Brighten Academy
Executive Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Committee Members Present
D. Carter, J. Smith, K. Moses, R. Zackery
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
D. Davis
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Executive Committee
Strategic Plan Review
Strategic Planning Teams
Reviewed the planning teams, made slight adjustments to the teams Dr. Carter will serve on.
Board Assessment Review
Dr. Carter will review the results of the Board Assessment once everyone on the board completes the assessment.
Board Meeting Procedures
The board will outline board meeting public comment and procedures for attendees and board members.
Leadership Transition Update
Building capacity in AP's in leadership with Dr. Littles and Ms. Sparks
Setting boundaries with staff and parents
Two sessions with Ms. Elder. Highlands Ability Battery assessment.
Doing a learning walk. Using the feedback for future professional development.
40 people will come to Brighten on December 4-5 to view the work of the students. the EL Education Conference will be in Atlanta.
2024-2025 review
Finance: debt reduction. focusing more on fundraising initiatives and refinancing the bond. We reduced debt by 10%.
2025 planning
Fun Run
March Madness: $5,000-10,000 goal
Kristen Moses suggested having exec board and pto exec board in April 2025 to nail down event scheduling.
Reginald intends to serve another three years on the board.
Jamilia suggested creating a form of intent for board members that wish to serve a second term. That form would need to be submitted by end of year 2024.
Public relations and campaign. Rebranding of the website. Mrs. Davis will reach out to a parent that showed interest in doing a website face lift.
Alumni leadership counsel
Leadership and succession planning
Lunch & Learn with staff and parents explaining the process of Public Comment