Eno River Academy


July 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Virtual only

Directors Present

Adam Haber (remote), Charlotte Dungan (remote), David Nagel (remote), Jeremy Greene (remote), Margaret Barr (remote), Pamela Norcross (remote), Sabrina Kordys (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

Adam Haber

Guests Present

Lindsey Sealy (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

David Nagel called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Tuesday Jul 16, 2024 at 5:33 PM.


Approve June 18 Regular Meeting Minutes

David Nagel made a motion to approve the minutes from June Board Meeting on 06-18-24.
Sabrina Kordys seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sabrina Kordys
Jeremy Greene
David Nagel
Margaret Barr
Charlotte Dungan
Pamela Norcross
Adam Haber


Approve June 25 Special Meeting Minutes

David Nagel made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting - Special Session on 06-25-24.
Sabrina Kordys seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement


Reading of Statement

David Nagel read the conflict of interest and ethics statement- no conflicts were brought forward.

III. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, of meeting agenda

David Nagel made a motion to approve the agenda as it is written.
Adam Haber seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Sabrina requests for the treasury/finance update to be delayed a month because she did not get update in enough time to review. It can stay in agenda but was not able to review beforehand.

IV. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy

We did not receive any public comments this month via email. 

Open up to zoom for public comments-

1. Joseph Shore- made thank you comment.



V. New Business


Board Officer and Committee Appointments for 2024-25

Opened floor- for comments about appointed officers:

Sabrina- nominated Dave Nagel as Chair/President, support Jeremy as vice chair. 

Jeremy- also wanted to support Dave Nagel- Jeremy thinks it makes sense to maintain positions in this calendar year. 

Margaret-supported Dave in chair position and Jeremy as vice chair. They make a complimentary team.

Pamela- supported Sabrina in treasury position. 

All members supported each other staying in their current roles


Discussion on committees/task force.

David Nagel made a motion to appoint David Nagel as chair, Jeremy Greene as vice chair, Sabrina Kordys as treasurer and Margaret Barr as secretary for the 2024-2025 school year.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Sabrina Kordys made a motion to appoint the below candidates to the specified appointments for the 2024- 2025 school year.
Pamela Norcross seconded the motion.

The following candidates for the below appointments:

  •  Sabrina Kordys SIT liaison committee.
  • Charlotte Dungan as ED evaluation committee.
  • Pamela Norcross to lead community grievance committee
  • Adam Haber to lead employee grievance committee
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Old Business



Sabrina- discussed re-opening the by-laws during the retreat. To discuss some of the following and be able to think and discuss these more. 

  • Board Seats and who holds those-community members, parent seats. Who makes up the board and how many members. 
  • Voting versus non-voting members
  • Other topics as well possible. 
  • Review number and time frame of community members.

Before the minimum number of by-laws were updated to be compliant. Board did not want to change to many things too quickly. But need more time to think and review the some of the by-laws regarding the members of the board.  


Sabrina will bring something to discuss on this topic and timing of it to retreat.


ED hiring update

Pamela- said not much has been done at this time. Agreed to still use the school hiring task force. 


David commented that the late fall is a good time to start the process of posting. 


Same or new hiring committee? Need to gauge interest of those on it and replacing those that left. Lindsey- thinks good to keep same group, but be sure they are interested. Then open up any open spots.


David gave example of posting of Davidson charter ED posting and the help of HR in that posting. ED that compliments versus experts in all areas. 


Annual Retreat Planning

David- just confirming structure of retreat and who will be responsible to present on a topic for 30 minutes. Went over an outline of board retreat topics and who is responsible. 

VII. Officer and Liaison Updates


Treasurer and Finance Update

  • Sabrina- did not have update yet and audit has not been finished. Will bring status next meeting. 
  • Have a new liaison. 
  • David stated that a review of the audit by board members. 
  • Sabrina asked about line of credit with bank- it is set up but cards did not come in mail. Physical card coming. 

VIII. Administration Announcements and Updates


Monthly Administration Update

  • Got AP Scores rate back- 75% pass rate. (3 or 
  • Almost fully staffed-hiring for HS PE and Lower Dean of Students
  • July 30 freshman orientation- device distribution.
  •  1:1 computer school. No longer bring your own device. - communicating with families to pros of this
  • Admin team retreat-escape room and spent time preparing for school year. Review Duties and cross training. 
  • Mapped out dates for school.
  • Full on every grade level (except 4 spots in 12th grade)- 
  • ADM-854 students.
  • Meet the teacher- open house August 6th and in September back to school night- see curriculum and more in-depth for K-8. 

Charlotte had some questions on 1:1 computer policy.

David seeing cyber security policies

Lindsey met with insurance people to potentially up policy for cyber security issues.

Adam Haber left at 7:00 PM.


2024-25 ERA School Calendar

Parents have voiced wanting more communication between parents and teachers, especially at high school level. This information was gained via survey.


Mrs. Sealy requesting a to change 2 regular school days to teacher workdays which will be used to hold parent-teacher conferences.


There is space to change these dates

Two dates recommended:

Friday November 1st

Friday March 28th


Discussion around timing and dates

Jeremy Greene made a motion to make November 1, 2024 and March 28, 2025 that Mrs. Lindsey presented to be teacher work-days in lieu of regular instructional days.
Sabrina Kordys seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Haber

IX. Closing Items


Closed Session


Adjourn Meeting

David Nagel made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Charlotte Dungan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret Barr