Intergenerational Schools


December School Boards Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Near West Intergenerational School
3805 Terrett Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Directors Present

D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, M. Olson, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay, S. Miller

Directors Absent

L. Trotter, M. Charvat

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis, M. Rado

Guests Present

A. Maimone, B. King, C. Farmer (remote), K. Parish, M. Clopton-Zymler, S. Alonso

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Carpenter called a meeting of the board of directors of Intergenerational Schools to order on Wednesday Dec 13, 2023 at 6:09 PM.


Consent Agenda Items Including the Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from October School Board Meeting on 10-25-23.

This vote also included ALL Consent Agenda items. Discussed missing blanks under enrollment in the consent agenda, voting will still take place. Also, discussed Hailey Bizup's contract and work history with IGS. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Consent: HB21 Verification of Residency Monthly Report for All Three Schools.

Approved through the consent agenda


Consent: Contract Actions

Approved through the consent agenda


Consent: Personnel Actions

Approved through the consent agenda


TIS ONLY-Sponsor Fall Modification

Approved in consent


Annual Approval of Treasurer's Bond

Approved in consent


Approval of Designated Seizure Plan Employees

Approved in consent


Annual Policy Renewal

Approved in consent


TIS-Reading Achievement Plan

Approved in consent. 


L. Carpenter asked the current status of the Reading Achievement Plan. J. Lewis stated that is now a state requirement and is dependent on the schools reading scores. 

II. Sponsor Update



J. Lewis discussed reading intervention and reading achievement scores have legislative rules and requirements to submit a plan. In November, J. Lewis worked with TIS teachers to review 5 standards for each subject, and using state and NWEA data. J. Lewis stated she will be back in January to help discuss grade standards. 


CMSD Sponsor Update

M. Rado discussed the sponsorship renewal report sent via email ratings and based on CMSD's evaluation framework. To meet CMSD academic standards you must meet 3 or more standards such as (performance index, chronic absenteeism, achievement, gap closing, etc.) If these standards aren't met, the school will be compared to a similar schools with like demographics. 

NWIS Site Visit Report- M. Rado discussed a group of 3rd party consultants from CMSD who came to NWIS this fall to do classroom observations, SPED file audit, student file audit, and NWIS instructional evaluation for sponsorship renewal. This process took the place of their regularly scheduled CMSD fall observation. NWIS is doing well and only has 2 years of data  to depend on but will still met all standards. They are eligible for a 3 year renewal with a 2 year built in extension based on continuing to meet the expectations. The renewal visit was scored at 7/10 points out of the 150 points. Evaluators stated that reading materials needed to be changed to adopt Science of Reading curriculum, more needed to be done to make a more inclusive DEI-focused environment, among other suggestions in the written report. They thought more can be done to maximize learning time. Teachers also shared feedback that they feel the PD and coaching is not always helpful or relevant to what they need. They did think the school environment was safe. CMSD will vote on the renewals on January 9th, and the presentation given to the CMSD Board by A. Maimone went over well. CMSD will review NWIS contract from January until the end of spring to make any changes needed. It will be included in the contract language that the school must adopt a new reading curriculum as per state mandate.


LIS Site Visit Report-M. Rado stated LIS had no compliance issues but did have problems with clear behavior expectations and respect between teachers vs. students. LIS will be up to start the renewal process in September 2024, and the contract officially expires September 2025. 

III. Academic Excellence


Change to academic calendar

M. Olson made a motion to Approve the recommendation to close school on April 8, 2024 due to the total solar eclipse.
J. Lopez-Inman seconded the motion.

S. Alonzo discussed the total solar eclipse happing on April 8, 2024 occurring during school dismissal. It is a safety issue due to the lack of first responders, other events in the area making it very over populated, and lack of student eye protection. S. Alonzo recommended school be canceled on that day. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2024-2025 Enrollment Numbers

B. King discussed our last year enrollment numbers, and how unfortunately after the school year begins students don't show, or withdrawal putting us under the goal number of students. B. King stated IGS will push to over enroll this summer to get ahead of no shows/withdrawals. The stretch goal for NWIS and TIS will be 238, and the goal for LIS is 175.


M. Olson asked if we will need additional staff for those projected numbers but B. King states we are currently staffed for those numbers are TIS & NWIS. LIS may need to add a couple of teachers. M. Olson also asked if LIS will be hosting parent meetings to gauge how families feel about next year. B. King stated that is a part of School Improvement Plan (Goal 3), and IGS are currently doing parent surveys and thinking of ways to increase family engagement. 


School Improvement Plan Reports

Dr. M. Clopton-Zymler discussed the TIS Improvement Plan and progress towards indicators and why/if there are any issues arising not allowing TIS to reach the goals. He discussed how TIS is using PBIS to make sure students and parents are on the same page. He shared that TIS is making big change in their school suspensions, they are down 25%. He stated how TIS is focusing on getting in as much curriculum before OST testing to set students up for success. See handout with all indicators. 

A. Maimone discussed teaching and student learning experience at NWIS, and as of 10/24/2023 all of NWIS is trained in responsive classroom. She also discussed how they are bringing in new staff and revamping how they are going to be doing report cards. Feedback from the educational advisory committee and teachers regarding the current way report cards are done was given. A. Maimone discussed Teacher Based Teams and how they plan to advance in the new year. She also stated that NWIS teachers are working on their Professional Growth Plan goals from the coaches' and her own recommendations. A. Maimone mentioned the learning library and how much of a future resource it will be for teachers. 

IV. Governance Advisory Council


Advisory Council and FIGS Board Charges

D. Clark made a motion to Approve Governance Council Charges as presented.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.

B. Nicolay  stated the Governance Advisory Council is currently working on making specific and effective charges. They are making roles/responsibilities clear for all board and council chair members. Their next step is to set expectations for board members, which they will need the boards approval for. 


A committee has the authority to address issues and create/prove resolutions to the board. A council can make recommendations to the board but can't do any approvals. They both have the extra duty to present every piece of information gone over in their meetings so that the board is kept in the loop. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

B. King stated that 3 board members are up for renewal; M. Olson, M. Charvat, and B. Nicolay. Both M. Olson, and B. Nicolay would like to extend their current term until June 2024. A discussion was held regarding M. Charvat's attendance at board meetings and effect on quorum.  He no longer is a apart of the Friends of IGs board and has not been attending finance meetings regularly due to his work demands. Although his contributions and connections were an asset, a unanimous decision was made to allow his formal membership to lapse with the option of coming back when he has more time.

V. HR Advisory Council


Update on Compensation Plan

B. King stated that the HR Advisory Council is working towards pulling information to update our current compensation plan and structure. The HR Advisory Council is currently still collecting the needed data on salaries at local charter schools to compare. 


Starting Salary Exemption for Advanced Degree

M. Olson made a motion to Approve the exception to the current Compensation Plan and allow for a candidate with a PhD to be offered $50,000.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.

B. King discussed TIS has a teacher that has a PhD, and recommended a starting salary of $50,000/year. This amount outside of the current compensation plan, and needs to be approved by the board. 


This was approved with the expectation that the compensation plan will be amended to include PhDs to prepare for any future candidates with that degree. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Facilities Advisory Council


Updates on LIS Lease and TIS

M. Olson discussed meeting Father Joe at LIS regarding the lease, and asking for a 2 year renewal and 1 year extension. They are still coming to an agreement with the Diocese regarding the rent and lease term. 


S. Miller asked if we would be obligated to pay if LIS loses it's sponsorship. She suggested we get a 1 year renewal with a 1 year extension so we would not be in the lease without the proper sponsorship. 


L. Carpenter asked if LIS loses sponsorship, what would happen with the school's cash. B. King stated that the state has a schedule for closed schools to pay out commitments, but the other schools and FIGS would be safe because they are separate entities. 


M. Olson stated that IGS can not afford to move LIS to a new building right now. He stated he would try to negotiate with the Diocese to see if we added a playground at our expense, if it would get refunded when we leave. 


C. Dewerth discussed how Cleveland Neighborhood Progress is eager to sell the 5th and 6th floors to TIS or they will be putting them on the market. 

VII. Finance


Approval of October and November Financials

M. Olson made a motion to Approve the October and November Financials as presented.
S. Miller seconded the motion.

C. Farmer discussed/presented the October and November Financials. She stated all the schools have extra reserves right now. Schools are ending the year with operating deficits, but after adding all extraordinary revenues such as high quality and other funds we will end with a surplus of 1.2 million. Per Celeste, sponsorship requirements are being met currently. C. Farmer stated LIS is the only school not meeting the enrollment requirement.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

L. Carpenter asked about the property tax, and C. Farmer stated that it's due to TIS not getting levy money from CMSD this year (based on not reaching 80% Cleveland residency). 

VIII. Strategic Plan Indicators and Dashboards



B. King discussed our current Strategic Plan Indicators and provided a dashboard to the board members. B. King discussed J. Lowery giving teachers self-assessments to see how comfortable teachers feel with the IG multi-age teaching model. B. King discussed IGS giving out student surveys. B. King discussed with the board the current big IGS milestones and what steps are being done to get closer to the goals. 


B. King stated board members can help to bring learning partners in through either S. O'Hara or E. Wheeler.


S. Miller asked if the Governance Advisory Council could get started on the Goal 4 indicators moving forward. 

IX. Closing Items


Other New Business


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Miller

