Libertas Academy Charter School


Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM


146 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA
Conference Call Line Number
Dial-in Number:  (712) 775-7031
Access Code: 959-546-056

Committee Members Present

D. Barrows (remote), K. Diamond Kayiatos (remote), L. Davis (remote), M. Montero (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

K. Frett (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Barrows called a meeting of the Development Committee of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Apr 7, 2020 at 5:05 PM.


Approve Minutes

II. New Business


Chair Remarks

DB provided suggestions on ways to maintain health & wellness at the forefront. 


Review Dashboard

Total received thus far in FY20: $121,076.35. Given that we have sent out the first solicitation, our team is wondering how COVID19 may have impacted responses. 

KD- timing likely wasn't good. 
LD: the chaos of the current situation, it is probably falling last on people's mind. 
KD: if we send something, it should address the environment in which we are operating. Highlight the ways in which we are providing stability and connection to our families. 
DB: The e-newsletter, as discussed with MM, should really focus on the work the school is doing to support kids. Should we launch a second solicitation?. 
KD: The timing may not be right, we may want to wait until school starts up again. 
LD: We should consider sending the newsletter and not be too aggressive. 
KD: We should target mid-May since we'll know if school will be back in school. 
DB: We will build our database. KOF should send an email to everyone who didn't get a letter that we should reach out to. We need to create a one source database that has a one-word way to identify each donor. 


Launching the Spring Solicitation Round 2

We will wait until we know if and when schools will re-open.




Community Event


Newsletter #2

The newsletter should include the ways in which we are meeting the needs of our family. 

We should consider trying to get a story started with other schools that are doing great work in Western Mass.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Montero