Brighten Academy
Brighten Academy Charter School Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
5897 Prestley Mill Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135
The Brighten Academy Governing Board will meet on Monday, January 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm, in the Media Center.
Purpose | Presenter | |||
I. | Opening Items | |||
A. | Record Attendance | Kristen Moses | ||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Jamilia Smith | ||
C. | Adoption of Agenda | Jamilia Smith | ||
D. | Approval of Minutes | Jamilia Smith | ||
II. | Executive Director's Report | |||
A. | Facilities Update | FYI | Donna Davis | |
B. | PTO Updates | FYI | Donna Davis | |
C. | Staffing Update | FYI | Donna Davis | |
D. | New SRO Staff Role | FYI | Donna Davis | |
III. | Executive Committee | |||
A. | Strategic Teams Updates | Discuss | ||
B. | Fun Run Update | FYI | Jamilia Smith | |
IV. | Finance Committee | |||
A. | Monthly Financials | FYI | Reginald Zackery | |
V. | Birdies Fore Brighten Ad Hoc Committee | |||
A. | Golf Tournament Update | Discuss | Reginald Zackery | |
VI. | Policy/Governance Committee | |||
A. | Information Only | FYI | Steven Littles | |
C1-Communicable Diseases -No recommendations for edit, ready to move to the body
C2-Solicitations of Staff and Students -TABLED; implementation and process for presenting the Fundraising plan? Is there an approval process, and does it go to a specific Administrator?
C3-Transportation -No recommendations for edit, ready to move to the body
C3-E1-Transportation: Field Experiences and Excursions -No recommendations for edit, ready to move to the body
I2-Parent and Student Complaints and Grievances -The policy committee suggested keeping the language of the policy but adding a footnote that states, "the level of authority is defined by the handbook (list the handbook page or related number). -If possible, make the handbook section linkable in the policy for reference.
H26-Discipline Code -The committee is suggesting to keep the language of the policy BUT to consider pulling this policy as an item to discuss in a larger community context. Special note, it seems like this is a hot button issue in which many stakeholders are vested. |
B. | Policy for Vote | Vote | Shauncey Battle | |
H21-Seclusion and Restraint |
VII. | Academic Excellence Committee | |||
A. | Workplan Data | FYI | Kelly Bemus | |
Data linked in Academic Excellence Committee folder |
VIII. | CORE Committee | |||
IX. | Other Business | |||
A. | MOU: Department of Homeland Security- Know2Protect Campaign | FYI | Jamilia Smith | |
B. | Public Comment | FYI | Jamilia Smith | |
C. | Executive Session | Vote | Jamilia Smith | |
X. | Closing Items | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | FYI | Jamilia Smith |