Brighten Academy
Policy Committee Work Session
Date and Time
Monday December 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Committee Members Present
S. Battle
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
J. Smith, M. Vitale, R. Finan, S. Littles
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Adoption of Agenda
consent approval
Approval of Minutes
consent approval
II. Policy/Governance Committee
Meeting Rules
Current Cycle Policies
We have no more policies for this cycle to review
Suggested Policy Review Items
B17 was inquired about during our last body meeting, so we discussed it as a committee.
The suggestions were that we provide a more direct link on the school's website that will direct people to the Board on Track public portal.
Remove E1
B17 E2, updated this to reflect...shall submit an electronic request via the Gov Board public portal website. (tell them where the form can be found)
-shall be submitted 24 hours in advance to submit the form
special note: load policy manual to BOT
Tabled Policies for Review
H20- weapons in school
-it has been reviewed by leaders and staff at the school, and it was mirrored to Douglas County's policy
-staff and leaders of BACS have discretion in taking disciplinary actions
-there is a due process portion of this policy
No objections to how the policy is currently written, ready for the body
H21-seclusion and restraint
-The Douglas County policy reads the same way as our current policy
-consistency of training
No objections to how the policy is currently written, ready for the body
H26- Electronic devices/toys
-DC elementary/middle school code was provided for reference
-the discussion was around smart watches and staff and admin stated no smart watches
-was it no smart watches/phones and just powered down
-don't bring or power down??
-"strongly discouraged"...its suggested that we add this language
-tabled! Staff/Admin will review once more before if comes back to the policy committee
The meeting rules were presented by the chair. The committee has an opportunity to discuss. A motion was made by Regina that we approve the meeting rules and it was and seconded by Matt