Intergenerational Schools
August School Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Lakeshore Intergenerational School
18025 Marcella Rd.
Cleveland, Oh. 44119
Directors Present
D. Clark, J. Lewis, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, L. Trotter, M. Rado, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay, S. Miller
Directors Absent
M. Charvat, M. Olson
Guests Present
K. Parish, S. Alonso
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
HB21 Verification of Residency Monthly Report for All Three Schools.
Contract Action
Discussed needing Lisa Vahey's consultant contract to show it will be split evenly between all the 3 schools.
Finalized 2023-2024 Staff Handbook
Approved in consent
Finalized 2023-2024 Family Handbook
Approved in consent
II. Sponsor Update
J. Lewis discussed that Sunshine Law trainings are due every year in order for the school to stay compliant. There are in-person and zoom options and the training takes 3 hours to complete.
CMSD Update
M. Rado discussed that the deadline disclosure documents are due on Sept 15th. There will be a kick-off charter meeting being planned soon. There are new CEO listening tours and they can be found on the CMSD website (NWIS will have tour on Sept 13th 5-7pm). Per M. Rado NWIS contract with CMSD needs renewal and it will be released in September. NWIS site visit evaluations are based on instructional methods and school ratings (2 external consultants and 1 internal consultant).
M. Rado discussed LIS site visit will be on Sept 14th.
III. Governance
Board on Track
Discussed the roles of the board and "CEO" of the IGS. The board governs and the CEO manages. Discussed how to make sure committees are being well represented during board meetings and that the committees should at least include 1 board member, to allow for deeper conversations on projects. Committees should have the opportunity to report on any concerns at every board meeting, and discussion should be based on goals. Cena Hillard agreed to chair the finance committee.
Strategic Plan
B. King discussed SIPs that were developed by Kate Foley, Brooke King, and all 3 school principals. ( A. Maimone, C. Walker, S. O'Hara, and M. Clopton-Zymler) Plan to start implementing plans with students as highest priority. FIGS will continue to be rebuilt as the governance groups are reestablished but focus is on keeping high-quality dollars.
Discussed Educational Advisory committee will be ran by R. Bunton and S, Miller along with 3 outside advisors/staff. A principial from one of the 3 schools will attend all committee meetings.
Karen Chambers Resignation from All Three Boards
Discussion was held regarding K. Chambers resigning, effective immediately.
IV. Academic Excellence
Strategic Plan Goals 1 & 2: Deciding on Indicators
Discussed SIPs and are planning on fully implementing them in October or November of 2023.
Staffing & Enrollment Updates
Discussed current openings and staffing plans for all 3 schools for school year 2023-2024. There are 5 openings currently which include building sub, applying teachers, math, and special education teachers. Working on helping teachers obtain proper licensure due to being out of state or expiration. TFA teachers should have come to IGS licensed however 4 teachers are still in the process of taking the test. Licensing is part of strategic plan 4, and a HR plan is in the works.
Discussed enrollment at all 3 schools and how many student openings we currently have. J. Dorsey the Enrollment specialist for IGS has enrolled 197 new students this school year. He will continue to enroll families to fill no show and withdrawal spots.
V. Finance
Approval of June and July Financials
Discussed IGS getting $4000 per student, and that IGS gets high-quality dollars for 3 years.
VI. Executive Session for TIS-East, Near West, and Lakeshore
August Resolutions
Roll Call | |
R. Bunton |
L. Trotter |
L. Carpenter |
J. Lopez-Inman |
D. Clark |
M. Charvat |
M. Olson |
S. Miller |
R. Nicolay |
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- TIS-Renewal Fluid Yoga Contract.pdf
- TIS-New Stepping Stones.pdf
- LIS-New Haley Bizub Contract.pdf
- LIS-Renewal-Grandma's House MOU 23-24.pdf
- NWIS-Renewal New Bridge.pdf
- IGs-Renewal KFunk Consultanting.pdf
- IG-Renewal LV Consultants.pdf
- Updates to 23-24 Staff Handbook.pdf
- 2023-2024 Family Handbook Updates.pdf
- August TIS Governing Authority Meeting - sponsor update .docx
- Intergenerational Schools Strategic Plan August 2023.pdf
- IGC - June'23 Financial Report.pdf
- TIS - June'23 Financial Report.pdf
- LIS - June'23 Financial Report.pdf
- NWIS - June'23 Financial Report.pdf
- 03. Near West Resolutions1 (8).docx
- 03. Lakeshore Docket-Resolution-1 (3).docx
- 03. TIS-East- Resolution-11 (9).docx
Approved in consent