GEO Academies EBR


March 2019 Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 28, 2019 at 8:30 AM


GEO Prep Academy (2311 N. Sherwood Forest Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70815)

Directors Present

D. Slan, L. Anderson, L. Fontenot, L. Johnson

Directors Absent

R. McGarner, T. Wade

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Teasley

Non Voting Members Present

K. Teasley

Guests Present

Aleisha Taylor, D. Teasley, Debra Dixon, M. Collins, Nancy Roberts, Nicole Honore, S. Douglas, Shirlon Clay, T. Porter, Tyler Litt

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Johnson called a meeting of the board of directors of GEO Academies EBR to order on Thursday Mar 28, 2019 at 8:30 AM.


Approve Minutes

L. Fontenot made a motion to approve minutes February 2019 Meeting on 02-28-19.
L. Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Update - GEO Prep Academy



S. Clay shared an academic report on GEO Prep Academy.  The report included an update on student enrollment, which slightly decreased from the October 1st count.  In addition, significant decreases in the number of discipline referrals were observed.  NWEA benchmark assessment and DIBELS results were shared.  It was noted that growth on both has been achieved, although not at the same level as last year.  L. Johnson inquired as to whether there is a need for additional teacher professional development.  S. Clay and S. Douglas indicated there are several new teachers who are not fully acclimated to NWEA and may need support with better understanding how to align their instruction.  In addition, students are receiving additional minutes of intervention, as needed.  It was noted that NWEA has been the best indication of actual school growth on the state assessments.  S. Clay also provided an update on TAP evaluations, which showed a decrease in the percent of teachers scoring unsatisfactory from winter to spring.  S. Douglas indicated the school’s use of TAP and NWEA is allowing progress monitoring and support to students. 

III. Update - GEO Prep Mid-City



T. Porter provided an academic report on GEO Prep Mid-City.  Similar, to GEO Prep Academy there was a slight decrease in student enrollment and well as discipline referrals.  Relative to NWEA, she noted efforts are being taken to improve performance of grades 3 and 5 in mathematics and grade 1 in ELA.  DIBELS results showed growth in grades K and 1.  T. Porter noted more support and monitoring is needed for maximum impact and an action plan has been created.  She also provided an update on TAP Evaluations, where there was an observed increase in the percent of teachers scoring at the exemplary level from winter to spring.  She emphasized the school’s use of morning announcement as a way to reiterate the school’s goals, motto, and the focus of instruction that day to students and teachers.   

A discussion about the PD plan for each school was had.  Principals shared PD begins with a 2-week training during the summer, which is primarily focused on curriculum and TAP.  During the school year, weekly clusters and Leadership Team meetings are held to maintain a focus on the impact instruction is having on student outcomes.  Curriculum trainings have included social studies, reading, writing, Eureka, CKLA, Amplify and Wit and Wisdom.  In addition, RELAY is providing training and leadership development for teachers and school leaders.  S. Douglas shared that TAP has allowed schools to maintain a laser focus on student and teacher needs. 

IV. Update - GEO Next Generation High School



A. Taylor provided an update on GEO Next Generation HS.  Student enrollment currently stands at 25 students.  Recruitment efforts (community walk, recruitment via other schools, information sessions, direct mailers, social media, etc.) are ongoing to reach the target enrollment of 100-125 students.  She also shared that the cooperative agreement with B.R. Community College (BRCC) is moving forward and the summer bridge experience will be offered for 3 college credits via BRCC.  D. Slan inquired about the focus of summer bridge, which A. Taylor indicated will address academics, organizational skills and strategies, study skills, and career awareness.  L. Fontenot inquired about what is being done to assess student interest.  A. Taylor mentioned administering the BRCC career assessment to students to gauge initial information and that a career interest assessment will be provided multiple times to help students see growth or changes in their interests.  She also shared most curricula for HS has been identified and will be Tier I.  She invited board members to participate in upcoming HS Information Sessions on April 16 and May 7. 

K. Teasley provided an update on the HS building, which is targeted for completion by fall 2020.  He reminded the board of the generous $9 million commitment from NSBR for construction.  He shared recent conversations with the architects, who suggest the school be erected on the current soccer/football field to allow visibility from Sherwood Dr.  K. Teasley provided an internal view of the school’s design, which includes a gym with 600 seating capacity.  The overall goal of the design is to mimic a college atmosphere.  L. Johnson requested that the architects attend the next board meeting, to which K. Teasley agreed.  M.Colllins suggested the addition of a covered walkway between the church and school.  K. Teasley encouraged additional suggestions on the design.
K. Teasley suggested at the April meeting school leaders come prepared to adopt their 2019-2020 school schedules/calendars and provide information to board members in advance of the meeting.                                                                                                                                                                       

V. Other Business



L. Johnson acknowledged invited guests, N. Roberts and D. Dixon, who are potential GEO Board members.  D. Dixon thanked L. Johnson for the invitation and shared her mission is to ensure schools are effectively and equitably serving students with disabilities.  L. Johnson stated GEO schools are open enrollment for all students.  N. Roberts also thanked the board for the invitation and stated she is thoroughly impressed with staff and GEO’s vision.  She indicated she’s honored to be considered for a board position.  L. Johnson asked both to seriously consider attending the April meeting, at which time a formal nomination to join the board would occur.    

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

L. Fontenot made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
L. Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Teasley