Community School for Creative Education


CSCE Board Retreat

Date and Time

Saturday October 5, 2024 at 9:00 AM



2111 International Blvd.

Oakland, CA 94606


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 898 5648 2956
Passcode: CSCE2111



Martha Candido

22241 S Garden Ave Apt. 4, Hayward CA 94541

Rudolf Steiner, Motto of Social Ethics, 1920 (at end of first full year of first Waldorf School founded 1919)

The healing social life is found when in the mirror of each human being the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the community the strength of each one is living.

La vida social saludable se encuentra cuando en el espejo de cada ser humano la comunidad entera se encuentra reflejada y en la comunidad vive la virtud de cada uno.

尋找到健康之社交生活, 就是當每個人對著鏡子 能從整個社區的影像中找 到自己的反映, 這樣在社區內每人都能活 出精彩。

Heilsam ist nur, wenn Im Spiegel der Menschenseele sich bildet die ganze Gemeinscaft Und in der Gemeinschaft Lebet der Einzel Seele Kraft


Objective and 5 BIG GOALS


CSCE annual objective is reaching 80% proficiency in ELA and Math for all student groups grades 3-8 measured by NWEA MAP. 


To achieve this school-wide objective over the next two years,   


Goal #1: Develop Waldorf-inspired, Common Core-aligned and equity-focused curriculum;
Goal #2: Test and document Waldorf-inspired, Common Core-aligned practices as measured in student and adult learning outcomes;
Goal #3: Maintain a well-operated school environment in Operations, HR and Budget;
Goal #4: Maintain effective community outreach (including parents, community partners, policy and research community); and
Goal #5: Launch long-term fundraising strategy for scale-up with financial stability




  1. Anastasia Prentiss
  2. Martha Candido
  3. Jennifer Pellegrine
  4. William Kappenhagen

Directors Present

A. Prentiss, J. Pellegrine

Directors Absent

B. Kappenhagen, M. Candido

Guests Present

K. Palmore

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Pellegrine called a meeting of the board of directors of Community School for Creative Education to order on Saturday Oct 5, 2024 at 9:15 AM.


Record Attendance


Land Acknowledgement


Agenda Approval


Public Comment

II. Board Retreat


Board Membership/Responsibilites

Reviewed Board Job Description and discussed places to recruit 

Goal one: Potential Candidates beginning at the 2024 November Board meeting 

Goal two: Onboard at least five candidates by May of 2024


III. Board Retreat Cont.


School Year Transition Reflection

We discussed the historical transitions and experiences, as well as a blueprint as needed to move forward with sustainability.  Discussion of Leadership model success and challenges.




Waldorf Mission/Model Discussion

Members offered their "why" for the Waldorf Mission/ Model and discussion.

Discussion of teacher and support training.




Development/Fundraising Training

Postponed presentation by guest.


Brief development report - Fundraising goal.  $100,00


Long Term Viability

Charter Renewal is the 2026-2027 school year.


5 years of plans with LCAP

reflection of goals for each year.

Parent support

Baseline educational plan reflecting classroom up to the top

Shared Language

Head/Heart/Hands - for sharing.

Tell the story.


Target enrollment estimate: at least 230-240 to rebuild leadership positions


What is the county looking for?

Can you show functional operations?

Are services being met?


Attendance at County Board Meetings by a CSCE Board Member

Engaged in SWOT analysis discussion

Waiting on the Dashboard for 23-24 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Prentiss
Documents used during the meeting