St. Louis Voices Academy of the Media Arts


SLVA January 10, 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM


St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts

1220 Olive St.  Ste #200 

St Louis, MO 63103


All board meetings will be in person.

Directors Present

A. Silverblatt, D. Catchings-Smith (remote), E. Barnard (remote), K. Scott (remote), L. Jackson

Directors Absent

E. White, E. Woods

Ex Officio Members Present

H. Russell-West

Non Voting Members Present

H. Russell-West

Guests Present

B. Taylor, D. Wright (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Catchings-Smith called a meeting of the board of directors of St. Louis Voices Academy of the Media Arts to order on Wednesday Jan 10, 2024 at 6:05 PM.


Mission Statement

II. Actions Items


Approve November 8, 2023 meetings minutes

K. Scott made a motion to approve the minutes from SLVA November 8, 2023 Board Meeting on 11-08-23.
E. Barnard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Board Business


Special Guest Speaker (Debra Lister, Consultant)

The quest speaker, (Debra Lister) presented important information on:

  1. A checklist and things to consider when evaluating the performance of the E.D.
  2. Goal setting and Dashboard Concepts.
  3. The red flags to look for when viewing/checking the Financial Statement.



MCPSC Portfolio Meeting - January 29 -30; Kansas City, MO

D. Catching-Smith 

  1. Shared information about the MSPSC event taking place January 29th -30th in Kansas City, MO.  Debra spoke briefly on the purpose as well as the importance of this event and the members/staff who will be in attendance,
  2. Discussed  board governance documents that was shared with each member  and asked that each member review the documents which will be be discussed at the February meeting.
  3. Discussion on putting in place the protocol for an SLVA parent becoming a member of the board according to the by-laws.  

IV. Board Committee Reports


Finance and Facilities

L. Jackson 

  1. Discussed and presented all updates of the financial statements.
  2. Shared information about the new platform being used when reporting/presenting any financial information updates. 



No update at this time.



E. Bernard 

  1. Shared some of the concerns discussed at a recent committee meeting and the plans of putting into place  the protocol for SLVA parents interested in becoming a member of the board.
  2. Discussed the board  recruitment of new board members and having a staff member participate in the committee meetings.


School Performance

No updates at this time

V. Executive Director Report


E. D. Report

  1. Shared update on the number of students currently enrolled and current ADA.
  2. The projection for next year's enrollment and staffing requirements.
  3. Future plans and strategies for academics, school culture and family and community relations.
  4. Concerns about staff retention and the possibility of considering employee contracts. 



B. Taylor

Provided current compliance status and information, monthly reimbursements for both food services and transportation. All cycle deadlines have been submitted.





VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Catchings-Smith