Beatrice Mayes Institute
WEEA Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 22, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Berry, Ed.D., B. Gilbert, G. Thomas (remote), J. Greenberg, R. Caine
Directors Absent
J. Keeton, M. Taylor
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Mayes
Non Voting Members Present
C. Mayes
Guests Present
Paul King, Remy Sirls, S. Shahid
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Determine Quorum Present
Call the Meeting to Order
Reading of the Minutes
II. Superintendent Update
Organizational Update
III. Academics
Academic Excellence
_ How do we select text books.
- Meeting must be face-to -face
- Science book adoption
_what are the move in dates and plan for growth due to the new building being ready.
-How many teachers do we need? Jennifer Jackson can start working on finding HISD Teachers who fit what we need and can replace the teachers we are asking not to return.
-Texas accountability Performance Report. First share with D. Johnson and Dr. Berry.
IV. Finance
Finance Committee
- Allonna brought in Remy. Remy transferred to work more on the strategic side.
- Remy updates:
Thank you's for Board Member donations.
-$100,000 from Hertzein Foundation.
- Allona returning from maternity leave.
- What are the gaps they we need to work on.
- What are gaps in skillsets?
- How do we make strategic plan actionable.
- Conversion, procurement being put in place to develop training
- Graphs, budget to actuals, our ADA where it is supposed to be?
Push community into more advocacy
Charter School Growth Fund - Leaders of Colors Retreat - Leesburg, Virginia
Charter School growth Fund Follow up meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Lobby for money for schools.
leaders of Color Retreat will be in Houston next year.
Meeting with Board on track to plan Board Retreat tomorrow.
Part of Adminsitrative team toured Austin Achieve Academy today. Returned to Houston today.
Harlem Children Zone in Harlem, New York would be the next school we would like to tour.
Second City is an Improv in Chicago which performs professional development.
Organization Meeting
Meeting scheduled tomorrow for Remy Sirls (Fund Development), D. Johnson, T. Watts and C. Mayes to discuss future of funding and organizing.
Sense of Urgency
met with Operations Team to express sense of urgency for the areas that need to be organized and create a process.
Interim assessment is complete. All results go to state. BMI performed better than entire region. Still have areas to work on.
TEA Takeover of HISD
discussing how it affects BMI and how we can captilize on student enrollment and gaining new teachers.
Space will be needed for BMI.
Employee Assistance Program will be discussed at next Board Meeting.