Intergenerational Schools


June School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Near West Intergenerational School

3805 Terrett Ave.

Cleveland, Oh 44113

Directors Present

D. Clark, J. Lewis, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Trotter (remote), M. Charvat, M. Olson, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay

Directors Absent

K. Chambers, L. Carpenter, S. Miller

Guests Present

A. Cascio, April Maimone, B. King, D. Mangen, J. Dorsey, M. Rado, S. Alonso

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Inman called a meeting of the board of directors of Intergenerational Schools to order on Wednesday Jun 28, 2023 at 6:03 PM.

II. Sponsor Messages



Mr. Rado informed the board that CMSD had their last drop-in at LIS in the middle of May.  He will want to have the LIS restart plan by mid-July.  Mr. Nicolay asked what the restart plan should entail.  Mr. Rado explained that the plan consists of the student expectations, parent and staff communications and professional development for teachers.

Mr. Rado reminded the board that Near West contract with CMSD expires June 30, 2024.  NWIS will need to attend an orientation.  The renewal application will be release in September.  Part of the renewal is a site visit that is weighted.  More information will be sent out as we get closer to the release of the application. 



Ms. Lewis informed the board that Lake Erie West's annual meeting will be held on September 13, 2023 in Toledo and all board members are invited to attend.

HB123 requirements for the 2023-2024 school year will now require that all students in grades 6-12 receive at least one hour of evidence based suicide prevention instruction.  Resources can be found on the ODE website.

Ms. Lewis stated they TIS June visit was through email and included follow-up from the May visits and discussion on the completion of 11.6 goals.  Overall TIS did well, however there needs to be a focus on improving math scores since there was a decrease.  Ms. Lewis and Dr. Clopton-Zymler do have a plan for math as well as literacy going into the 23/24 school year.

One of the 11.6 goals is board attendance is 75%.  We are currently at 88%.  An update for the end of the year will be given after this meeting.  

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Special Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2023

M. Olson made a motion to approve the minutes from May 16, 2023 Special Board Meeting on 05-16-23.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


TIS/NWIS/LIS: HB21 Verification

M. Olson made a motion to HB21 Verification for TIS/NWIS/LIS.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Contracts, Agreements, Leases & MOUs

M. Olson made a motion to approve the contracts, agreements, leases, and MOUs.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.

Ms. King explained that some contracts came in late, but they are renewals,

Mr. Nicolay asked why were entering into a contract with The Centers.  Ms. King explained this is a renewal contract for 1:1 counseling with students.  Even though we are hiring full time school counselors, this will supplement the work they are doing in the schools. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Personnel Actions for all schools

M. Olson made a motion to approve personnel actions for all schools.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Open Purchase Orders for 2023-2024

M. Olson made a motion to approve open purchase orders for 23-24.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2023-2024 Staff Handbook

M. Olson made a motion to 23-24 staff handbook.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2023-2024 Family Handbook

M. Olson made a motion to Approval of 23-24 family handbook.
R. Bunton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Education Advisory Council Report


State Test and NWEA MAP Scores

Mr. King reviewed a Power Point Presentation on the NWEA test scores for all three schools.  There was decline in math and ELA scores across the model.  She then presented the raw data for the Ohio State Testing.  The scores have not been officially released so there is no comparison data to other schools.


Mr. Olson asked if our sponsors could provide resources to the schools such as professional development of personnel.  Ms. Lewis stated that she has already spoken to Dr. Clopton-Zymler and they have a plan going into the new school year.  Mr. Rado stated that once CMSD gets all of the testing data he will work with the Principals on what they see theirs needs being for the 23-24 school year.


Mr. Nicolay asked Ms. King, what is the plan now?  Ms. King explained that the current school improvement plans will not change We will continue to focus on developing the adults in the schools by conducting professional development, individual coaching, building substitute teachers and providing a library of resources for teachers to reference.




Enrollment 23-24

Mr. Dorsey the IG Enrollment Specialist presented the current re-enrollment numbers to the board.  He then reviewed a Power Point Presentation on the enrollment strategies and tactics that he is using this summer to recruit and enroll families.


Ms. Bunton asked Mr. Dorsey if we have family ambassadors for each school that can promote the good things that are happening in the school community.  She suggested that we have videos posted of families from each school, not just one.

V. Finance


April and May Financials

D. Clark made a motion to Approve the April and May financials.
M. Olson seconded the motion.

Mr. Mangen reviewed the financials stating that all three school are looking at a surplus this year.  The schools were able to build their reserves due to the added ESSER money received.  He stated that IGCle still needs to work on their philanthropy even though we were given a runway.  


Mr. Mangen then updated the board on the State's Bi-Annual Budget.  He reviewed the three significant issues that will impact our schools which are High Quality Dollars, the automatic increase for facility costs, and an increase in the supplemental expenses.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Ms. King briefly reviewed the fy24 budget for Lakeshore.  She then walked the board through a Plan B budget if Lakeshore does not reach its target enrollment number, If they do not reach their enrollment number, they will need to use some of next year's High Quality Dollars.


Shared Staffing Contract Actions

R. Bunton made a motion to Approve shared staffing contract.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Bunton
S. Miller
L. Carpenter
K. Chambers
R. Nicolay
M. Olson
L. Trotter


Waiver of Intergenerational Cleveland Financial Support

M. Olson made a motion to approve waiver of Intergenerational Cleveland Financial Support.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Nicolay
L. Trotter
K. Chambers
S. Miller
L. Carpenter
R. Bunton

VI. Governance


Extension of Member Terms

D. Clark made a motion to extend member's terms until December 31, 2023.
M. Olson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Ms. King showed the board a spreadsheet of open teaching positions across the model.  open Math Teachers make up the majority of slots that we need to fill.  Ms. King explained that she is coming to the board with a special request from Dr. Clopton-Zymler that is outside of our compensation policies.  He would like to hire a math teacher that comes highly recommended at a substantially higher rate of pay than we currently offer.

The board had a lengthy discussion on the policy, the equity of this request, and other options.

D. Clark made a motion to Allow Brooke King to create a new math position for TIS that is outside of the current compensation plan. This position is to be posted for all employees to have the opportunity to apply.
J. Lopez-Inman seconded the motion.

Ms. Lopez-Inman suggested that the board consider given staff members that have been with the model 9 years or more receive a bonus or stipend.  Ms. King stated that she will work on that proposal and will bring it to the board in August once she has more information on the amount of High Quality money the schools have received. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Alonso