Eno River Academy

May Board Meeting

Published on May 9, 2024 at 4:53 PM EDT
Amended on May 14, 2024 at 1:56 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 5:30 PM EDT


Eno River Academy 

1212 NC Hwy 57 N

Hillsborough, NC 27278

Lower School Cafeteria


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Margaret Barr 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   David Nagel 1 m

Reading of Mission Statement
Eno River Academy will nurture a community of academic and artistic distinction, as it enriches each student’s cultural literacy.

  C. Approve April 16 Regular Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes David Nagel 2 m
  D. Approve April 29 Special Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes David Nagel 2 m
II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement 5:36 PM
  A. Reading of Statement FYI David Nagel 2 m

"ERA By-laws require any member to recuse herself or himself from voting on any matter before the Board which would confer a financial benefit on the member. At this time, the Chair inquires as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Board. If any member knows of a conflict of interest, appearance of a conflict, or possible financial benefit please so state at this time."

III. Monthly Agenda Review 5:38 PM
  A. Review and revision, if needed, of meeting agenda Vote David Nagel 3 m
IV. Public Comment Period 5:41 PM
  A. Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy FYI Jeremy Greene 10 m

The Eno River Academy Board of Directors encourages community involvement and welcomes public comment during open board meetings. In order to provide an opportunity for input while conducting an efficient meeting, individuals and group may provide comments in accordance with the following policy.

Members of the public wishing to speak during the public comment period should fill out the Public Comment Form, including their full name and general nature of their comments, prior to the start of the Board Meeting in which they wish to speak. Comments must be related to legitimate school business. The Presiding Officer or his/her designee will recognize the public member(s) to speak during the scheduled public comment period (usually held near beginning of the board meeting) in the order in which they had completed their request to speak on the Public Comment Form.

In order to allow as many individuals as possible to speak and to ensure the Board of Directors have appropriate time to address all agenda items, individuals will be allowed a total of up to three (3) minutes to speak about their identified topic. No individual may transfer any remaining time to another individual that is also signed up to speak. A total of up to fifteen (15) minutes will be provided for individuals to speak and no person may speak more than once during the public comment portion of the agenda. The Board reserves the right to modify the time for public comment at any open board meeting.

If a public member requests an extended discussion, it will be at the discretion of the Presiding Officer as to whether to grant further public comment and how much time is allotted.

For the indefinite future while board meetings are conducted online, the School's Public Comment Policy shall be adapted to allow public comments to be made by email (preferred) before the meeting in adherence with the process and timeframe provided before each meeting or by verbal participation during the public comment period after recognition by the presiding board officer.

Public comments provided by submission of email communication shall be sent to the board Secretary, subject to any additional procedures established by the Administration. Such email comments will be available for board member review.

Comments must conform to the Policy's general requirements regarding courtesy and respect; failure to abide by these requirements may preclude acceptance or require redaction of non-permissible content, to the extent legally permissible.

All speakers should be courteous in language and demeanor, respectful and present themselves in a professional manner during their allotted time. Speakers should not speak about any individual student, teacher, staff member or board member by name and may not engage in any personal attacks. Any speaker who does not abide by this policy and creates disorder will be asked to leave the meeting. Under North Carolina law (General Statue, N.C.G.S. § 143-318.17), there can be legal consequences for individuals who do not adhere to public meeting protocol. “A person who willfully interrupts, disturbs, or disrupts an official meeting and who, upon being directed to leave the meeting by the presiding officer, willfully refuses to leave the meeting is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.” (1979, c.655, s.1; 1993, c.539, s.1028; 1994, Ex. Sess., c.24, s.14(c).) Adopted April 16, 2013.

V. New Business 5:51 PM
  A. Review of ERA Financial Controls, Procedures, and Policies Discuss Adam Haber 10 m

Learnings from the ED transition of financial processes revealed lack of comprehensive fiscal policy documentation.  Examples of robust documentation obtained from ERA's legal counsel.  Adam to share scope, preliminary learnings and planned next steps.

  B. ERA Debit Card Vote Adam Haber 10 m
  C. 2024-25 Annual Budget Vote Lindsey Sealy 15 m

Lindsey and Kristin are seeking approval of the 2024-25 budget which is needed prior to issuing 2024-25 teacher and staff contracts.  This time will be spent reviewing the revenue and expense categories and the plans/estimates underlying each category.

  D. Initiating a K-8 Principal hiring process Vote David Nagel 10 m

With an eye toward the rapidly approaching 2024-25 school year and peak principal recruitment season, a recommendation will be made to initiate a K-8 Principal hiring process including:  defining the job description, recruitment strategy, and timing - including how this process timing is intended to overlap with the anticipated ED hiring.  

  E. Initiating Annual Retreat Planning Discuss David Nagel 15 m

This will be an early discussion to identify a date and objectives for the annual retreat so that inputs to the retreat can begin to be prepared.  Preliminary topics include specifying improved governance structures and goals for 2024-25 across priority areas such as:  STEAM, DEI, fundraising, and governance.   Board members should bring ideas on what they would like included and also consider how they could contribute to the retreat pre-work and preparations. 

VI. Old Business 6:51 PM
  A. Non-exempt employee proposed contract terms Vote Lindsey Sealy 15 m

Under guidance from from AltHR and in compliance with FLSA, Lindsey and Kristin will recommend and the board needs to vote on contract structure/terms for non-exempt employees.  

  B. Community Board Seat - Election Vote Jeremy Greene 15 m

One one-year community seat is up for election with term running July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.  This seat is currently filled by Adam with term expiring June 30, 2024.  Three candidates applied:  Amber Bickford, Adam Haber, and Heather Murphy.  Applications and recorded Zoom interviews distributed to board members by Jeremy prior to this meeting.

VII. Officer and Liaison Updates 7:21 PM
  A. Treasurer and Finance Update FYI Sabrina Kordys 5 m
VIII. Administration Announcements and Updates 7:26 PM
  A. Monthly Administration Update FYI Lindsey Sealy 10 m
IX. Closing Items 7:36 PM
  A. Closed Session Discuss Kristin Martin 30 m

Closed session is anticipated. 


Closed Session § 143-318.11. (a) 5&6  
A closed session may be called in order to discuss items which warrant confidentiality.
The Board may, at its discretion, move into closed session to discuss items which warrant confidentiality pursuant to Article 33C, Section § 143-318.11. (a) 5&6 of the North Carolina General Statutes.

  B. Adjourn Meeting Vote David Nagel 1 m