Literacy First Charter Schools
Literacy First Charter School Board of Trustees
Date and Time
Wednesday February 12, 2025 at 5:30 PM
To attend this meeting in person go to:
698 W Main Street
El Cajon, CA 92020
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Meeting ID: 828 2410 5333
Passcode: azYJy1
Literacy First Charter Schools exists to nurture the whole child from kindergarten through high school graduation by igniting a passion for comprehensive Literacy and equipping our students to wholeheartedly participate in their community.
Trustees Present
B. Johnson, J. Lewis, K. Evans, M. Simone
Trustees Absent
P. Schreiber
Guests Present
D. Beyer, L. Amorteguy, S. Robinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Flag Salute
Minutes from the January 15, 2025 Board Meeting
Current Agenda
Public Comment on Agenda Items
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
II. Executive Director's Report
School Events, Program, and Staffing Updates
Debbie Beyer, Executive Director, provided the board an update on staffing, programs,
attendance, and current newsletters for the 2024-25 school year.
Intervention and SPED Staff
Debbie Beyer introduced Troy Beyer who introduced the LFCS intervention and SPED staff to the
2024-25 LFCS Safety Plans
Victor Kempsey provided the board information on the 2024-25 LFCS Safety Plans
and recommended the board approve 2024-25 LFCS Safety Plan as presented.
2024-25 LFCS Training Programs
Justin Stinson provided the board information on the 2024-25 LFCS Teacher Training
2024-25 LFCS School Accountability Report Card
Gain Stroben recommended the board approve the 2024-25 LFCS School
Accountability Report Card as presented.
2024-25 LFCS LCAP Mid Year Report
Gail Stroben provided the board information on the 2024-25 LFCS LCAP Mid Year
III. Chief Business Officer's Report
Current Financial Report
Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the LFCS financials as of 1.31.25.
Contracts and Large Purchases Notifications
Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the following large contracts and purchases.
The Awning Store: LCHS canopy replacement for weight room area and back lunch
area: $29,840.
Alpine Fence: JA vinyl and privacy chain link fence replacement: $32,400.
Angus Asphalt: JA basketball court resurfacing and re-striping after filling in the cracks
after multiple turned ankles: $19,100
Facilities Report
Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the following facilities report.
LCHS Alpine: The district agreed to credit us the $20,040 for the solar repairs needed
to get the system running at capacity again. As of 12.28.24, the system is working at
capacity again. The new canopy and exercise equipment are the next steps in the
weight room project and have been ordered. Security system updated due to recent
trespassing issues. Cloud based phone system infrastructure work scheduled for the
end of June and installation in July.
Junior Academy: The permit for the installation of the left hand turn lane and "no
blocking" signs on Bradley per the new CUP is in its final stage. Precision Striping will
be the contractor for $9,500 (low bid). Fences along the west side of the property and
along property line of the immediate neighbor to the north have been replaced by Alpine Fence for $32,400 (vinyl and chain link). Cracks and potholes in the back parking lot have been repaired and sealed by Angus Asphalt for $8,650. Basketball court is scheduled to be resurfaced and re-striped over February break. An underground sewage pipe broke in the courtyard area and will be cleaned out and resurfaced to fix the break. The ADA work at Freedom House will be done summer 2025 with the project in permitting now and bids are being generated. Tile work is the last remaining part of the current flooring upgrades to be completed this summer. Cloud
based phone system infrastructure work scheduled for the end of June and installation
in July. Solar is being explored for this campus.
Primary Academy: We are pricing repairs to the playground structure now that we
have executed the 5 year lease.
Liberty Academy: A meeting with RWE representatives and LFCS parents and staff
was held on 12.10.24 at 6:00pm at 698 W Main. Construction of RWE's project
continues at 203 N Johnson Ave. Playground and turf replacement planned for
summer 2025. Cloud based phone system infrastructure updates scheduled for late
June and installation in July. Solar is being explored for this campus.
Legal Issues
Steve Robinson, CBO, shared that the surety bond was returned to LFCS with interest as well as the prorated portion of the annual premium.
Freedom House ADA Bids
Steve Robinson, CBO, asked to table this discussion and vote until March 12th 2025 Board Meeting
JA and LA Solar Bids
Steve Robinson, CBO, asked to table this discussion and vote until March 12th 2025 Board meeting
Form 700
Steve Robinson, CBO, provided board members their Form 700 to complete and return by the March 12th 2025 board meeting.
LFCS Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures
Steve Robinson, CBO, recommended the board approve the LFCS Title IX Policy and Grievance
Christy White audit contract for 2024-25 through 2026-27 fiscal years
Steve Robinson, CBO, recommended the board approve the Christy White contract to perform
independent audits and tax preparation for fiscal years 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-
IV. Governance
Governance Committee Report
Katina Evans presented notes from Governance Committee meeting on February 10th 2025. Discussion on creating goals, using Board on Track tools to help, creating a succession plan for Board and LFCS staff. Adding discussion items for Board Members on challenges Charter Schools face and how to be advocates for Charters and LFCS. The committee will meet again and discuss opportunities for a retreat.
Finance Committee Report
Matt Simone shared nothing to report at this time.
Facilities Committee Report
Jason Lewis shared nothing to report at this time.
V. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
The board discussed the CBO's performance review. No action taken.