Intergenerational Schools

April EAC

Published on April 11, 2023 at 1:30 PM EDT

Date and Time

Monday April 17, 2023 at 4:30 PM EDT


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Quick overview of Board on Track
II. Review 2023-2024 Strategic Initiatives and Budget Impact - recommendations to Board


  1.   New Teacher Salaries
    1. Brooke reviews new salary structure and bonuses
    2. Consider and discuss signing and retention bonuses (not in budget)
    3. Consider and discuss incentives to move schools for leader teachers (not in budget)
  2.   PD and Teacher Support Strategy
    1. Brooke reviews new teacher support/PD model 
    2. Consider and discuss stipending teachers to do PD, for example -- Sending (and paying for) people to go to PD (like Resp CR);Stipend people for completing PD? During the summer? During Off hours?
    3. What are the key elements of the new PD model that need to be planned out this summer?
  3.   Building Capacity for Intergenerational Programs
    1. Description of new positions
    2. What should be the key area of focus for the coming year for the Director position, how does that fit in with the other strategies for teacher development and support?

4.   Increasing SEL/DEI



III. Discuss setting up program to use parents as subs

The budget includes an initiative (under Teacher PD) to train and pay parents to be subs.  This idea was forwarded by our committee.  To be successful, this must be carefully planned.  What are the key elements for success?

IV. Closing Items
  A. Plan to meet in person for May meeting
  B. Adjourn Meeting