Forte Preparatory Academy


Forte Prep Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM


51-35 Reeder Street (Forte Prep)

Directors Present

A. Rothman (remote), C. Morris (remote), E. Winn (remote), F. Lin (remote), L. Friscia (remote), L. Rodriguez (remote), V. Abrams, W. Yip (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Medina, D. Moskowitz

Ex Officio Members Present

G. Browne

Non Voting Members Present

G. Browne

Guests Present

B. Johnson (remote), Justin Smith, Forte Prep Principal (remote), Leslie, Ed Tech (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Friscia called a meeting of the board of directors of Forte Preparatory Academy to order on Wednesday Jul 20, 2022 at 7:05 PM.


Approve Minutes

L. Friscia made a motion to approve the minutes from Forte Prep Board Meeting on 06-15-22.
E. Winn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Review Financial Update

We are currently going through our interim audit to officially close the FY 22 books (including June financials) & will circulate those for Board review at our Aug monthly Board mtg.   July & Aug financials will be presented at our monthly Board mtg in September. 

III. Governance


Committee Update

We will delay our discussion of Graham's ED self-evaluation at next month(Aug) Board mtg.  As a reminder, the ED self-evaluation will be accessible/viewable via our BoardOnTrack accounts.


We reviewed our mid-year progress on our Governance Committee 2022 goal: to grow our Board to 12 members.   Current state:  9.    Lisa made a request to current Board members to commit to initiate 3 "asks" to our personal/professional networks to identify future Board members. 

IV. Academic Excellence


Committee Update

GB will connect committee with Summer and Ben on how they are using AA committee in Board meetings.

V. Development


Committee Update

Ellen's report out:

  • The Development Committee affirmed its 22-23 goal:
    • 1. To raise $40K via Board-initiated activities + individual donors
    • 2. Foundation goal ("Land" 1 new funder) 

Committee update.  Established fundraising goals of raising 40K for year.  GB will give update on Common event at FP last month.  Committee thinking through outreach and cultivation of future donors.  


LF encouraged board members to make monthly commitment to share social media points on Linked In or social media.  

VI. ED Update


General Update

Graham Brown: Update on Common Juneteenth event and mural creation.  Event was success.  Good opportunity to meet other leaders with non-profits, including leader of music and arts based foundation in CA for opportunities.  Follow up meeting with K-12 director scheduled for next few week to debrief event and discuss plans for school to make case for investing in early stage growth should be part of portfolio.  


Event created two murals.  First mural during event.  Second mural in collaboration with Peter Riezebos, Dutch painter.  Arts team and students finalized mural.  Peter does mention school from time to time and the positive experience, and mentioned partnership idea a way to get students to come visit his studio in Amsterdam and using Commission from US collector as the way to fund trip.  


Graduation at Queens College, 90 graduates and family/friends/staff.  Felt different than last year because learned from experience.  


High school planning updates -  Charter amendment process in progress; will do focus groups with students, staff, alumni and parents; broad survey to entire school community; goal is understand the key FP elements that should continue on to HS, and then new elements that will be meaningful at HS.  Facilities - have conversations with Pi Capital for development across the street; Z drafted layout for standalone school site at location.  Pi capital said they are interested in stand alone school model. Also offered idea of moving middle school to high school building as well.  Need to solve for issue of incubation time period, which could be 5 years, so entire cohort of HS might not be in building, which presents challenge in finalizing details for site.  Bridget is leading focus groups.


Discussion of several potential real estate options, short term and long term.  


Could commit to space for 1-2 years by end of fall 2022. Martin Luther HS option.  Currently used an incubation space for elementary school but space is available for 2023 start


Updates in building:  Leadership development, training and summer school.  


Justin Smith: Summer school happening at present. Leadership teams in building doing leadership training.  Last year training was intro to roles. This year we are reflecting on past year and thinking ahead.   Focusing on tighter response to data for leaders and shifting gradebook assessments to reflect mastery of skills rather than grades being seen as a consequence or punishment.  Leaders heading into remote work next week.  In 3 weeks we have full team coming back for PD, new teaching training onboarding.  Couple weeks of rest and now driving forward.  


Leadership team: GB and JS; two APs, divided by upper and lower grade and content; Dean of Student Culture; Dir of Operations; Dir. of Comm Programs; then teacher leaders, instructional coaches, mentor teachers as well.  


Hiring: Finalizing team for next school year; replacing 2 math teachers and PE teacher for next year.  


Enrollment: Exhausted wait list for 5th grade; working to fill 7 spots in 5th grade; 6th and 8th grades are overenrolled. 


Have identified handful of parents who have children that graduated from FP but no current students for role at FP.


Self evaluation will be ready for review in next month.


Reminder to complete financial disclosure by 7/24


LF: Ask for GB admin to post existing content on LinkedIn


LF: Put on Board agenda for fall to discuss hiring/recruitment for HS launch.  


GB: Have pipeline plan model from another Charter school and happy to share.

New board chair election in September 2022.  Need to have name in running by August.  Reach out to Lisa if interested.


Everyone to ask 3 people about Board seats.


Decided that we want majority of Board members in NY. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Rothman