Eno River Academy

Silent Auction Task Force

Published on December 17, 2019 at 12:49 PM EST

Date and Time

Tuesday December 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM EST


Eno River Academy High School Conference Room


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
  D. Welcome
  1. The consensus at the BoD meeting is to keep the auction online only this year. 
  2. Date: online auction will start on Sat. Feb 1 and end on Friday Feb. 28th. Saturday Feb 29th divvy up items, pickup starting on Sunday March 1st.
  3. Purpose: All proceeds to benefit the ERA Athletics K-12
  E. Auction Website

Eraauction.org now routes to Bidding Owl Website

  F. Review Acquisition Status
  1. All emails to last year’s donors have been emailed out.  We will need to send reminder emails in case they were missed in a few weeks to those that have not responded.  
  2. Rachel to provide meeting attendees with the list of vendors approached, and blank donation request letter and tax ID form so we all can carry them with us and hand them out when we are out and about.
  3. Rachel to pick up folders and storage boxes from closet to organize donations
  4. New this year, Maire Alexander’s family is donating a 1987 Jeep Cherokee that doesn’t run
  G. Discuss videoing and interviewing
  1. We have a vision of promoting the auction by videoing coaches/student athletes talking about their programs/experiences. The ERA Athletic Director, Jenny Hartingh was tasked with coming up with interview questions and ideas.  Still looking for a student to volunteer to ask interview questions, and another to video the interview.
  H. Items ready for pickup:
Could someone volunteer to pickup certificate from Camp Chestnut Ridge (M-F 9-6)
  I. Signup Genius
Signup Genius site has been drafted for volunteers such as car line flyer distribution, divvying up items on Saturday, handing out items on Sunday and later, etc.  Rachel to ask for the link to be provided in weekly email and posted to PATH Facebook in early January.
  J. Weekly Facebook Posts
Weekly Facebook Posts on PATH account to begin in early January with popular item each week promoting excitement. Rachel to post each week.
  K. Setting Up Bidding Owl Site

Confirm that Kaity is to add descriptions and photos to Bidding Owl website

  L. Other Discussion?

Any other topics needed to discuss?

II. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting