El Camino Real Charter High School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 26, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT


El Camino Real CHS, Library, 5440 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
El Camino Real Charter High School Library 5440 Valley Circle Blvd Woodland Hills, CA 91367


I. Opening Items
Opening items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Teacher/Student Presentation
  D. Charter Oversight Committee Update
  E. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items and Agenda Items
  F. Committee and Board Updates
  G. Discussion on Board Technology
  H. Discussion on Board agenda order and priorities
  I. Discussion on bylaws, voting and membership
  J. Discussion about Board Meeting Time
II. Governance
Governance Agenda Stock Description
  A. Discussion regarding identifying potential board positions and procedures for filling positions
  B. Review and approve September 16, 2015 regular board meeting minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on September 16, 2015
  C. Review and approve September 16, 2015 special board meeting minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on September 16, 2015
  D. Approval of the Pledge of Allegiance to future board meetings
III. Policies
  A. Review and Approval of the Progressive Discipline Policy
  B. Review and Approval of the Uniform Complaint Procedure
  C. Review and Approval of the Staff / Student Interaction Policy
IV. Financial
Finance Agenda Stock Description
  A. Review and approval of the July check register
  B. Review and approval of the August check register
  C. Review and approval of the types of CDs the ECRA Schwab investment account may invest
  D. Approval to switch business banking relationships to Hanmi Bank by January 1, 2016
  E. Approval to delegate authority to ED Fehte to executive transition to Hanmi Bank
  F. Approval of ED Fehte to open a line of credit of up to $5MM with Hanmi Bank
  G. Approval to open three Hanmi bank accounts for ECRA's operations
  H. Approval to authorize AP Halski, AP Bennett and ED as check signers on the Hanmi Accounts
  I. Approval to authorize CBO to close all Pacific Western Bank Accounts by December 31, 2015
  J. Review and approval of the purchase of 7401 Shoup property
  K. Approval of Pacific Charter School Development to oversee the improvements of 7401 Shoup property
  L. Educator Effectiveness Funding Update
V. Administrators
CEO Support And Eval Agenda Stock Description
  A. Update from Academic Administrators
  B. Update from Business Administrators
  C. Update from Executive Director
VI. Other Business
  A. Future Agenda Items
  B. Closed Session - Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting