GEO Academies EBR


November Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday November 30, 2018 at 1:00 PM


GEO Prep Academy - (2311 N. Sherwood Forest Dr.)

Directors Present

D. Slan, L. Anderson, L. Fontenot, L. Johnson, R. McGarner, T. Wade

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

K. Teasley, N. Honore

Non Voting Members Present

K. Teasley, N. Honore

Guests Present

D. Teasley, Jeff Lozer, S. Douglas

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Johnson called a meeting of the board of directors of GEO Academies EBR to order on Friday Nov 30, 2018 at 1:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

Linda Johnson made note that Item III. Governance in the minutes would be addressed at the January 2019 meeting instead of today's meeting. 
D. Slan made a motion to approve minutes from the October Board Meeting on 10-18-18 October Board Meeting on 10-18-18.
R. McGarner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Finance


GEO Prep Mid-City - Financial Review

GEO Prep Mid-City Financial review - Dana Teasley noted that the most important thing to know is that Mid-City is in very strong financial shape. As of October 1, 2018, there are 688 students enrolled, which allows for the school to be funded "strongly". The school has a prior year balance of over $600,000.  Linda Johnson noted this budget represents funds spent from July 1, 2018 - October 1, 2018. Linda Johnson inquired about the current year net income loss. Dana Teasley explained that the number is only a budgetary loss if shown in parenthesis. Mid-City has a positive income balance of over $260,000. 


GEO Prep Mid-City - Revised Budget

Dana Teasley explained that this is based on the actual federal numbers from the LDE and student counts as of Oct 1.  Federal funds increased the projected amount and are used for items such as after school tutoring and summer camp.  Dana Teasley noted these funds will not be used for 9th grade at the high school.  In addition, the budget shows that the categories of repairs and maintenance, field trips, and curriculum have been increased.  It was noted that the NSBR partnership has helped to increase curriculum by $35,000.  Dana Teasley stated the school is not on track to go into deficit in any category.  She also discussed the cost of leasing Mid-City property and that approx. 2% of total expenses are held back for unknown items (i.e., staff enrolling in Relay).  Members stated additional conversations are needed about what to do with the Mid-City building—lease, purchase, etc. 
L. Fontenot made a motion to approve the report.
L. Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


GEO Prep Academy - Financial Review

Dana Teasley reported the school is doing well, but the budget is a bit “tighter” due to the school beginning with and currently having a smaller student population.  Dana Teasley noted that until last year the school was running “upside down” by approximately $67,000.  However, current year’s budget including deficit places the school at a total fund balance of approximately $200,000.   D. Teasley also noted the outstanding loans owed to GEO Foundation.    


GEO Prep Academy - Revised Budget

Dana Teasley shared that as of October 1, 2018, GEO Prep Academy has a student count of 524.  Also, the revised budget reflects the additional grant for $150,000 from NSBR and grants for after school and summer school.  Other purchase professional services include the school’s partnership with City Year and Brothers Empowered to Teach.  Also, the budget reflects more property expenses since the school is located on a larger campus.  Dana Teasley reminded the Board that the Platt property has been leased since the beginning of the school year.  The budget also reflects moving expenses from Platt to the Sherwood Location, which will not be needed when part of the school population moves back to Platt in 2019.  The maintenance cost for the school has been increased for major repairs (i.e., electrical, gas line, etc).  In total, the school is projected to have a positive balance of approximately $160,000.   Daisy Slan inquired about current tutoring at school, which Sandra Douglas mentioned is ongoing at both campuses.   
T. Wade made a motion to approve the report.
D. Slan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Academics


GEO Prep Mid-City

Sandra Douglas shared that for the 2017-18 school year, the school received a score of “T” because of its turnaround status.  Sandra Douglas noted that the school grew by 10pts, received a letter grade of A for student growth, and was labeled a 2018 Top Gains Honoree.   She also noted that 25% of the points a school earns are from progress growth. 


GEO Prep Academy

Sandra Douglas shared for the 2017-18 school year the school received a SPS of 67.5, a letter grade of C, and was named a 2018 Top Gains Honoree.  Sandra Douglas also noted that despite the school’s challenges of having a lot of new kids, who are new to the GEO model, they are doing interventions and providing supports to help kids be as successful as they can be.  She reminded board members that for the 2019-2020 school year, the plan is to move the lower grades (i.e., K-2) back to Platt Drive, which will increase seats and get more kids into the GEO model earlier. 

Kevin Teasley shared draft report cards for each schools.  He noted one area of concern is Mid-City suspension and expulsion rate.  Daisy Slan commented that the data is for 2017-18, which is first year GEO took over Mid-City.  Some of the data is pre-GEO.  Dana Teasley noted that the financial assessment is the only item not belonging to GEO.  Linda Johnson noted the data for GEO Prep Academy was correct. Daisy Slan recommended we focus more on student growth.  Sandra Douglas discussed growth data from the state (VAM) as well as the assessments used in the school (NWEA) to track individual student growth and grade-level growth.


Motion to Receive the Report.

IV. Other Business


New GEO High School - Name

Linda Johnson asked members to provide recommendations for the name of the new HS opening in fall 2019.  She requested feedback be provided by January 10, 2019 and made a motion to defer finalizing the name until the January board meeting.        


New Business

Kevin Teasley and Sandra Douglas mentioned the payout of staff TAP bonuses at both schools.  Sandra Douglas reminded board members that teachers with VAM score of 4 received a $2500 TAP bonus.  Kevin Teasley applauded the schools ensuring appropriate funding is maintained in its budgets for performance pay bonuses.   

Linda Johnson acknowledged Jeff Lozer, Chief Operations Officer at GEO Foundation.

Linda Johnson also acknowledged the parents in the audience and asked for their feedback on GEO schools.  One parent shared she would like to see the acknowledgement of sport teams’ accomplishments, as done last year.  Another parent of two GEO students shared she loves GEO, the model, school leaders and staff and believes her children are getting a quality education.  She is also excited about the GEO High School.  R. McGarner inquired about the location of the High School.  Linda Johnson reminded members the school will consists of only 9th grade next year and will be located on the Sherwood. 

Linda Johnson announced Sandra Douglas’ selection as GEO’s Principal of the Year.

Linda Johnson announced T. Bromley will be leaving the board in January 2019.  She indicated she would like the board to a special recognition of his service at the January meeting.

Linda Johnson recognized representative from the Board of Children’s Charter School in the audience.  A representative from Children’s Charter recommended name of the GEO HS be GEO Advanced Prep HS and praised GEO for its outreach to community stakeholders and partnerships, such as NSBR.  The GEO board acknowledged and applauded the years of ground work undertaken by Kevin Teasley to get community support. 

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Slan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:40pm.
L. Fontenot seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Teasley