Ridgeline Education Corporation
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday April 15, 2024 at 4:45 PM
In person: 1922 S General McMullen Drive, San Antonio, TX 78226
Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/BZ0qQ
Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 221761993#
Directors Present
C. Humphrey, L. Davis (remote), M. Lewis (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Gibson (remote), A. Holmes (remote), A. Magdaleno (remote), A. Miller (remote), D. Petropulos (remote), D. Pierce (remote), Denise Pierce (remote), G. Sharifi (remote), Grace Bautista (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), K. Welsh (remote), K. Willmann, Kandace Delaney (remote), M. VanKirk (remote), Pat Hill (remote), R. Reyes (remote), V. Chase (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Board Member Attendance
Introduction of In Person and Virtual Attendees
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
III. Review and Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
Prior Meeting Minutes
IV. Reports
- The Board was presented with the financial statement as of March 31, 2024, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash projections, and revenues & expenses with a brief explanation and discussion. Mr. Reyes also mentioned that he will have a budget amendment for the 2023-24 school year at the next meeting.
- Mr. Davis had a finance committee meeting with Mr. Welsh and Mr. Reyes which included topics of ADA and the impact on the budget.
School Leader
- Ms. Willmann expressed her thanks to Ms. Grace Bautista for her role in supporting efforts with completing a partnership application with H.E.B. to help promote the school. She also shared her hopes to participate in the FIESTA parades next year with the students. Lastly, she thanked Ms. Bautista for her help with upcoming home visits.
- Ms. Willmann also shared that she had 16 students win the attendance raffle and those students attended Sea World.
- Ms. Willmann shard on her report on KPI’s and goals.
- Ms. Willmann shared:
- Goal 1: Enrollment and Attendance with 258 enrolled students and with an average of 142 in regular attendance.
- Mr. Reyes shared that due to the decline in ADA that there will be a 2023-24 budget amendment at the May board meeting.
- Mr. Davis mentioned that the finance committee meeting discussed the budget reflecting the decline in ADA ea. month.
- Ms. Guita Sharifi would like to know what the turnaround is of students ea. month.
- Dr. Pat Hill shared the challenge for students is the 4-hour requirement. He would like to revisit the L4L model by doing 1 to 2 hours vs. 4 hours to increase the accountability of teachers to help keep track of their students.
- Ms. Willmann looks forward to changing the model in hopes to retain more students.
- Goal 3: Personalizing Student Learning: Ms. Willmann shared on the students visiting with their teachers to help build a relationship.
- Goal 4: Ms. Willmann shared on the T-TESS, Texas Teacher Evaluation, began and should be done by May.
- Goal 5: Graduation: Ms. Willmann shared the spring graduation will be on June 3rd at 10:00am with approximately 41 students graduating and a luncheon to follow at the Whiskey Cake at 12:00.
- Lastly, Ms. Willmann shared on April 8th, her students participated in the solar eclipse.
- Goal 1: Enrollment and Attendance with 258 enrolled students and with an average of 142 in regular attendance.
Management Organization
- Mr. Holmes shared on the management report which included two consent agenda items. Those items were D&O EPL quote and application and the L4L Edgewood Board Meeting Schedule for the 2024-25 school year.
- Mr. Holmes also shared on a new National Governance email that will be used to correspond with the board members beginning in May. He also shared that LLAC and the Latino Initiative for Growth & Advocacy (LIGA) is putting on a live virtual event on May 2nd. The flier will be sent to Principal Willmann to share with her students.
Legal Update
Ms. Pierce shared that there was no legal update at this time.
V. Consent Agenda Items
Items for Approval
VI. Open Discussion regarding future Board Agenda items
Open Discussion
Mr. Welsh added that contributions into SSI is either all or none and with no changes allowed once it has started. He is also working on the 2023-24 budget amendment and the 2024-25 budget proposal to include health benefits.
VII. Closing Items
Next Scheduled Board Meeting
Next Scheduled Board Meeting May 20, 2024.