Intergenerational Schools

April EAC

Published on April 5, 2024 at 1:39 PM EDT

Date and Time

Thursday April 11, 2024 at 4:30 PM EDT

The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens that strive for academic excellence. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  

Reschedule May 16th meeting (again - sorry!)

  C. Followup on next step items from March   Stacy Miller 20 m

1.  New Reading Curriculum - Calendaring, stipends for summer planning


2.  New Report Card - last time we talked about stipending teachers to work on this over the summer, also a parent feedback committee, or parent communication committee.  Do we still want those, and can we get that on the calendar?

II. Academic Excellence 4:51 PM
  A. Review of Proposed Comp Plan - Principals and Assistant Principals Brooke King 15 m

At their 4/3/24 meeting, the Board approved the guidelines for increasing teacher salaries, that we reviewed at our last EAC meeting.  Now Brooke needs guidance on proposed FY25 Principal and Asst. Principal salaries, as they relate to both the new teacher salary schedule and the market in general.  Our recommendation on that will go to the Board for their 4/24/24 meeting when they will approved the FY25 budget as a whole. 

  B. Review Coaching efforts and other teacher supports Brooke King 15 m

We'll get an update on the coaching program and the reorganization Brooke is proposing for next year.  She will be looking for council members advice on the critical elements of an effective coaching program, and recommendations on FY25 budgeted amounts.


  C. Update on Partnerships with The National Teachers College and CSU Aditi Garg 15 m

Our partnerships with both these organizations are in their initial stages.  We have an MOU with the National Teachers College to use their students as student teachers at TIS.  LIS and NWIS have signed up as potential sites for student teachers and licensed substitutes in CSU's MUST program.   CSU also has some PD opportunities (for all 3 schools) we could stipend.  Brooke is looking to the EAC for guidance and ideas on how to get the most out of these opportunities.


III. Other Business 5:36 PM
  A. Preview of items for May meeting
  1. We will meet in person!
  2. Call for new Council members
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote