Ridgeline Education Corporation
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 20, 2024 at 4:45 PM
In person: 1922 S General McMullen Drive, San Antonio, TX 78226
Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/BZ0qQ
Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 221761993#
Directors Present
C. Humphrey, L. Davis (remote), M. Lewis (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Gibson (remote), A. Holmes (remote), A. Miller (remote), C. Gray (remote), D. Pierce (remote), Grace Bautista (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), K. Welsh (remote), K. Willmann, Kandace Delaney (remote), Nadar Ali II (remote), Nicole Perkins (remote), Pat Hill (remote), R. Reyes (remote), V. Chase (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Board Member Attendance
Introduction of In Person and Virtual Attendees
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Public Comment
Public Comment
III. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
IV. Review and Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
Prior Meeting Minutes
Approve the minutesfrom April 15, 2024
V. Reports
The Board was presented with the financial statement as of April 30, 2024, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash projections, and revenues & expenses with a brief explanation and discussion.
School Leader
- Ms. Willmann shared on a recognition for Ms. Diaz.
- Ms. Willmann shared on a re-enrollment survey given with 100 responses, with 148 as of today in which all of those students will be returning to school with 86 students still pending. She is also preparing for next year with events planned for the summer to help with attendance. She thanked Ms. Grace Bautista for her help on receiving a grant for the school to help with enrollment.
- Ms. Willmann shared:
- Goal 1: Enrollment and Attendance with 276 enrolled students and with an average of 130 in regular attendance. Ms. Willmann shared on enrollment from August through April with 159 students which gave a 63% retention rate. She mentioned she would like to be between 70-80%. She is striving to keep ADA at 75% for the 2024-25 SY. She is also asking for a truancy officer to help with keeping students in school. Ms. Willmann will also be holding teachers accountable for their students with the help of Mr. David Petropulos.
- Goal 4: Ms. Willmann mentioned T-TESS evaluations have finished.
- Goal 5: Graduation: Ms. Willmann reminded everyone that the spring graduation will be on June 3rd at 10:00am with 40 students graduating and a luncheon to follow at the Whiskey Cake Kitchen at 12:00.
- Lastly, Ms. Willmann shared that she was part of SanAntonio Charter Mom’s podcast.
Management Organization
- Dr. Annie Gibson shared on the education update with development of educational key performance indicators & goals for the 2024-25 SY.
- Mr. Davis asked Dr. Gibson to break down the goals processes. Dr. Gibson gave a brief explanation within each stage.
- Ms. Willmann mentioned she would like to be more intentional with the students taking the STARR tests.
- Ms. Chase also shared that Ms. Willmann is showing her goals through her principal reports each month.
- Ms. Chase shared that board member training is being sent through email from TEA.
- Ms. Peirce shared that L4L Edgewood is a Sub-Chapter C charter school. TEA only requires Sub-Chapter D charter schools to attend board member trainings, but doesn’t see anything wrong with Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Davis, or Ms. Lewis attending the trainings, but mentioned again that they are not required.
Legal Update
Legal counsel shared that there was no legal update at this time.
VI. Consent Agenda Items
Items for Approval
Mr. Reyes shared on the 2023-24 proposed budget amendment with small additions to ESSER funds.
After a brief explanation that the bylaws needed to be amended, the board motioned for a vote.
VII. Closed Session
Closed Session: The Board may adjourn into Closed Session on any item listed above or below as appropriate to that item pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Mr. Humphrey made a motion to go into closed session to discuss the 2024-25 budget and to consult with legal.
VIII. Reconvene into Open Session
Reconvene into Open Session and take action, as needed, on items discussed in Closed Session
Reconvened into Open Session at 6:18 pm. Mr. Humphrey made a motion to approve the proposed retention stipends for the 2024-25 SY.
Roll Call | |
M. Lewis |
C. Humphrey |
L. Davis |
IX. Open Discussion regarding future Board Agenda items
Open Discussion
Mr. Reyes will be sending out 3 different proposed budgets, with percentages for ADA of 55%, 56%, and 57%, for the board members to approve one of the three during the June 3rd emergency board meeting. Meeting location TBD.
X. Closing Items
Next Scheduled Board Meeting
Next Scheduled Board Meeting June 17, 2024
Mr. Humphrey called for public comment and noted for the record that no member of the public was present to address the Board on any matter.