggested that should be considered the "gap." There was discussion around what the appropriate approach would be. Guests from FIGS shared concern of creating a goal that is impossible to achieve. It was reiterated that the Finance Advisory Council would be charged with presenting some scenarios around different levels of reserve use and identifying the operating gap in each.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Revision of Contract Language in the Intergenerational Cleveland Agreement

M. Olson made a motion to to approve the revision of contract language in the Intergenerational Cleveland agreement.
D. Clark seconded the motion.

B. King discussed the current Intergenerational Cleveland agreement with the 3 schools. She presented a powerpoint showing the current expenses and the current contributions that FIGS allocates to the schools, and their current deficits/surplus.  B. King recommended the allocation between the schools be reconsidered since it has been the same since FIGS was created over 6 years ago. The next step will be for the contract to be looked over by our lawyer and signed.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the Five-Year Forecast for Submission to the Ohio Department of Education

D. Clark made a motion to approval of the five-year forecast for submission to the Ohio Department of Education.
J. Lopez-Inman seconded the motion.

D. Mangen presented the 5 year forecast and discussed that the state is likely to increase facility funding. Mangen is looking more into how much that would be for IGS. He stated that FIGS contributions were not included in the forecast that was presented, just the 3 schools. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Compensation Plan (HR, Finance, and Education Advisory Councils)


Administrative Building Staff Compensation Guidelines

M. Olson made a motion to accept administrative building staff compensation guidelines.
S. Miller seconded the motion.

A. Cascio presented the proposed compensation plan for building staff. A. Cascio discussed the plan to raise the salaries of full time building staff once they reach their 5th year with IGS. All the numbers are based on other local schools in an effort to make us look more competitive. The budget already factors in the incremental upgrades.  We currently have offer letters out for building staff but are not sure who will be accepting at this time. IGS will keep the board updated. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Facilities


Approval of Lakeshore Lease 1-Year Extension for FY 24-25

J. Lopez-Inman made a motion to approve approval of Lakeshore lease 1-Year Extension for FY 24-25.
M. Olson seconded the motion.

B. King discussed where IGS is currently with the LIS lease. She stated she went back to the diocese on April 3rd for a more in-depth discussion about where LIS is currently. The diocese agreed to extend the current lease for one more year. They moved up the decision date to October 31st for renewal, and they added that the financial terms would be subject to further negotiation, instead of the set terms in the original renewal language. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Governance


Updates on Board Recruitment and Board Manual

B. Nicolay stated that they are working on a board handbook. He also said that the governance advisory council are interviewing 3 people to see if they are a good fit for the board, and once they are nominated the school board will vote in June. He also mentioned that L. Carpenter and S. Miller would like to bring a prospective board member, as well so the school board may get 2-3 more people to consider. Nicolay stated that they are hoping to get more FIGS board members next, which will be necessary to reach any increased fundraising goals. 

IX. Education Advisory Council


Updates on Reading Curriculum Selection, Teacher Development Plans, etc.

S. Miller presented that education advisory council are monitoring the staff's selection of a new reading curriculum and they are currently working through their options to get a best fit. S. Miller stated that they are behind on the schedule that was predicted but they want to make sure it is a good fit, and there were some late entries to the state-approved list. B. King stated she has budgeted money to stipend teachers to work over the summer to learn more about the new program and receive training. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Carpenter