Eno River Academy


May Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Directors Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Jeremy Greene (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote), Pamela Norcross (remote), Sabrina Kordys (remote), Sarah Hernandez (remote), Sarah Yagnow (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Kristin Martin (remote), Lisa Bair (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 5:03 PM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Sabrina Kordys made a motion to approve the minutes from April Board Meeting on 04-27-22.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Michael O'Malley
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Yagnow
Charles Penny II
Sarah Hernandez
Sabrina Kordys
Pamela Norcross

II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement


Reading of Statement

no comments 

III. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

Sabrina mentioned to make a motion to revise board meeting minutes to revise wording on voting on new board seats. 

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to to approve the May meeting Agenda as written.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow
Jeremy Greene
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Hernandez
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross

IV. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy, updated May 5, 2020. Please submit emailed public comments to board@enoriveracademy.org for the May 2022 meeting.

Did not receive prior written comments before this meeting.


no public comments. 

V. Executive Director Announcements and Updates


Monthly Executive Director Update


  • Teacher Appreciation Week was last week! We are so thankful to Mrs. Martin and her committee for making it a great week! And a huge thank you to all of our families for their generosity!
  • AP testing started last week and is continuing into this week. 
  • EOGs start on Monday and end next Friday. Our 8th graders have the opportunity to enter high school with the potential of 3 or more credits. Those being Math I, English I, and Spanish I.
  • We had our Kindergarten screening on Monday, May 2nd. Mrs. Hover did a fantastic job scheduling this for us. 



VI. Committee Updates


Future Visions Update

Sarah Yagnow- 

Presented at last board meeting about solar panels. Research will happen over summer and planning on what to accomplish next year. 

Parent wants to help with grant writing! 

D & I last meeting of the year in a couple of weeks. Continuing with Dr. L. 


Lisa Bair thanks Sarah and Charles for their work. 


Finance Update

1. We received $5,955.00 from Indian Gaming funds 

2. We received $9,900.00 for the Summer Reading Program

3. We were also given $11,029.00  for the true-up in PRC203 - ESSER III - Teacher Bonus. Their original bonus allocation did not cover the entire team so this corrected that. 

VII. New Business


Athletic Spectator Policy

Looking at athletic spectators and level of professionalism and sportsmanship. Some of this has been lacking since we have been back from COVID. Want to create a policy so we have some recourse in keeping a parent coming if there is an issue. Families sign something at the beginning of the season, but really want to see board back us up in case we have a continuation of a person to calm and even remove them from sporting event. 

Michael- is this for just ERA parents? 

Lisa- would use resource officer in the case of another non-ERA parent. 

Sarah Y. Lots of schools have spectator policies. May be able to get a policy to vote on in August. 

Pamela I think this is a great idea to keep the events safe. 




Board Seat Issue

Parent Elections- Met with our attorney to figure out available options and the best path forward. We have one seat running this year, should have two. Had three last year. It was a mistake.  

There was an error last year where 3 seats were running instead of 2 due to confusion of when one seat ended. Sabrina's seat technically ends after this year.  


Lisa- first 6 months you were appointed. If board member leaves early, board can appoint someone to that seat. We all missed it and we can rectify the situation. Attorney suggested we go to board to correct the situation.

Sabrina- I reapplied for a new seat. 

Sarah- It was an error on a packet.

As a board, we need to decide what to do to correct the error. Michael showed us suggestions from lawyer. 

Sarah H- how have you Sabrina helped the school as a board member? How hands on have you been? How do we know how hands on you have been?

Sabrina- I tried to volunteer but had a lot of family things happening with my family personally; always came prepared to meetings. Attend to what we can. 

Charles- I think option B feels more fair. B is option that will rectify situation. 

Jeremy- I am in agreement with Charles that we as a board have acknowledged a mistake. It is unfortunate that it happened. I agree with Charles that B would be my option. However, we have to be kind to one another. We are not going to all agree on everything. 

Admin team- disappointed with a lack of professionalism and the adversarial nature of the disagreement with the original solution presented

Kristin- hard to hear that lawyers have to get involved- the whole lawyer situation elevated it for me that is a little scary. 

Michael- lawyer had to research for several days

Motion needs to be made to document a mistake was made. 

Michael O'Malley made a motion to Move to clarify for the record that the 2021 election of Sabrina Kordys to fill a board seat for Brad Tapper’s vacant board position was one year premature (the "Premature 2021 Board Member Election") and that the election to fill such position should have occurred in 2022 according to Article IV.3d of the Board Bylaws.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Yagnow
Charles Penny II
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Hernandez
Pamela Norcross
Jeremy Greene

Move to correct the Premature 2021 Board Member Election by one of the following two ways:


(a) Move to correct the Premature 2021 Board Member Election, by re-opening Sabrina Kordys’ board member position for regular election in 2022 according to Article IV.3d of the Board Bylaws.

(b) Reset the schedule for Sabrina Kordys’ Board Position so that the Premature 2021 election shall be recognized this election cycle as an election to a full three-year term, and the permanent schedule for that position shall be adjusted accordingly with a term ending June 30, 2025. 


Board members being polled for option A or B:

Jeremy Green B

Sarah Hernandez B

Sabrina B 

Pamela A

Charles B

Sarah Y  A

Michael O'Malley B


5 B's and 2 A's 


Will proceed to make a motion on B


Jeremy Greene made a motion to Reset the schedule for Sabrina Kordys’ Board Position so that the Premature 2021 election shall be recognized this election cycle as an election to a full three-year term, and the permanent schedule for that position shall be adjusted accordingly with a term ending June 30, 2025.
Charles Penny II seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Yagnow
Michael O'Malley
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Hernandez

VIII. Old Business


Vote on status of ERA Face Covering Policy

Sabrina Kordys made a motion to continue current optional face mask policy at ERA.
Sarah Yagnow seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sarah Yagnow
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Hernandez
Sabrina Kordys
Jeremy Greene

IX. Closing Items


Closed Session

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to Enter closed session at 6:21 pm.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Jeremy Greene
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Hernandez
Sarah Yagnow
Pamela Norcross
Sabrina Kordys

The board came out of closed session at 7:01 pm

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve ERA faculty and staff bonus structure as discussed.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Pamela Norcross
Charles Penny II
Michael O'Malley
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Hernandez
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve executive director compensation update as discussed.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Hernandez
Pamela Norcross
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Yagnow
Michael O'Malley

June board meeting date: June 6 or June 28 

May have to be later due to the audit 

5:30 pm 



Adjourn Meeting

Sabrina Kordys made a motion to to adjourn meeting.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sarah Hernandez
Sarah Yagnow
Michael O'Malley
Charles Penny II
Jeremy Greene
Sabrina Kordys
Pamela Norcross
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Norcross
Documents used during the meeting