Literacy First Charter Schools

Literacy First Charter School Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting
Published on May 5, 2023 at 9:20 AM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM PDT


To attend this meeting in person, please go to


698 W Main Street

El Cajon, CA 92020


Please contact Steve Robinson by phone 619.422.5197 or by email to request any disability related access to this board meeting.


Documents related to this meeting are available online at by following the "LFCS Board of Trustees Meeting Agendas" link, in hard copy form at the on site meeting location or by emailing Steve Robinson at


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Meeting ID: 834 3470 2344
Passcode: gtc2w4

Literacy First Charter Schools exists to nurture the whole child from kindergarten through high school graduation by igniting a passion for comprehensive Literacy and equipping our students to wholeheartedly participate in their community.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  C. Flag Salute   Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  D. Approve the Minutes from the April 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  E. Approve Current Agenda Vote Priscilla Schreiber 1 m
  F. Public Comment on Agenda Items Discuss 5 m
  G. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items Discuss 5 m
II. Executive Director's Report 5:45 PM
  A. School Events, Program, and Staffing Updates Discuss Debbie Beyer 20 m
  B. Academic Report Discuss Debbie Beyer 10 m
  C. Year 2 Induction Teachers and Mentors Presentations FYI Justin Stinson 30 m

Teachers completing year 2 of their Induction program will share with the board the findings of their research. These teachers will be accompanied by their Induction mentor.

  D. Declaration of Need Vote Justin Stinson 5 m

School leadership recommends the board to approve the 2023-2024 school year Declaration of Need (DON) for fully qualified educators at Literacy First Charter Schools. Board Approval will allow for future hires as needed for the 2023-2024 school year and is in compliance with the requirements and Ed Code set forth by the Commission of Teacher Credentialing with the new and current DON CL- 500 form. 


  E. Committee on Assignment Vote Justin Stinson 5 m

School leadership recommends the Committee on Assignment for Board approval which will allow Mr. Chris Castberg's assignment to teach high school ceramics in the 2023-2024 school year and is in compliance with the Superintendent of the San Diego County Board of Education. EC 44258.7 (c)(d) (Elective classes only)


  F. Approve 2023-24 LFCS K-12 Calendars Vote Debbie Beyer 5 m

The executive director recommends the board approve the 2023-24 LFCS K-12 calendars.

III. Chief Business Officer's Report 7:00 PM
  A. Current Financial Report Discuss Steve Robinson 15 m

The CBO will inform the board regarding the schools' finances as of 4.30.2023.

The governor's May budget revise is due May 14. 8.22% statutory COLA confirmed.

  B. Contracts and Large Purchases Notifications Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

The follow large contracts and/or purchases were executed since the last board meeting:


The Difference Card: this is a third party vendor to enable a gap funding model for payment of health care costs (not premiums) expected savings to be roughly $190,000 compared to renewing the 2022-23 health insurance plans: $4,500 set up fee, $5,685 monthly cost including insurance to protect LFCS from excessive claims.


Jesus Higuera Tree Service: tree trimming on two campuses: $11,000.


Mystery Science: K-5 science curriculum 2 year renewal: $7,770.


East County Schools Federal Credit Union: $2,000,000 on deposit in a CD bearing 4.4% annual interest per Resolution 2023-06.


Rios Fire Protection: replace / repair sprinklers below the T-Bar at Liberty Academy: $9,870 max based on estimated 235 sprinklers with a $40 rebate per sprinkler less than 235.

  C. Facilities Report Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

LCHS Alpine: Asphalt work being scheduled for summer 2023.


Junior Academy: Emergency tree trimming and removal. Asphalt work, carpet replacement, and 2nd story student bathroom remodel being scheduled for summer 2023. CUP amendment application with traffic study sent to El Cajon Planning Dept. on April 28.  In communication with a Certified Access Specialist to determine scope of ADA compliance work for the Freedom Academy offices.


Primary Academy: Scheduled tree trimming. Exterior painting being scheduled for summer 2023.


Liberty Academy: Exterior painting, carpet replacement, sprinkler replacement / repair, canvas replacement, possible roof work being scheduled for summer 2023.

  D. Update on SOS Lawsuits Discuss Steve Robinson 5 m

SOS v. SDCOE: Status hearing held on 4.28.23: 1/2 day mediation ordered by the judge. Hearing date in January or February 2024 if the case is not settled prior. Our attorneys filed a notice of related cases to link this case to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors case an is working with the court to formalize this relationship.


SOS v. SDCBS: Hearing before a CEQA judge to squash scheduled for May 28.

  E. LFCS Expanded Learning Opportunity Program Plan Vote Steve Robinson 5 m

The CBO recommends the board approve Literacy First Charter Schools' Expanded Learning Opportunity Program Plan.

  F. The Difference Card Application / Contract Vote Steve Robinson 10 m

The CBO recommends the board approve LFCS' application with The Difference Card. The fee is $50.76 per employee per month who are enrolled in a Sharp or Kaiser HMO (currently 116). Employees will use this card to pay for health care co-pays within a gap funding model. Projected 2023-24 savings to LFCS is approximately $190,000 and projected 2023-24 health care premium savings to individual employees are $1,500 - $4,400. We remain with Alliant as our health, vision, dental, and life insurance broker. The Difference Card partners with Alliant to deliver a gap funding model of health care. Our dental and vision plans remain unchanged with Principal and VSP as carriers. Our Life Insurance coverage and costs will remain the same but we are changing carriers to Mutual of Omaha as our existing carrier increased the premiums.

IV. Governance 7:45 PM
  A. Governance Committee Report Discuss Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Report Discuss Mathew Simone 5 m
  C. Facilities Committee Report Discuss Jason Lewis 5 m
V. Closed Session 8:00 PM
  A. Enter Closed Session Vote Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
  B. Adjourn Closed Session Vote Priscilla Schreiber 5 m
VI. Closing Items 8:10 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Priscilla Schreiber 1 m