Literacy First Charter Schools

Literacy First Charter School Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting
Published on June 9, 2023 at 12:19 PM PDT
Amended on June 11, 2023 at 2:42 PM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday June 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM PDT


To attend in person go to: 


698 W Main Street

El Cajon, CA 92020


To attend remotely: 


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 899 7981 1262
Passcode: zgUJ0d

Literacy First Charter Schools exists to nurture the whole child from kindergarten through high school graduation by igniting a passion for comprehensive Literacy and equipping our students to wholeheartedly participate in their community.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  C. Flag Salute   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  D. Approve the Minutes from the May 10, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  E. Approve Current Agenda Vote Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  F. Public Comment on Agenda Items Discuss 5 m
  G. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items Discuss 5 m
II. Executive Director's Report 5:45 PM
  A. School Events, Program, and Staffing Updates Discuss Debbie Beyer 20 m
  B. Academic Report Discuss Debbie Beyer 10 m
  C. 2023-24 LFCS LCAP, Budget Overview for Parents, and Local Indicators Discuss Gail Stroben 15 m

This is a public hearing of the 2023-24 LFCS LCAP, including the budget overview for parents, and federal addendum.


The local indicators are read aloud as information to the board.


The 2023-24 LFCS LCAP, budget overview for parents, and federal addendum will be scheduled for the June 22, 2023 board meeting for a vote.

III. Chief Business Officer's Report 6:30 PM
  A. Current Financial Report Discuss Steve Robinson 15 m

The CBO will inform the board regarding the schools' finances as of 5.31.2023.

  B. Contracts and Large Purchases Notifications Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

The follow large contracts and/or purchases were executed since the last board meeting:


Kniffing: long jump pit at LCHS: $10,600.


The Awning Store, Inc: new awnings at the LA: $9,595.00


SCS Engineers: Asbestos surveys for all 4 campuses per previously board approved contract for $54,250: $42,757.50


Jesus Higuera Tree Service: Cut back trees on west side of the JA campus in response to neighbor complaints. Job was bigger than expected: $10,550.


Jesus Higuera Tree Service: Cut back two trees on the east side of the JA campus in response to neighbor complaints: $950.

  C. Facilities Report Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

LCHS Alpine: Asphalt work being scheduled for summer 2023. Asbestos survey completed.


Junior Academy: Emergency tree trimming and removal. Asphalt work, carpet replacement, and 2nd story student bathroom remodel being scheduled for summer 2023. CUP amendment application with traffic study sent to El Cajon Planning Dept. on April 28.  In communication with a Certified Access Specialist to determine scope of ADA compliance work for the Freedom Academy offices. Asbestos survey completed.


Primary Academy: Scheduled tree trimming. Exterior painting being scheduled for summer 2023. Asbestos survey completed.


Liberty Academy: Exterior painting, carpet replacement, sprinkler replacement / repair, canvas awning replacement, possible roof work being scheduled for summer 2023. Asbestos survey completed.

  D. Update on SOS Lawsuits Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

SOS v. SDCOE: Status hearing held on 4.28.23: 1/2 day mediation ordered by the judge. Hearing date in January or February 2024 if the case is not settled prior. Our attorneys filed a notice of related cases to link this case to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors case an is working with the court to formalize this relationship. A follow up status conference was held on 6.2.2023 when the judge set a hearing date for March 1, 2024 at 1:30pm with the understanding that the parties will continue to work on a settlement through mediation.


SOS v. SDCBS: Hearing before a CEQA judge to squash  on May 28, 2023 resulted in a ruling that LFCS as a real party in interest does not need to be properly served. The next hearing date is set for February 9, 2024 to rule on the merits of the case. County counsel plans to file a dispositive motion as the Major Use Permit is expired. The judge indicated he had no problem with filing such a motion. SOS counsel objected which incurred, according to our attorney, a cynical comment from the judge about attorney's fees wagging the dog.

  E. 2023-24 LFCS Budget Discuss Steve Robinson 10 m

Public reading of the 2023-24 LFCS proposed budget.

  F. 2023-24 Salary Schedules Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the 2023-24 LFCS Salary Schedules. These schedules reflect a 4% COLA and a 2% Step increase so a returning employee will earn a 6% higher base salary than they did in 2022-23. These new salaries as well as the 3% Performance Bonus paid out in December as well as the Longevity bonus also paid out in December have been budgeted in 2023-24.

  G. Resolution 2023-07 for $3,000 retention bonus in 2023-24 Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve Resolution 2023-07 authorizing the school to pay all employees, upon certain conditions, a $3000 retention bonus in fiscal year 2023-24 in three equal payments made in the October, March, and June payroll cycles. This bonus is an allowable use of ESSER III funds as it addresses the pandemic induced labor shortage in the education field.

  H. Executive Director's 2023-24 Compensation Package Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the multi-year executive director's contract. 


  I. Contract to improve the field at the Junior Academy Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the Anything and Everything Landscape Inc, proposal to replace broken sprinklers and reseed the field at the Junior Academy for $15,172. Kniffing's Landscape and Maintenance's proposal for the same work is $23,000.

  J. 6th grade camp contract with SDCOE Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the contract to continue using SDCOE for 6th grade camp for the next 3 years.

  K. Updated LFCS Homeless and Foster Youth Education Policy Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the updated LFCS Homeless and Foster Youth Policy. During our Federal Program Monitoring, the CDE reviewer found two items that needed to be added. These additions are the following found in the first two full paragraphs of the last page of the policy document as cited below. There are no other changes from the version that was previous board approved on January 11, 2023.


"To ensure easy identification of homeless students, Literacy First Charter Schools will annually administer a housing questionnaire developed by the California Department of Education to all parents or guardians of students as well as to all unaccompanied youths."


"LFCS will not segregate homeless children and youths into a separate school or program based on their status as homeless nor will LFCS stigmatize homeless students in any way."



  L. Sale of Chase Ave FYI Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO would like to inform the board that escrow is due to close on the sale of the Chase Ave property on June 13, 2023. Broker fees, title fees, and the remaining balance on the loan to East County Schools Federal Credit Union will be paid directly from the escrow account, leaving LFCS with an estimated $499,047 in net proceeds from the sale and title to the ground lease at 698 W Main Street paid in full.

  M. Approval of the Written Consent of Sole Member of Literacy First Charter Schools Issuer, LLC Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the Written Consent of the Sole Member of Literacy First Charter Schools Issuer, LLC which authorizes the Amendment to Lease Agreement where the school now pays $0 in monthly rent to 698 W Main Street Issuer LLC for the ground lease at 698 W Main El Cajon, CA 92020.

  N. Approval of Amendment to Lease Agreement Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve the Amendment to Lease Agreement which formally changes the monthly rent the school pays for the land at 698 W Main Street from $20,936.67 to $0 as a result of paying off the short term loan to East County Schools Federal Credit Union. The former lease payment was in the amount of the monthly loan payment.

  O. Federal Program Monitoring Report Discuss Steve Robinson 15 m

LFCS has been under Federal Program Monitoring this school year through staff at CDE. CDE staff have reviewed our compliance with the Title I requirements associated with the Homeless and Compensatory Education provisions of federal and state law. The CBO has been working with CDE staff this school year supplying the required documentation. CDE staff met via Zoom with LFCS staff and the LFCS School Site Council June 5-6 in lieu of an on site visit as part of the monitoring process. The final report contains three findings related to notifying parents of our Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, notifying parents of their rights to request the qualifications of their child's teacher, and the reversal in our general ledger of all but $27,600 in Title I funds expensed to Charter Tech. This year long process has been very helpful in clarifying what the school needs to have in place to properly spend Title I funds and has clarified that we can spend Title I funds on the salaries and benefits of existing Intervention staff regardless of having used general funds to pay for these expenses previously. The supplement not supplant requirement applies to the program being funded more than how that program was funded previously. CDE staff congratulated LFCS for how it meets the needs of its at risk students. All three findings will be resolved by October 1, 2023.

IV. Governance 8:10 PM
  A. Governance Committee Report Discuss Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Report Discuss Mathew Simone 5 m
  C. Facilities Committee Report Discuss Jason Lewis 5 m
V. Closed Session 8:25 PM
  A. Enter Closed Session Vote Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
  B. Adjourn Closed Session Vote Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
VI. Closing Items 8:35 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Priscilla Schreiber 1 m