Rainier Valley Leadership Academy


RVLA Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 4:30 PM


This meeting is virtual, but does have an in person option @ 6020 Rainier Ave S, Seattle WA 98118


Meeting ID



Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 260-468-0921‬


PIN: ‪792 761 465#‬

Rainier Valley Leadership Academy Board meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be virtual with an in person option.

RVLA Board Meeting
4:30 – 5:30pm
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/teo-qixr-iqv
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 260-468-0921‬ PIN: ‪792 761 465‬#


In person option @ 6020 Rainier Ave S, Seattle WA 98118

Directors Present

E. Forde (remote), M. Sahoo (remote), R. Bembry (remote), T. Marsh (remote), V. Hsu (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Thiel, M. Dyal

Guests Present

Angela Thomas, B. Coleman, C. Catchings, Courtney Claxton, D. Watson, Dawn Mason, Daxa Thomas, Italiana Hughes, Jaycee Coleman, Jaycee Coleman, L. Reisberg, Lashawn Jenkins, Lenny Emperado, Mary Houston, Samayah, Shannon Peterson, Tamara Woods, Tayish Mandefero, Taylor Jones

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Marsh called a meeting of the board of directors of Rainier Valley Leadership Academy to order on Tuesday Apr 30, 2024 at 4:40 PM.

II. Public Testimony


Call for public testimony.

Shannon Peterson-Grandparent of a scholar. Disturbed by the Principal was in the cafeteria. High turnover of teachers-what are the effects of this on scholars?


Samayah-Parent of scholar. Difficult to raise enrollment without strong reading and math scores.


Lisa Shimoi-Current FAB President. Teacher retention is an issue at all of her other scholar's schools. Teacher appreciation week coming up-if would like to help reach out to Lenny Emperado.


Tamara Woods-Do three head ladies get raises & are they in the budget? If we dont fix the food we wont retain scholars.


We will hold another time for more people to voice their concerns?

III. Consent Agenda


Resolution March 30th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Unable to vote due to not meeting quorum.


Resolution March 2024 Payroll & Claim Vouchers

Unable to vote due to not meeting quorum.


2024/25 School Year Calendar

Unable to vote due to not meeting quorum.

IV. Mission Aligned


Mission Moment-Elementary Expansion Approval

The Commission voted to officially approve the RVLA Elementary Expansion.


Mission Challenge-Kindergarten Enrollment

The challenge is to now convert Elementary Interest Forms into actual Enrollment.

V. Updates


Academic Update-Performance Framework 2023/24

Principal David Watson reviews the 22/23 Performance Framework.


Finance-Organizational Chart

Chastity Catchings, RVLA CFOO, reviews the org chart for RVLA that was submitted to the commission for approval of next year.  Looking at how enrollment, staffing, facilities, funding, and other costs all effect the budget. Budgeting timeline review.

VI. Executive Session


As Needed

Not needed.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
V. Hsu
V. Hsu made a motion to Adjourn.
E. Forde seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Dyal
R. Bembry
E. Forde
V. Hsu
T. Marsh
M. Sahoo
J. Thiel
Documents used during the meeting
  • April 2024 Resolution-March 2024 Minutes.docx (1).pdf
  • AP Check Summary Report with Board Certification 3.15.pdf
  • AP Check Summary Report with Board Certification 3.31.pdf
  • AP Check Summary Report with Board Certification Direct.pdf
  • Payroll Check Summary with Board Certification 3.29.pdf
  • Resolution April 2024 for March 2024 Vouchers & Payments.pdf
  • DRAFT 24-25 Elem Calendar.pdf
  • DRAFT 24-25 MS HS Calendar.pdf
  • RVLA - Board Resolution (2024-2025 School Year Calendars) .docx.pdf