Ridgeline Education Corporation
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 21, 2024 at 4:15 PM
In person: 1922 S General McMullen Drive, San Antonio, TX 78226
Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/RECBoard
Meeting ID: 248 959 160 729
Passcode: de7HNh
Directors Present
C. Humphrey, L. Davis (remote), M. Lewis (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Gibson (remote), A. Holmes (remote), A. Magdaleno (remote), A. Miller (remote), D. Petropulos, D. Pierce (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), Jeannette Cook (remote), K. Delaney (remote), K. Willmann, M. VanKirk (remote), Memry Molina (remote), Nadar Ali II, R. Reyes (remote), Tony Cantu (remote), V. Chase (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Board Member Attendance
Introduction of In Person and Virtual Attendees
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Public Comment
Public Comment
III. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
IV. Review and Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
Prior Meeting Minutes
V. Reports
- The Board was presented with the financial statement as of July 31, 2024, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash projections, and revenues & expenses with an explanation and discussion. He also mentioned this is the 1st month of the fiscal year and has received 1st quarter payment and will be on the September financial report.
- Larry asked if the FSP was based on ADA and Mr. Reyes confirmed that it based off 172 ADA.
School Leader
- Ms. Willmann shared that the school is in their 2nd week of school and introduced 2 new staff members to the school. She also thanked Mr. Petropulos and Mr. Ali II for attending the meeting in person. She also shared on the back-to-school block party on August 1 with 30 students in attendance with 4 families filling out interest forms and 5 enrollment packets handed out.
- Ms. Willmann shared on her new KPI’s including a new student retention liaison and implementing a flow chart for non-attending students.
- Ms. Willmann shared on graduates and their post-secondary choices. She also shared on enrollment of 152 students with 247 enrolled. 74 students have not shown up and are in danger of being dropped.
- Mr. Humphrey would like to know the rolling attendance and rolling enrollment averages to help calculate; done at the end of 6 weeks.
- Ms. Willmann mentioned 1:1 student conferences every 4-6 weeks and student schedule options. She also reminded the board on the December 6th graduation at 3:00p with a rough estimate of 30 graduates.
Management Organization
Dr. Cook gave an update on a new Science teacher and English teacher positions began on August 1. She also mentioned a SPED paraprofessional and a tutor position have been posted.
Legal Update
Legal counsel shared that there was no legal update at this time.
VI. New Business
Insurance Renewals
Angela explained the Commercial Package including hired and non-owned auto liability. She also went over the Umbrella renewal proposal with a $5M Umbrella limit for $5,500 and higher water sewer back up limit, an additional $70k in coverage.
VII. Open Discussion regarding future Board Agenda items
Open Discussion
- Ms. Lewis wanted to thank Mr. Cantu for attending the meeting. She also thanked Ms. Willman for the graduate update and really enjoyed the schedule given to the students to help with attendance.
- Mr. Davis concurred on the graduate update and would like a marketing update for the 24-25 SY in the September report.
- Mr. Humphrey added Mr. Cantu would be a great addition the board.
- Mr. Humphrey would like to know what percentage of kids are coming to L4L from other ISD’s. He would also like to have the 2 new teachers attend the September board meeting to officially welcome them and introduce them to the board.
VIII. Closing Items
Next Scheduled Board Meeting
Next Scheduled Board Meeting September 18, 2024, at 4:15pm.
Mr. Humphrey calledfor public commentand introduced Mr. Tony Cantu to the meeting. Mr. Cantu thanked everyone for allowing him to attend today’s board meeting. He also mentioned that he has previous ISD board experience.