Intergenerational Schools
February School Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Lakeshore Intergenerational School
18025 Marcella Rd.
Cleveland, Oh 44119
The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens that strive for academic excellence.
Directors Present
D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, M. Olson, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay, S. Miller
Directors Absent
L. Trotter
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Lewis, M. Rado
Non Voting Members Present
J. Lewis, M. Rado
Guests Present
A. Cascio, B. King, C. Dewerth (remote), C. Walker, D. Mangen (remote), Jade Woodson, K. Parish, S. Whitlock (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Sponsor Report
M . Rado discussed doing midyear check in meetings and they will be in next Friday to view data to see how the school year is going, and goals. March 4th will be the next mandatory meeting. Spring site visits will be in March and they will debrief with the principles at the end regarding what they have seen and next steps.
Consent Agenda-Approval of December 13, 2023 Minutes
B. King discussed how 2 amendments were made to the consent agenda today. One was completed for a new math teacher at LIS, and the second was for a new enrollment specialist. B. King stated both offers went out today.
Contracts and MOUs
Approved in the consent agenda.
2024-2025 School Board Meeting Calendar
Approved in the consent agenda.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Approved in the consent agenda.
Declaration on Summer Breakfast and Lunch Program
Approved in the consent agenda.
Authorized Signers
Approved in the consent agenda.
Personnel Actions
Approved in the consent agenda.
II. Academic Excellence
Acknowledgement of Teacher Retention
B. King discussed the trends in the data that was collected regarding IGS teacher retention rates at each school, and showed a chart of every educator with their current licensures.
Acknowledgment of Racial and Ethnic Balance
B. King discussed the current ethnicity, gender, homelessness, SPED, city of residence, and economically disadvantaged percentages in each school. At the end of the presentation B. King discussed what efforts each principal is doing to reflect their neighborhoods.
Strategic Plan Dashboards
B. King discussed the graphs and dashboards for NWEA Map Scores, Achievement improvement from fall, and Student Engagement. Brooke then discussed all current projects that are a part of the school improvement plan, and their current progress. B. King also discussed the growth of each school based on their family engagement, the retention of our families, and enrollment goals.
M. Clopton-Zymler discussed that TIS is distributing their students depending on where they are with their current test scores, deficit scores. The homeroom teachers are working with the tier teachers to tie this to IXL, as a tool to help with student mastery. 49% of students no longer have deficits in the areas they did before. He stated that one of his new teachers took the coaching very well and was able to lift his class score to 74%. Mario stated that he took teachers through the grading protocol so that they understand the data of the test scores. TIS is focusing on reading currently and hasn’t engaged with math quite yet. He states he has been talking with the voluntary math teacher and she is working on an individualized plan for each student in need.
A. Maimone discussed that she and S. Miller went over the data and looked at the current grades that are plateauing. She went to the teachers and they discussed a new plan to see more growth in those students. She stated that 2nd graders are not getting the information they need in a way to better understand phonics. They are going to be focusing on separating the 2nd graders to get more individualized instruction.
C. Walker discussed how LIS is changing their culture, and working to get more well rounded educators. Curtis states B. Poole is working with primary teachers since she has great experience. He discussed the struggle of coaches wanting to help but there wasn’t much structure, they are now using test data to narrow the focus of coaching. He states that LIS took time over winter break to re-roster the students to help with behavior and with student growth. Curtis states that the data is stronger in 7th and 8th grade, one reason is that the teachers are mostly veterans and the students are mostly veterans as well.
J. Woodson discussed how OST standards and blueprint to help teachers see the standards they are being held to. She stated she made a list of things to focus on to move forward, and will be practicing with old OST questions. She states they will include Khan Academy, and Success Academy in the classroom now to get the students to match their standards, as another way to practice. Lis has experienced more growth in reading than math, due to Talbot going through and helping students to make goals and helping make sure they achieve them.
S. Miller discussed the advisory committee met with the principals to discuss regarding this years MOY NWEA MAP Data. She explained MAP data is a key indicator that sponsor, principals, and teachers will use to make future decisions. She stated that the data also helps predict how well students will do on future tests. S. Miller also explained the difference between the achievement and growth percentages.
Local Professional Development Committees (LPDC)
B. King discussed the curent plan to track LPDC for IGS staff members. She let the board know about the IPPY DIPPY that is being managed by S. O'Hara currently.
III. FIGS Report
Brief Report on Development
S Whitlock Inbloom is working with staff to work on the strategic plan and development plan. She is working on a report and that will be presented when ready. She presented Giving Leads for 2024 with year to year comparisons, and discussed how Inbloom is looking for more donation opportunities. She stated that it is helpful to have a board member when she goes to meet individuals regarding donating to IGS.
IV. Finance
Approval of December and January Financials
D. Mangen discussed IGS that the deficit has been a gradual decrease. He states that there is a shift, and we will end the year in a deficit without the COVID money and are depending on enrollment. He states we need to make a plan to keep our financials in state they are currently. D. Mangen discussed that the finance team is looking at the budget to see how to retain fiscal strength and what strategies we can use to get us in a better position. He presented the fiscal health benchmarks to the board, and discussed what the plan is moving forward to stay at the high quality status. He discussed the board should keep trying to improve on enrollment, positive growth, and our budgets.
V. Compensation Plan (HR, Finance, and Education Advisory Councils)
Allocations for Salaries and 5-Year Forecast
B. King presented and discussed the allocations for salaries and the 5-year forecast document.
Adjust Starting Salary Range for New Teachers
B. King states that we are asking for approval of using the money we have to go towards teacher salaries. The next step is to ask for approval on the amount of money predicted that we will use to increase the salaries of each teacher. B. King went over the changes in the salaries that were determined during the HR committee meetings. She states that the March board meeting will be the next discussion regarding salaries, but this needs to be approved beforehand so HR can start working on it now.
B. Nicolay and M. Olson discussed if the investment would be worth it and what is needed to sustain these higher salaries for the future. B. King stated that making a change to teacher salaries depending on our enrollment and scores would be at the board’s discretion.
VI. Governance
Board Position Expectations
B. Nicolay discussed board expectations and responsibilities. He states the governance committee is putting together a board handbook and are making a plan for interviewing new board members. B. Nicolay states that June, will be when the board member recruitment votes will take place.
VII. Executive Session
Executive Session
Roll Call | |
L. Trotter |
R. Nicolay |
R. Bunton |
J. Lopez-Inman |
S. Miller |
L. Carpenter |
M. Olson |
D. Clark |
J. Lewis discussed that an email to gather get anonymous data was sent out earlier. This data will be linked in the report that will go out to all board members. She discussed that during the January and February site visits went over NWEA data. The next step will be to go to the TBT meetings to o over the data and what steps can be take to help improve the data. She also reminded that all TIS board members have a goal to attend 2 specific events for TIS.