Forte Preparatory Academy


Forte Prep Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM


  • 51-35 Reeder Street (Forte Prep)
  • CLEAR Offices: 65 East 55th Street (Btwn Madison and Park), 16th floor
  • Zoom

Directors Present

A. Rothman (remote), C. Padula, E. Winn, F. Lin, K. Mullen (remote), L. Friscia, L. Mendez, L. Rodriguez (remote), W. Yip

Directors Absent

D. Moskowitz, V. Abrams

Ex Officio Members Present

G. Browne (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

G. Browne (remote)

Guests Present

B. Johnson (remote), Justin Smith (remote), L. Rich (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

F. Lin called a meeting of the board of directors of Forte Preparatory Academy to order on Wednesday Dec 21, 2022 at 6:05 PM.


Approve Minutes

F. Lin made a motion to approve the minutes from November Board Meeting on 11-16-22.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
F. Lin made a motion to approve the minutes from Forte Prep Board Meeting on 10-19-22.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Review Financial Update

October financials.

Based on 330 enrollment although numbers have since increased

YTD variance of $79,280

Balance sheet remains strong

Dashboard is healthy

Finance committee is considering putting reserves into interest bearing account with interest rates rising.

III. Academic Excellence


Committee Update

No updates.

IV. Development


Committee Update

Great results from December event.  

Board spend on food and drinks was $700.  Offset by contributions, so cost was ~$300.  Small impact on overall raise

V. ED Update


General Update

Forte Prep had first dance this week.  

Working to build academic foundation for students.

Recently had winter talent show.

SUNY approved HS proposal and charter amendment.

HS forward looking plan for incubator facility, long-term facility, fund development and hiring.

Early Jan interview with WFF for emerging network program - money to help fund HS for next few years

Interview campus director candidates - recent finalist day.  

Ways to support - sharing job postings, career immersion opportunities, board member with career readiness experience/industry in hiring young high school or college graduates

Thank you to Lisa for her years of service to FP!

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Rothman