KIPP Memphis Public Schools
Facilities Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 5, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Directors Present
A. Anderson (remote), L. Sweet (remote), M. Martin (remote), R. Crutcher (remote), R. Gibbs (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Burt (remote), C. McGuire (remote), C. Owens (remote), J. Ward-Gill (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Dr. Sweet abstained from voting
II. Facilities Update
- Chief McGuire gave an overview of the following to the committee:
- COVID Cumulative YTD/February
- COVID Facility Safety Goals
- Maintenance Staffing for all Schools
III. Level Field Partners Project Recap and Deferred Maintenance Summary
Overview of Level Field Project Recap
Level Field is conducting a comprehensive real estate and financial assessment with the following key objectives and outcomes:
- Review KIP's multi-year financial projections
- Evaluate projected financial performance
- Access all other external factors driving project scope and delivery
- Generate preliminary project schedules
Deferred Maintenance
Chief McGuire gave the following Deferred Maintenance update:
- Overview of the upcoming Deferred Maintenance for KMAM & KMCH located at 2110 Howel Avenue for the following areas: Gymnasium, Corridors, Stairs, Student Toilet Rooms, Faculty Toilet Rooms, Kitchen, Main Office, Classrooms, and Auditorium
- Overview of the upcoming Deferred Maintenance for KMCE & KMCM located at 230 Henry Avenue for the following areas: Gymnasium, Corridors, Cafetorium, Stairs, Student Toilet Rooms, Faculty Toilet Rooms, and Play Gym
- Estimated Costs by Category
- Overview of Facilities Planning Engagement
- Permitted Work and Non-Permitted Work
- Facility Planning Next Steps
IV. CEO Comments
CEO Burt Comments
CEO Burt gave comments and an overview of the Facilities Presentation.
V. Facilities Chairperson Comments
Chairperson Comments
Chair McKinley asked if the organizing and cleaning of the storage closet has been completed throughout all the schools?
CEO Burt gave an outline of what has taken place and the process for cleaning and organizing the storage spaces at each school.