Intergenerational Schools

March EAC

Published on March 10, 2024 at 4:28 PM EDT

Date and Time

Thursday March 14, 2024 at 4:30 PM EDT

The Intergenerational School creates, connects, and guides a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens that strive for academic excellence. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  

Quick review of minutes and other resources

  C. Update on items from January and February   Jameson Lowery and Krystal Funk 20 m

1.  New Reading Curriculum selection process (Jameson)


2.  Update on Report Card Revision Project (Krystal)

II. Academic Excellence 4:51 PM
  A. Review of Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) Proposal Krystal 10 m
  1. We are moving to a model-wide LPDC that will review and coursework and professional development activities completed by educators to determine if state certification and licensure requirements have been met, and that the identified goals and strategies are relevant to the needs of the district, the school, the students and the educator.  This is up for Board approval, we are just reviewing and providing any comments.  Link to the proposal is in the Committee Documents section.


  B. Review of Proposed Comp Plan Brooke King 30 m

Brooke will present the proposed Comp plan.  Last month the Board approved a significant amount of money to increase teacher salaries.  Brooke needs some guidance on how teacher experience should factor in to the proposed scheme.  Since this is a work in progress, no materials will be available ahead of time.

  C. Review Coaching efforts and other teacher supports Brooke King 15 m

We'll get an update on the coaching program and the reorganization Brooke is proposing for next year.  She will be looking for council members advice on the critical elements of an effective coaching program.


III. Other Business 5:46 PM
  A. Preview of items for April meeting
  1. Final selection of Reading curriculum 
  2. Discussion of any proposed educational budget items
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote