Intergenerational Schools


Monthly Governance Committee

Date and Time

Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 12:30 PM


Committee Members Present

A. Cascio (remote), L. Carpenter (remote), R. Nicolay (remote), S. Whitlock (remote)

Committee Members Absent

B. King, J. Lopez-Inman, K. Parish

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Nicolay called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Intergenerational Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 14, 2023 at 12:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

II. Governance


Advisory council charges

Amy provided high level changes suggested from legal counsel to ensure these groups remain as advisory vs official committees.     Important considerations are:

  • the use of the verbs like advising vs creating and/or approving, 
  • plus ensuring the composition of the council does not create a situation where a council meeting would result in a quorum of individual school boards.    
  • description for each charge indicates timing/frequency of updates to the school boards be from request by the Boards as opposed to updates a requirement of the council to provide.  
  • any council update with advice for action to School boards will need to include all information considered by the council in making the recommendation.


There was a discussion that the Finance Advisory Council may be the one group that may be better served by being a formal committee and will be revisited for the 2024/25 board year.


Agreed that the advisory council will advise the school boards at the December meeting to approve the charges as modified by legal counsel.


These charges (and any future modifications) will be housed in the documents section of Board on Track for reference by Board and staff.   Council will also advise board members to ensure only final approved versions of documents from/for the various councils be placed in the Board on Track Documents section.  Drafts of documents being reviewed by committees will be shared with committee member through the Documents section within each committee meeting site.




Board Member expectations

Lynn did not have the draft document ready for this meeting and the council agreed to take it up again at our next meeting on Dec 7.  


Job Descriptions

Joanna and Amy had prepared a draft for a committee member description as well as provided copies of the high level descriptions for Board officers.   It was agreed they would review these as well as best practices/suggestions provided by Shawna and Bob from their past board experiences and provide a draft version of job descriptions/responsibilities for the following roles:

  • Board Chair
  • Board Vice Chair
  • Board Secretary
  • Board Treasurer
  • Board Member (admittedly some overlap with Board expectations)
  • Advisory Council Chair


These drafts will be shared with council members (through documents section of the Governance meeting site) for review at Dec 7 meeting for recommendation to Board at Dec 13 meeting.  final approved versions will be posted in the BoT "documents" section following that meeting


Board Manual Table of contents

Draft proposed list of table of contents for a Board manual was reviewed and accepted.   It was discussed that many of the documents/information/compliance documents may already be compiled and available and we will organize the manual under this table of contents in the BoT Documents section.   This will serve as a reference for board members and tool to assist in board recruitment and orientation.



III. Other Business


Sunshine laws -

Amy will work with Legal Counsel to compile a "one pager" of do's/Don'ts/Pitfalls related to Sunshine laws that will be posted to Documents plus laminated copies to be available at each Board meeting (response to Board Assessment response that Board members do not feel fully informed on the specifics of Sunshine Laws for our meetings/discussions.


Board on Track best Practices

Bob will set up a call with Amy, Sarah, Gina Fafard from BoT to review best practices for utilizing BoT for document storage and corrdinating updates of documents. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Nicolay