Rainier Valley Leadership Academy


Board of Directors Meeting


Date and Time

Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 4:00 PM



Please save this time for our Rainier Valley Leadership Academy Board Meeting. 

In-person directions:
In-person location: Rainier Valley Leadership Academy – 6020 Rainier Avenue S, Seattle WA 98118
Instructions: Please park in the parking lot behind the school. 
Dial-in info: manual

(669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 989-793-884  

Dial in info: one-touch

Videoconference link

Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (GDPSW) Board meetings are open to the public. Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be held via teleconference:

Dial-in info: manual

(669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 989-793-884  

Dial in info: one-touch

Videoconference link

Directors Present

C. Peoples-Procter (remote), E. Forde (remote), J. Hailey (remote), J. Thiel (remote), M. MASON (remote), N. Hester (remote), R. Bembry (remote), T. Marsh (remote), V. Hsu (remote), W. Wang (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

B. Coleman (remote), C. Catchings (remote), L. Reisberg (remote), R. Madonna (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Hailey called a meeting of the board of directors of Rainier Valley Leadership Academy to order on Tuesday Mar 23, 2021 at 4:05 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Resolution to Approve February 27th, 2021 Board Retreat

V. Hsu made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Retreat on 02-27-21.
T. Marsh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Resolution to approve February Payroll and Vouchers


Resolution to Approve Re-Opening Plans

III. Board Work



-Currently 165 scholars
-82 scholars have re-enrolled for next year
-Calling campaign to assist families getting enrolled
-204 scholars for next year
-March 17 was lottery


Human Capital
-Academic Counselor: Henry Jenkins
-Science/Math: Kiara Paschal
-Social Studies: Anab Nur
-After School Manager: Malon Shelton
-After School Assistant: Pending offer
-Principal: Still interviewing


Academic Deep Dive

Rebecca Madonna: Academic Deep Dive
MAP Testing-Commission Goal
-10% of African American males tested low or low average
-Goal is to increase to a higher percentile band on 20-21 NWEA MAP Reading Test
Testing Completion Rates:
-100% Reading
-99% Math
-2 8th graders & 2 10th & 1 9th that increased their band to a higher percentile range
-Commission goal accomplished!
-Increased attendance from semester 1 to semester 2 from 92.57% to 97.34%
Missing Assignments
-Discussed various strategies to decrease number of missing assignments
-Cut missing assignments in half from January to March
Honor Roll
-51% scholars on Honor Roll
-89% of completed conferences for scholars
-Great reading support for reaching commission goal


Finance Review

-Destiny-no longer responsible for the building
-Monthly burn rate: trending well below
-Due to remote work/learning-means we have spent less
-We are re-opening-therefore costs will increase soon
-Special Education funding review
-Anticipated costs on target with our estimations
-Public funds review
-Classified salary and benefits are on budget


Note: Finance Group will be getting more involved with the budget process

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Thiel made a motion to Approve.
M. MASON seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Reisberg