Eno River Academy


February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 28, 2023 at 5:30 PM


Topic: February Board of Directors Meeting
Time: Feb 28, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 9546 5919
Passcode: 551250


Directors Present

Charles Penny II, Michael O'Malley (remote), Pamela Norcross (remote), Sabrina Kordys (remote), Sarah Hernandez (remote), Sarah Yagnow (remote)

Directors Absent

Jeremy Greene

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Charles Penny II

Guests Present

Kristin Martin (remote), Lindsey Sealy (remote), Lisa Bair (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Sarah Yagnow called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Tuesday Feb 28, 2023 at 5:35 PM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Michael O'Malley made a motion to approve the minutes from January Board Meeting on 01-18-23.
Pamela Norcross seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sabrina Kordys
Michael O'Malley
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Hernandez
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross
Sarah Yagnow

II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement


Reading of Statement

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement read by Sarah Yagnow with no conflicts.

III. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

Sarah Hernandez made a motion to approve the agenda as written for the February Board Meeting.
Michael O'Malley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeremy Greene
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross
Sarah Hernandez
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys

IV. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy, updated May 5, 2020. Please submit emailed public comments to board@enoriveracademy.org for this month's meeting.

No public comments were submitted or made during this time.

V. Executive Director Announcements and Updates


Monthly Executive Director Update

  • We had our walkthrough with our security consultant. He has followed up on several items with me and with our SRO. We should have the report in early to mid-March.
  • The lottery was held on Friday, February 24th . This year only 2 students (both in 8th grade) indicated through the Intent form that they would not be returning. This year we had a record number of applicants overall in grades K-12 as well as in the individual grades of Kindergarten, 2, 4, 5, 8, and 11. In 9th grade, we have the second highest number of applicants from over the last 6 years.
  • Our middle school students competed in Kindness Month Bingo. We had spaces for eat lunch with a new friend, turn in your phone for a day, help at home without asking etc. For every student that completed the full bingo card, they will receive Kona Ice.
  • Our specials team will be hosting a showcase on March 20th . This event will showcase grades 3-5.
  • We are hosting our first annual Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament for all faculty and staff
    beginning on March 1st . This is a great opportunity for team building! There will be prizes given to the winners.
  • Science Olympiad at the High School did incredibly well.

VI. Committee Updates



Finance review given by Lisa Bair.

Need to spend all our State Funds by April, and doing well with the rest of the budget.


Diversity and Inclusion

Sarah Yagnow updated that the next Board newsletter will be going out soon with update from Dr. Lanier. Next week (March 7th) is the next D&I meeting. 


School Improvement Team

First order of business will be grant proposals from the teachers for funds from the Annual Fund. To date, we have received $14,875.00 (which is ~25%). Grant proposals are due on March 15th and they will be scored by the School Improvement Team. We are excited to see all of the ideas. 

VII. New Business


Internet Safety Policy Updates

Reviewed the updates to the Internet Safety Policy (originally dated 2017) created to qualify for e-Rate funds, which pays for school internet and various infrastructure. 

Michael O'Malley made a motion to approve the updates to Internet Safety Policy.
Pamela Norcross seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeremy Greene
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Hernandez
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross
Charles Penny II arrived at 5:45 PM.

VIII. Old Business


Strategic Plan Discussion

Board discussed Goal 6 of the Strategic Plan. Comments will be used to revise and share again in March.


Board Goals

Board discussed 2022-2023 Board Goals and shared a draft letter to send to companies, universities, etc. to reach out for partnerships.

IX. Closing Items


Closed Session

No closed session needed.


Adjourn Meeting

Upcoming Board Meetings scheduled:

Wednesday, March 22 @ 5:30PM

Tuesday, April 18 @ 5:30PM

Tuesday, May 9 @ 5:30PM

Tuesday, June 20 @ 5:30PM

Sarah Hernandez made a motion to adjourn the board meeting.
Charles Penny II seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sabrina Kordys
Documents used during the meeting