Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport
GOBPT September Governance Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 4:30 PM
375 Howard Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Committee Members Present
Bob Carlson, Tenssie Ramsay
Committee Members Absent
Bea Bagley, Corey Sneed, David Zieff
Guests Present
Benjamin Chan, Farah Martin, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Bob Carlson called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport to order on Wednesday Sep 11, 2024 at 4:35 PM.
Approve Minutes
Tenssie Ramsay made a motion to approve the minutes from GOBPT June Governance Committee Meeting on 06-17-24.
Bob Carlson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Governance Committee
Chief Executive Officer Report
Chief Operating Officer Report
Latoya Hubbard went over COO report.
Enrollment Update:
- Enrollment number is at 650 and under enrolled by 11 students.
- We've seen that enrollment has been impacted by the changes of the schedule at BPS
- 65% of students that withdrew in the summer was from August 20- today (September 11)
- Our waitlist for the 9th grade is growing
- We are also seeing a significant later draw and Bridgeport Magnet Schools
Our efforts are still going strong to reach our enrollment target of 661 students.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Carlson
John Scalice went over CEO report.
School opening went fantastic! We began our new school dismissal time at 2:15pm and noticed immediate impact on student attendance increased, lateness was reduced and students were in the classroom.
In August during professional development, we implemented Commissioners Network plan.
J. Scalice went to the High School and Middle School and did a visit. J. Scalice saw that all teachers are using Corwin, Tier 1 instructional and climate culture with discipline in the classrooms.
Bridgeport Public Schools sent families and us a notice that they are changing their schedules. Those 15 minutes shift impacts us an hour and 5 minutes. Any change they make impacts our school. There are plans in progress which will be discussed in the board meeting.