Literacy First Charter Schools


Literacy First Charter School Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM


To attend this meeting in person go to:


698 W Main Street

El Cajon, CA 92020


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Meeting ID: 828 2410 5333
Passcode: azYJy1

Literacy First Charter Schools exists to nurture the whole child from kindergarten through high school graduation by igniting a passion for comprehensive Literacy and equipping our students to wholeheartedly participate in their community.

Trustees Present

B. Johnson, J. Lewis, K. Evans, M. Simone

Trustees Absent

P. Schreiber

Guests Present

D. Beyer, L. Amorteguy, S. Robinson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Evans called a meeting of the board of trustees of Literacy First Charter Schools to order on Wednesday Nov 13, 2024 at 5:39 PM.


Flag Salute


Minutes from the October 9, 2024 Board Meeting

M. Simone made a motion to approve the minutes from October 9th 2024 Literacy First Charter School Board of Trustees on 10-09-24.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Current Agenda

B. Johnson made a motion to Approve the agenda for Regular Board Meeting November 13th 2024.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment on Agenda Items



Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items


II. Executive Director's Report


School Events, Program, and Staffing Updates

Debbie Beyer, Executive Director, shared her invitation to the San Diego County Board meeting she attended November 13th, 2024 where she shared about our charter school with them.  

Debbie shared about our Veteran's Day celebrations last Friday.  Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are coming in December for K-12.  There were 2 teacher staff changes last month in 3rd grade and 2nd grade.  


2024-25 Language Support Program

Laura LaHood shared at the October 9th Board Meeting


2024-25 LFCS Sports Program

Linn Dunton, Athletic Director, provided the board information on the 2024-25 LFCS Sports program.


LFCS Special Education Report

Troy Beyer,  Director of Specialized Services and Communications, provided the board information on the 2024-25 LFCS SPED program.

III. Chief Business Officer's Report


Current Financial Report

Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the school's financials as of 10.31.24.


Contracts and Large Purchases Notifications

Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the following contracts and large purchases:

McGraw Hill: ELA Curriculum Adoption: $24,416.40 (Arts Music Instr. Materials Block
Grant; $1,034,083 spent on 2024-25 ELA and Math curriculum adoptions).
Peter Kim: LFCS Website Redesign: $6,500
Playtime Pros: ELOP for the month of September: $76,781
Charter Tech: 10 Document Cameras and spare parts: $11,052.27
Innovative Playgrounds: Down payment for new turf and playground for the LA:


Facilities Report

Steve Robinson, CBO, shared the following facilities report for all campus':

LCHS Alpine: A container has been purchased and delivered to LCHS for use as a
weight room. Flooring for the weight room is now being priced. Solar system repairs
needed. Cloud based phone system infrastructure work scheduled for the end of June
and installation in July.

Junior Academy: The permit for the installation of the left hand turn lane and "no
blocking" signs on Bradley per the new CUP have been approved by the city and are
on their way to the county for final approval as the project spans both city and county
property. The ADA work at Freedom House will be done summer 2025 with the project
in permitting now and bids are being generated. The turf and stair project is scheduled
for Christmas break. as is carpet and tile installation. Carpeting in the two story
building completed over October break. Cloud based phone system infrastructure
work scheduled for the end of June and installation in July.

Primary Academy: Fence project inspected and complete.

Liberty Academy: School leadership has had multiple meetings with representatives
from RWE, the battery storage company, to discuss safety concerns. A meeting for
parents and staff is scheduled December.  Construction has started at 203 N
Johnson Ave. A new 8 camera security system was installed during October break.
Playground and turf replacement planned for summer 2025. Cloud based phone
system infrastructure updates scheduled for late June and installation in July.


Legal Issues

Steve Robinson, CBO, shared that Surety bond is cancelled and should be returned to us in January 2025.


Resolution 2025-02 Merit Pay

Steve Robinson, CBO, recommended the board approve Resolution 2025-02 authorizing school
leadership to provide LFCS staff Merit Pay in the December 2024 payroll cycle in
accordance with the Merit Pay stipulations articulated in the board approved LFCS
Special Compensations. 59.62% of LFCS students met or exceeded standard on the
ELA CAASPP exam compared to 47.04% statewide. 48.78% of LFCS students met or
exceeded standard on the Mathematics CAASPP exam compared to 35.54%
statewide. Merit pay is a budgeted expense and revenues are projected to be in
excess of expenses.

B. Johnson made a motion to Approve Resolution 2025-02 Merit Pay.
M. Simone seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Resolution 2025-03 Longevity Pay

Steve Robinson, CBO, recommended the board approve Resolution 2025-03 authorizing school
leadership to provide LFCS staff Longevity Pay in the December 2024 payroll cycle in
accordance with the Longevity Pay stipulations in the board approved LFCS Special
Compensations. Longevity pay is a budgeted expense and revenues are projected to
be in excess of expenses.

M. Simone made a motion to Approve Resolution 2025-03 Longevity Pay.
B. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Freedom House ADA Bids



Lease for 799 E Washington Ave

Steve Robinson, CBO, recommended the board approve the new lease for our Primary Academy
campus located at 799 E Washington Ave El Cajon, CA 92020. It is a 5.5 year term
that will go into effect on December 1, 2024 and expire on June 30, 2030 if approved.
Otherwise, the current lease expires June 30, 2026.

M. Simone made a motion to Approved the new lease for 799 E Washington Ave.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Simone
P. Schreiber
J. Lewis
B. Johnson
K. Evans

IV. Governance


Nominating Committee for Board Officers

Katina Evans recommended the board vote to create a nominating committee for
board officers and appoint two members for the committee. 

M. Simone made a motion to Approve a Nominating Committee for Board Officers with the following members Matthew Simone and Barbara Johnson serving as the committee.
B. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Governance Committee Report

Board members shared what they learned from reading pages 4-49 of the LFCS Charter.   


2024-25 Brown Act Training

Steve Robinson, CBO, answered questions from board members based on the 9.19.24 Young Minney Corr Brown Act Training. 


Finance Committee Report



Facilities Committee Report


V. Closed Session


Enter Closed Session

M. Simone made a motion to Enter into closed session at 7:26 pm.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Real Estate Matters

No action taken.


Adjourn Closed Session

M. Simone made a motion to End Closed Session at 7:49pm.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Simone
P. Schreiber
B. Johnson
J. Lewis
K. Evans

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

B. Johnson made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 7:51pm.
J. Lewis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Lewis
M. Simone
K. Evans
B. Johnson
P. Schreiber
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Robinson