GEO Academies EBR
January 2019 Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 24, 2019 at 10:00 AM
GEO Prep Academy (2311 N. Sherwood Forest Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70815)
Directors Present
D. Slan, L. Fontenot, L. Johnson, T. Wade
Directors Absent
L. Anderson, R. McGarner
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Teasley
Non Voting Members Present
K. Teasley
Guests Present
D. Teasley, Nicole Honore, S. Douglas, Shirlon Clay, Tom Bromley
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Tom Bromley was present as a voting member for this meeting. He has since been removed from the database due to his resignation, however, please note that he was present as a voting member for this meeting of the Board on January 24, 2019.
Call the Meeting to Order
L. Johnson called a meeting of the board of directors of GEO Academies EBR to order on Thursday Jan 24, 2019 at 10:27 AM.
Linda Fontenot made a motion to amend the agenda to add a report on GEO Prep Mid-City under Item III. Daisy Slan seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Update and a resolution regarding street signage was added under Item IV. Other.
Approve Minutes
D. Slan made a motion to approve minutes from the November Board Meeting on 11-30-18 November Board Meeting on 11-30-18.
L. Fontenot seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
CMO Review
Linda Johnson explained that the Board should be conducting an evaluation of its CMO. Members were referred to the board packet, containing a CMO Governance Checklist. Dana Teasley reminded the Board of GEO’s responsibilities (i.e. personnel, finance, operations) outlined in the CMO agreement with the board. Dana Teasley asked members to review the areas outlined in the Governance Checklist to ensure it covers the expectations of GEO. Feedback/suggestions are to be sent to Linda Johnson, who will share with Kevin Teasley and Dana Teasley. There were no questions raised by board members.
III. Update - GEO Prep 2019-20
Facility and Student Planning
Sandra Douglas shared the school’s enrollment is at 517. The school has just finished DIBELS and NWEA testing, which will look at growth since the beginning of the school year and help determine additional supports and instructional strategies needed to get students on track by state assessments. Afternoon tutoring will begin focusing on LEAP preparation and Saturday tutoring will soon begin. Tom Bromley inquired about any concerns with attendance on Saturdays, which Sandra Douglas indicated has been very good in the past. Tamiara Wade inquired about the grouping of students during tutoring opportunities. Sandra Douglas indicated tutoring is primarily focused on the “bubble” kids to see how to move them to the next level. Tom Bromley asked if we are seeing students are on track for testing. Shirlon Clay indicated the progress monitoring and benchmark assessments has indicated necessary instructional changes needed to get students on track for state assessments. Kevin Teasley asked if Saturday tutoring is required. Sandra Douglas indicated it is not required, but is tied to student participation in spring field trip opportunities and is primarily focused on those students in the tested grades.
IV. Update - GEO High School 2019-20
Vote on New Name
Linda Johnson shared that input was solicited from parents, students, and faculty to generate the final school name. She also pointed out recommended list of names submitted by Linda Fontenot. Linda Johnson reminded the Board of GEO’s unique early college model and asked board to take into consideration when voting on the name. Tamiara Wade recommended adding the name “GEO Prep Next Generation High School.” Dana Teasley mentioned confusion with using “Prep” in name and recommended excluding from the name of the high school. Kevin Teasley suggested a legal name and name for marketing. Linda Johnson asked for clarity with suggested name from Tamiara Wade. Daisy Slan made a motion to select the name GEO Next Generation High School, seconded by Tom Bromley. Linda Johnson made a recommendation for the Board to consider targets for the HS at its May 2019 meeting.
Update on Planning
Kevin Teasley indicated he anticipates naming the high school leader within the next week. A target hire date for the high school leader is February 15, 2019.
V. Other Business
Linda Johnson shared the Board needed to pass a resolution in order to change street signage from reading St. Louis King of France to GEO Prep Academy. Daisy Slan made a motion to approve/pass the resolution, seconded Tom Bromley.
Dana Teasley reminded the board of the financing structure currently in place for the Sherwood property, which is one (1) year financing with the intent for permanent finance. Dana Teasley also reminded the Board that Platt is owned by GEO and leased by Board. The plan is to re-finance both properties so that the Board can own both. Dana Teasley stated she will need original signatures from board members for the existing finance structure and additional signatures will be needed for the re-financing. Dana Teasley indicated the bank is extremely happy with the debt ratio of the schools, as well as plans for student growth. Re-financing is targeted for March 2019.
Kevin Teasley shared information regarding the recent school audit process conducted at GEO Prep Academy and GEO Prep Mid-City, which was funded by NSBR. GEO is working with Evan Rudall and his audit team to develop a 5-year strategic plan for GEO. The Audit team shared findings with GEO Leadership on January 23, 2019 and found that of all of the CMOs they’ve previously worked with, GEO is one of the top. Kevin Teasley also shared that NSBR is pleased with the findings and believes GEO will have the potential to grow and manage more schools within EBR. Linda Johnson indicated she also believes GEO is well positioned for growth.
Dana Teasley reminded the board of the financing structure currently in place for the Sherwood property, which is one (1) year financing with the intent for permanent finance. Dana Teasley also reminded the Board that Platt is owned by GEO and leased by Board. The plan is to re-finance both properties so that the Board can own both. Dana Teasley stated she will need original signatures from board members for the existing finance structure and additional signatures will be needed for the re-financing. Dana Teasley indicated the bank is extremely happy with the debt ratio of the schools, as well as plans for student growth. Re-financing is targeted for March 2019.
Kevin Teasley shared information regarding the recent school audit process conducted at GEO Prep Academy and GEO Prep Mid-City, which was funded by NSBR. GEO is working with Evan Rudall and his audit team to develop a 5-year strategic plan for GEO. The Audit team shared findings with GEO Leadership on January 23, 2019 and found that of all of the CMOs they’ve previously worked with, GEO is one of the top. Kevin Teasley also shared that NSBR is pleased with the findings and believes GEO will have the potential to grow and manage more schools within EBR. Linda Johnson indicated she also believes GEO is well positioned for growth.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Linda Johnson acknowledged and thanked Tom Bromley for his contribution, leadership and support while serving on the GEO Board. Tom Bromley shared his honor of being on the GEO Board, to see GEO Prep Academy flourish, and the growth to three (3) schools in 2019-2020.
D. Slan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
L. Fontenot seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Teasley