DeKalb Brilliance Academy
DeKalb Brilliance Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM
All meetings occur at the school's primary address: 2575A Snapfinger Road, Decatur, GA 30034.
Register to attend online at
If you have any trouble attending a board meeting, call or text our Head of School, Jocelyn Alter, at 404-618-2242.
Directors Present
B. Hartman, B. Howell, B. Riley, C. Armour, Jr., J. Akpan, M. Freeland (remote), M. Greene (remote), T. Egbuna, T. Ruffin
Directors Absent
C. Payton, D. Watters, J. Counts, Q. Johnson
Ex Officio Members Present
B. Miller (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
B. Miller (remote)
Guests Present
J. Alter
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
B. Howell called a meeting of the board of directors of DeKalb Brilliance Academy to order on Monday Feb 24, 2025 at 7:08 PM.
Approve January meeting minutes
B. Hartman made a motion to approve the January meeting minutes.
B. Riley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Governance
Governance Committee Update
Training update
III. Finance
Finance Committee Update
- A new metric around debt has been added to the performance indicators.
- The goal is to have a plan for funding requirements for the next 10 years so partnerships have a goal to work toward
- This is currently laid out for the next 5 years
- With many unknowns (what happens with the new building, staffing uncertainties, etc.) it's best to table the long-term funding plan for now
- With debt, EBITDA being positive is the north star
IV. Academics
Academics Committee Report Out
- Surpassed enrollment goal (340/338)
- Attendance maintained at 94%
V. Facility
Facilities Taskforce
- Potential to have to replace the roof - ideally, they can do a patch job instead of replacing it entirely.
- This would need to be addressed within the next 5 years
- Pending feedback from the roofers
- We're finalizing scope for security equipment
VI. School Leadership Report Out
School Leader Report Out
- Meeting standards on all performance metrics.
- 68% complete on application goal for FY26 recruiting
Staff Advisory report out
Planning college and career week for the week of 3/17.
Family Advisory report out
Family advisory/PTA hasn't been super active
VII. Board Vote
School Calendar SY25-26
B. Riley made a motion to Approve the FY26 school calendar.
T. Ruffin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Executive Session
Vote to enter executive session
B. Howell made a motion to enter the executive session.
J. Akpan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
B. Howell made a motion to move out of executive session.
B. Hartman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IX. Closing Items
Team shoutouts
Meeting feedback survey
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
B. Howell
SCSC Training updates: