Rainier Valley Leadership Academy
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM
Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (GDPSW) Board meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be virtual. Please use zoom link below:
Dial-in info: manual
(669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 989-793-884
Dial in info: one-touch
Videoconference link
Directors Present
C. Peoples-Procter (remote), E. Forde (remote), J. Hailey (remote), J. Thiel (remote), M. MASON (remote), M. Sahoo (remote), R. Bembry (remote), T. Marsh (remote), V. Hsu (remote), W. Wang (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Luna
Guests Present
B. Coleman (remote), C. Catchings (remote), Chineka Jones (remote), Danisha Jefferson (remote), L. Reisberg (remote), O. Anthony (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Public Testimony
Call for public testimony.
III. Mission Aligned
Mission Moment
3 items were highlighted:
- A partnership with Urban Native Education where sessions were held between RVLA and UNE scholars to listen to each other’s stories. In a particular session, UNE scholars taught RVLA scholars about Billy Frank Jr. Afterwards, RVLA scholars created a presentation and presented at an assembly on Billy Frank Jr Day (March 9)
- April 26 and 28th – MMIP Culture as Resilience and Resistance events (Missing or Murdered Indigenous People) leading up to May 7 (national day of healing for MMIP)
- Board member Jeff Thiel was introduced to, and spent time with, two scholars and their families
Mission Challenge
Getting scholars through the re-enrollment has been a recent focus. Currently sits at at 42. Pizza and ice cream parties help smooth the process which takes families about 20mins to an hour to fill out re-enrollment forms).
Furthermore, there is an effort to get new enrollments through Social Media. 6th grade is the largest class. Other Recruitment strategies involve tabling, events, and focused canvassing of surrounding neighborhoods
IV. Consent Agenda
Resolution to March 22nd, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Resolution March Payroll & Claim Vouchers
Resolution Modified School Calendar SY 21/22
Resolution Changes to Application Process
V. Tubman Freedom Clinic
RVLA Partnership
Danisha Jefferson-Abye introduced the partnership that the Tubman Center for Health & Freedom has with RVLA in order to serve the community in a unique and customized way. Particular emphasis was given on Tubman's history, principals, and the importance of limiting racial and health disparities in order to improve education achievement. Additionally, a recent survey for scholars and families highlighted the future priorities and potential of this partnership including an integrated wellness center.
VI. Updates
Human Capital
Chastity discussed the current efforts to staff RVLA for the following school year. RVLA has been busy interviewing to fill positions. Currently, only 7 positions remain open.
Finance Update
Chastity went over the March financials, and discussed the timeline for budgeting for the 2022-2023 school year.
Additionally, she discussed the timeline for audits. The 2021 audit has been completed by CliftonLarsonAllen with no findings or qualifications. The board will have an overview of the audit in May. Given the clean opinion, the audit process will move forward, and be looked at by Washington State auditors.
Lastly, Chastity introduced concepts related to teacher compensation, which will be a topic of further discussion in the next Board meeting
VII. Announcements
Leah reminded the board of upcoming committee retreats/meetings. Additionally, the board was invited to graduations: 8th graders on June 15 at RVLA, and Seniors (inaugural class) on June 16 at Rainier Performing Arts Center
VIII. Executive Session
As Needed
No public testimony