Soleil Academy
Soleil Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 5:00 PM
12315 Thorson Ave Lynwood, CA. 90262 (Satellite Option: 3900 Agnes Ave. Lynwood, CA 90262)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 458 5437
Passcode: 155911
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Board Meeting will be held at 12315 Thorson Ave Lynwood, CA. 90262 and on zoom on the above date and time. During the meeting, the Board will consider, discuss, and may take action upon any of the agenda items listed below.
PUBLIC COMMENT – Members of the public calling in or participating via Zoom will be given the opportunity to address the Board during the meeting. Members of the public who wish to comment during the Board meeting may use the “raise hand” function on the Zoom platform to indicate their desire to speak at the beginning of consideration of that agenda item or during the period provided for comments from the public on non-agenda items. Members of the public who wish to speak on any item are requested (but not required) to identify themselves and indicate on which agenda item they wish to speak. The Board will provide an opportunity for the public to speak on each agenda item for a maximum of three (3) minutes per person or six (6) minutes if a translation is required.
ACCESSIBILITY – If you need special assistance, disability-related modifications, translation, or other reasonable accommodations in order to participate in this meeting, please contact Gricelda Ramirez at (323) 409-0801. Notification at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will enable Soleil Academy to make arrangements that will ensure accessibility.
Directors Present
J. Noel, K. Armstrong (remote), S. Johnson, V. Gonzalez-Diaz, V. Reynolds
Directors Absent
L. Safa
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Kinoshita
Non Voting Members Present
J. Kinoshita
Guests Present
Addison Grant (remote), M. Serrano, R. Avilez
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
II. Consent Agenda
Minutes from 10/23/24 Soleil Academy Board Meeting
III. Management Update
Soleil Management Updates
IV. Governance Committee
Upcoming Brown Act Training scheduled for December
Board Composition and Growth
Looking to further discuss Board recruitment
V. Finance Committee
Enrollment is currently 3 students above budget, resulting in an increase in LCFF Revenue. The increase is related to the increase in ADA.
Forecast includes restricted one-time funds. An additional amount remains available to spend through FY27/28.
The revenue variance from the prior month is related to increases in ELOP, Nutrition, and LCFF. The expense variances are mainly related to increases in Health & Welfare, Nutrition, and SPED Costs.
Audit Draft
Addison did a comparison on what was reported in the unaudited actuals and the audit.
In order to decrease the amount of variance next time we will institute an enhanced review process, more communication and checkpoints. Items will be flagged before year end so they can be addressed earlier.
Some minor clerical errors and board term end dates will need to be corrected.
October Financials Comprising 1st Interim Report
The main points that were reported were the actuals to date, forecast, and budgeted numbers.
The preliminary and board approved budgets were reviewed.
V. Reynold inquired about why depreciation and amortization are projected to be far from budget.
VI. Academic Committee
Key findings from 23-24 SBAC Data Analysis:
The data suggests inconsistency in
instructional quality:
- Visible stagnation math proficiency goals.
- Significant declines from year to year in ELA
- 3rd grade ELA showed a healthy 5% improvement where 4th grade ELA had a 13% decline. These large grade level to grade level to swings indicate some grade level teams have more effective instructional strategies, while others may be structling with consistency of rigor
The data also points to limited interventions for students near proficiency:
A significant number of students are in the "Standard Nearly Met" category,
indicating missed opportunities to push these students into proficiency
with targeted interventions.
- Across all grades, 26% to 38% of students are in band 2 in ELA
- Across all grades, 25% to 49% of students are in Band 2 in Math
Review of priorities: People Development and Effective Tier 1 Instruction
Priority 1 Action Plan:
2024-2025: Foundational PD on Tier 1 Instruction Strategies
Deliver foundational PD on data literacy and reteaching, while supporting department leaders in facilitating PLCs and providing ongoing coaching to reinforce data-driven adjustments.
2025-2026 : Advanced PD on Differentiation and Long-Term Data Use
Provide advanced PD on differentiation and long-term data analysis, with case studies and reflection sessions, while offering targeted coaching on applying differentiated instruction based on student data.
Updates to metrics for Priority 1 were reviewed.
Priority 2 Action Plan:
2024-2025 Support Professional Development and Collaboration
Professional development and collaboration are essential. Teachers will integrate CKLA and i-Ready into targeted sessions, with coaches providing support to align lesson planning. Regular collaboration will allow teachers to share strategies and refine methods, while PD will focus on aggressive monitoring in ELA and math whole also collecting data through entrance and exit tickets.
2025-2026: Monitor & Evaluate Progress
To monitor student progress, we’ll collect exit ticket data in ELA and entrance ticket data in Math to assess understanding. Regular STAR, i-Ready diagnostic and unit assessments will help track growth and adjust instruction. Bi-weekly data meetings will review trends, discuss progress, and plan any necessary instructional adjustments or reteaching.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Board composition and growth which was skipped and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Topics to be covered in December: Brown Act Training, Approval of 23-24 SARC, Review Financials
Actions taken on LCAP Goals:
Goal 1: Bullying Prevention Workshop, College Field Trip
Goal 2: Guided Reading PD, Aggressive Monitoring PD, Internalization Protocol
Goal 3: Cafecitos, Middel School Fair, Fall Parade, Study Skills Parent Workshop, Parent Teacher Conference
Upcoming events:
Facilites Committee Update:
Audit Committee Update