Rooted School - New Orleans

Rooted School New Orleans - Annual Board Retreat

Finance Sub-Committee Meeting / Committee of the Whole Meeting / Retreat Executive Session
Published on June 20, 2023 at 5:54 PM CDT

Date and Time

Friday June 23, 2023 at 9:30 AM CDT


Rooted School - Board Room - Room 177

IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to emergency proclamation 30-JCE 2020, the Rooted School New Orleans Board hereby certifies that it will conduct the meeting scheduled for June 23, 2023 in person, at 6701 Press Dr. in the SUNO College of Education & Human Development Building. 


  • The Committee meetings will start at 9:30 AM.
  • The Committee-of-the-Whole meeting beginning at 10:30 AM.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:30 AM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   GeDá Jones Herbert 1 m
  B. Record Attendance   GeDá Jones Herbert 2 m

Rooted School NOLA Board 2022 - 2023:


  • Kimberly Andrews - Board Member
  • Brandin Campbell - Board Member
  • Travis Chase - Board Member
  • Kyle Finke - Board Member
  • GeDá Jones Herbert - Board Chairperson
  • Mark Quinn - Board Member
  • Sabrina Short - Board Member
  • Alyse Utley - Board Member
  • Kathy Woods - Board Member

Rooted School Foundation Personnel:


  • Board Sub-Committee Attendance Pending

Rooted School New Orleans Personnel:


  • Frank Ingargiola - Director of Finance Rooted School NOLA
  • Kaitlin Karpinski - Executive Director/School Leader Rooted School NOLA

Board Meeting Guests:


  • Sherah LoBoeuf - Finance Team Manager
  C. Approve Minutes of 04/19/2023 Approve Minutes GeDá Jones Herbert 2 m

GeDá Jones Herbert to make a motion to approve the minutes of 04-19-2023.

    Minutes for Rooted School Board of Directors Meeting: 04/19/2023 on April 19, 2023  
II. Executive Session 9:35 AM
  A. Executive Session Discuss GeDá Jones Herbert 40 m

GeDá Jones Herbert, board chairperson, will make a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to personnel.


  • Annual Executive Director/School Leader Evaluation
  • Rooted School Foundation Proposal

No action will be taken in Executive Session.  


When the board reconvenes, if a vote is required, a second motion will be made and all members will be asked to vote individually during the public session.

III. Board Discussion Items: 10:15 AM
  A. Year-End Budget-to-Actuals Presentation from the Finance Committee - Mark Quinn Discuss Mark Quinn 10 m
  • Mark Quinn will present on the year-end budget-to-actuals for Rooted School 
IV. Board Voting Items: 10:25 AM
  A. Final Review & Approval of 2023 - 2024 Rooted School New Orleans Budget (2nd Public Budget Meeting) Vote Mark Quinn 10 m

The board will make a motion to approve and vote on the approval of 2023 - 2024 Rooted School New Orleans Budget.


All formal budget meeting announcements were made public on 4/26/2023 through Capital City Press.

  B. Voting for 1-Year Extension of Board Term Limits - [Board Members with 3+Years of Service] Vote GeDá Jones Herbert 5 m
  • Brandin Campbell
  • Travis Chase
  • Kyle Finke
V. Executive Director / School Leader Report: 10:40 AM
  A. Academic Update FYI Kaitlin Karpinski 10 m

Ms. Karpinski will present an update on academics and summary of the academic committee meeting. Linked here is the data dashboard that houses high level academic updates. 


  • Partnerships Update
  • Student Enrollment Update
  • Staffing Update
  • End-of-Year Highlights

At this point in the meeting, the public will be asked to leave so that the board may conduct their annual retreat.


The board retreat agenda is provided below.

  A. 2023 - 2024 Board Retreat Agenda Discuss Kaitlin Karpinski 120 m

Board Retreat Agenda:


  • Board Team-Building Activity
  • Board Strength Analysis
  • 2023 - 2024 Board Goal Setting
  • 2023 - 2024 Executive Director Goal Setting
  • Board Closing & Reflection
  • Brief Discussion of Following Day's Virtual Board Meeting
VII. Closing Items 12:50 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI GeDá Jones Herbert 1 m